
That's how you choose to describe it. I choose to describe it for what it is: protesting against a lying, tyrannical government.

One does not need to lie in order to protest, and if they follow a religion that has a commandment against it really should pay attention to what they are doing.

1. I don't care if you protest taxes.
2. I do care if you think I am stupid enough to take that weak excuse for lying. I'm not stupid, and I can't believe you think an all knowing God would be. You insult my intelligence, I can't imagine how such a God must feel about how little respect you have for both His mind and His Commandments.

Be brave, protest with balls. Don't lie then try to tell god you are just "protesting" through "fibbing"...

You're lying, and bearing false witness. If you think God doesn't care, why did he supposedly put them in the top 10 list?

Seriously, if I'm not stupid enough to fall for it, why are you trying to make me believe God will be?

Have balls and protest like a man, without the lying excuses given to you by another source than God...

Either that or shut up, you have no moral authority to judge the sin of another, yours are enough of a mote to remove before you start looking for splinters.
One does not need to lie in order to protest, and if they follow a religion that has a commandment against it really should pay attention to what they are doing.

1. I don't care if you protest taxes.
2. I do care if you think I am stupid enough to take that weak excuse for lying. I'm not stupid, and I can't believe you think an all knowing God would be. You insult my intelligence, I can't imagine how such a God must feel about how little respect you have for both His mind and His Commandments.

Be brave, protest with balls. Don't lie then try to tell god you are just "protesting" through "fibbing"...

You're lying, and bearing false witness. If you think God doesn't care, why did he supposedly put them in the top 10 list?

Seriously, if I'm not stupid enough to fall for it, why are you trying to make me believe God will be?

Have balls and protest like a man, without the lying excuses given to you by another source than God...

Either that or shut up, you have no moral authority to judge the sin of another, yours are enough of a mote to remove before you start looking for splinters.

Bravo. If that doesn't silence him, nothing will.
One does not need to lie in order to protest, and if they follow a religion that has a commandment against it really should pay attention to what they are doing.

1. I don't care if you protest taxes.
2. I do care if you think I am stupid enough to take that weak excuse for lying. I'm not stupid, and I can't believe you think an all knowing God would be. You insult my intelligence, I can't imagine how such a God must feel about how little respect you have for both His mind and His Commandments.

Be brave, protest with balls. Don't lie then try to tell god you are just "protesting" through "fibbing"...

You're lying, and bearing false witness. If you think God doesn't care, why did he supposedly put them in the top 10 list?

Seriously, if I'm not stupid enough to fall for it, why are you trying to make me believe God will be?

Have balls and protest like a man, without the lying excuses given to you by another source than God...

Either that or shut up, you have no moral authority to judge the sin of another, yours are enough of a mote to remove before you start looking for splinters.

I may stand up and cheer! Well said, Damo!
Where does it say that God said it? Because then as now, we have a lot of folks "speaking for God, in lieu of God", and therein lies the rub. Jesus' words are always in red.

not a typical Christian perspective....

Leviticus 1:1
1 The LORD called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting. He said, 2 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ........
One does not need to lie in order to protest, and if they follow a religion that has a commandment against it really should pay attention to what they are doing.

1. I don't care if you protest taxes.
2. I do care if you think I am stupid enough to take that weak excuse for lying. I'm not stupid, and I can't believe you think an all knowing God would be. You insult my intelligence, I can't imagine how such a God must feel about how little respect you have for both His mind and His Commandments.

Be brave, protest with balls. Don't lie then try to tell god you are just "protesting" through "fibbing"...

You're lying, and bearing false witness. If you think God doesn't care, why did he supposedly put them in the top 10 list?

Seriously, if I'm not stupid enough to fall for it, why are you trying to make me believe God will be?

Have balls and protest like a man, without the lying excuses given to you by another source than God...

Either that or shut up, you have no moral authority to judge the sin of another, yours are enough of a mote to remove before you start looking for splinters.

Solitary has judged tax evasion as a lie. If that is true, then spying on your enemy or gaining the element of surprise is also worthy of condemnation.
I say no. In a battle against an enemy with vastly superior resources one doesn't beat his chest in open challenge. That would mark him as a fool, nothing more. The clandestine warrior prevails. :D
because it's traditional for people who make claims to back them long as we both agree you're full of shit, there is no need for you to provide anything......

I provided back up for my claims, on several different occasions, in several different threads, on several different days. The fact that you are so retarded and self-obsessed as not to be able to find it is a personal problem. My mission isn't to coddle you, kiss your boo-boos, or catch you each and every time you fall. I'm not posting it again, which hardly invalidates the content, or the reliability of the source. You can think whatever you like, as you said, it doesn't matter.
Solitary has judged tax evasion as a lie. If that is true, then spying on your enemy or gaining the element of surprise is also worthy of condemnation.
I say no. In a battle against an enemy with vastly superior resources one doesn't beat his chest in open challenge. That would mark him as a fool, nothing more. The clandestine warrior prevails. :D

Yes, for a Christian spying on your enemy is a sin. You are supposed to turn the other cheek.
So what excuse do you have to call me a liar?

Oh, so now you want me to explain why I posted what I posted? You have steadfastly refused to do so, but you expect others to do it?

Being the better man, I will give you the reason I called you a liar.

You posted "Solitary has judged tax evasion as a lie". That is a lie. I have not judged tax evasion as a sin.

Care to cite where I did? Or will you admit you lied? (yeah, I know, not much chance of that)