
Homosexuality is one of the most egregious sins against God. Evading taxation from an oppressive government isn't even on the radar screen.

Lying and bearing false witness in order to do it are. Trying to twist it, to convince God you aren't lying by using a Thesaurus isn't good for your soul, God is impossible to fool.

You try to tell me you are a hero, while you describe something that for most Christians means certain damnation. You should talk to your pastor, and if he's the one giving you this "advice" you may want to reconsider the true source of his "inspiration"... No pastor would lead his flock into lying and bearing false witness.

Protest taxes as you will, but don't lie and falsely claim that you are not perjuring yourself by signing the documents with lies on them.
Lying and bearing false witness in order to do it are. Trying to twist it, to convince God you aren't lying by using a Thesaurus isn't good for your soul, God is impossible to fool.

You try to tell me you are a hero, while you describe something that for most Christians means certain damnation. You should talk to your pastor, and if he's the one giving you this "advice" you may want to reconsider the true source of his "inspiration"... No pastor would lead his flock into lying and bearing false witness.

Protest taxes as you will, but don't lie and falsely claim that you are not perjuring yourself by signing the documents with lies on them.

Outstanding. Apropos. Leadership.
the issue isn't what you believe.....the issue is what the Bible is difficult to look at what the Bible states and take what you believe as credible....
Absolutely not. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. I have several Bibles. I can read. I can also discern. And what I've discerned doesn't remotely resemble what you and other "fake Christians" think. People believe different things. Hence, different faiths, sects, doctrine and dogma, and interpretation. I'm Episcopal, by birth. Almost a replica of Roman Catholicism. I don't take the Bible for every jot and tittle. My prerogative. My heart goes out to you, if you do.
we aren't referring to the Levitical code.....that code deals with maintaining righteousness as a prerequisite for offering acceptable sacrifices......the Hebrew word prohibiting specific acts in the Levitical code is different from the Hebrew word describing homosexual relations, incest, bestiality, idolatry and human sacrifice.......the fact that the same word is used to describe those five acts and none other anywhere in the Bible is what leads me to conclude God viewed them equally.......

Be enlightened.
LOL You, an admitted homosexual, claim without evidence that Paul was a homosexual and therefore has no credibility. LOL

Paul's letters were accepted into the Bible along with dozens of non-Gospel works as representative of Cristian principles. Are you claiming superior knowledge over these scholars? :D

Stupid bitch...unless it wasn't from a credible source, I wouldn't be posting reference to it. Google the topic, you stupid mf'er.

Accepted at the Council of Nicea...while many writings were omitted, undoubtedly for political reasons. I have links I can you?
Stupid bitch...unless it wasn't from a credible source, I wouldn't be posting reference to it. Google the topic, you stupid mf'er.

Accepted at the Council of Nicea...while many writings were omitted, undoubtedly for political reasons. I have links I can you?

you have links that claim Paul was a homosexual?.........let me it a link to Bruce at Religious Tolerance?.....
Stupid bitch...unless it wasn't from a credible source, I wouldn't be posting reference to it. Google the topic, you stupid mf'er.

Accepted at the Council of Nicea...while many writings were omitted, undoubtedly for political reasons. I have links I can you?

Then by all means cite your source. :)
That's how you choose to describe it. I choose to describe it for what it is: protesting against a lying, tyrannical government.

You can call it dancing a fandango in the town square, but it still boils down to lying. The taxation is irrelevant. That you lied is what is the sin.
That's how you choose to describe it. I choose to describe it for what it is: protesting against a lying, tyrannical government.

Meta-ethical relativism is the meta-ethical position that the truth or falsity of moral judgments is not objective. Justifications for moral judgments are not universal, but are instead relative to the traditions, convictions, or practices of an individual or a group of people.[1] The meta-ethical relativist might say "It's moral to me, because I believe it is".
