
Yes, Jesus did mention it. He gave the qualifications....a man and woman shall become one flesh. Two men or two women cannot become "one flesh". You don't understand what that means in Christianity. You're a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Also, "rumor" does not qualify when dividing the Word of God. We're dealing with scripture here, not the National Enquirer. Dumb ass.

What does Scripture have to say about homosexuality? The Christian community now possesses for the first time some excellent scholarly works on the treatment of homosexuality in Scripture, such as Robin Scroggs's The New Testament and Homosexuality (Fortress, 1984) and George Edwards's Gay/Lesbian Liberation: A Biblical Perspective (Pilgrim, 1984). We also have an excellent study of the development of Christian tradition regarding homosexuality: John Boswell's Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century (University of Chicago Press, 1980). And there are some very good theological reflections on human sexuality in the light of Christian revelation; see James Nelson's, Embodiment: An Approach to Sexuality, and Christian Theology (Pilgrim, 1978) and Between Two Gardens: Reflections on Sexuality and Religious Experience. (Pilgrim, 1983).

These scholars conclude that nowhere in Scripture is there a clear condemnation of a loving sexual relationship between two gay persons. Homosexuality is never mentioned in the Four Gospels' accounts of the ministry of Jesus -- a silence that would be inexplicable if this were the "most heinous crime," as tradition claims. Scriptural authors never deal with homosexual orientation, and when they do treat homosexual activity, they never do so in the context of a loving relationship. They presuppose that they are dealing with lustful activity freely chosen by heterosexuals (as in Romans 1), or they deal with a humanly destructive activity in the context of idolatry, prostitution, promiscuity, violent rape, seduction of children or violation of guests' rights

There can be no valid moral debate on these issues that does not include lesbian and gay people as full participants. The Holy Spirit has something to say to the churches in and through the experience of lesbian and homosexual Christians. A truly extraordinary witness to the kind of full human love that can exist between two gay persons is being manifested daily by AIDS victims and their lovers and friends. The exceptional fidelity, self-sacrifice and affection, as well as the pain, grief and sorrow and the deep spiritual response to the suffering and bereavement that is being expressed, is a sign to the churches of the presence of the Spirit of love in these relationships. "See how they love one another!"
The recent paper produced by Lutherans Concerned, "A Call for Dialogue: Gay and Lesbian Christians and the Ministry of the Lutheran Church," is an example of the eloquent theological reflections that are coming from gay Christians. Similar statements have been made by the Catholic gay group, Dignity; the Episcopal group, Integrity; the Methodist group, Affirmation; the Metropolitan Community Church; Evangelicals Concerned and others.

Lutherans Concerned summarizes its theological reflection with the following observation: "Indeed, gay and lesbian Christians, like any other Christians who have had deep encounters with the word of the Gospel, are able to see the word speaking directly and profoundly to their own experience. Lesbians and gay men will be bold enough to offer new insight into the Gospel to the whole community of Christ. They will claim the biblical word for themselves, in the experience of hoping and believing in the Gospel, of trusting in one's own conscience, even in the face of opposition.... Ultimately, lesbian and gay people within the church will make a great contribution to construction of relational ethics and to evangelical outreach, which we pray will draw many others who are estranged, alienated or unloved, to Jesus Christ, to the household of faith, and into the reconciliation which has begun."

Find some reference material that counters this one. -poet
Perhaps, while we are on the topic of scripture, you could address lying? Whether it is right or wrong?

It's a question of degree.

'Of course your bum doesn't look big in that' vs ' invest 'n' million dollars in this scheme and I will guarantee a 20% return.'
Perhaps, while we are on the topic of scripture, you could address lying? Whether it is right or wrong?

the perspective that I was raised with is that each of the Ten Commandments is like the bull's eye on a target......the outer rim of the target is the dividing line between that which God desires us to do and that which he does not desire us to do......we begin by looking at the central teaching inherent in a this instance, "we should not cause harm to another in what we say" in all the commandments there are things we should not do and things we should do.......we should not cause harm by bearing false witness against someone in court, for example.......but we should also speak up when necessary to prevent an injustice from occurring.....failure to both would be violations of the same commandment.......does telling someone they are fat, even if true, serve to fulfill the requirement that we should not cause harm in what we say?......

now I know someone out there is going to say I violate that commandment when I insult the intelligence of certain posters.......I have considered that question......I believe I would cause them more harm by letting them believe they are NOT idiots than I would by informing them that they are.......thus I speak out.....
Homosexuality is one of the most egregious sins against God. Evading taxation from an oppressive government isn't even on the radar screen.

Post the evidence where that is mentioned. I suppose you garnered your "inside information" in a personal phone call from the Almighty, where he intimated such.
I just love it when fake Christians, arrogantly, profess to know the mind of God.
Homosexuality is one of the most egregious sins against God. Evading taxation from an oppressive government isn't even on the radar screen.

Belief in imaginary words that you imagine are from an imaginary person is the greatest sin against the future of man.
Post the evidence where that is mentioned. I suppose you garnered your "inside information" in a personal phone call from the Almighty, where he intimated such.
I just love it when fake Christians, arrogantly, profess to know the mind of God.
The first recorded homosexual act and Noah's curse on Canaan, Genesis 9:22-25. God's curse on the Canaanite tribes and directive to Moses to smite and destroy them, Deuteronomy 7:1, 2. God's hatred and intolerance of the sin laid out in a law he gave to Moses, Leviticus 20:13. Paul's reiteration of it as a dreadful sin, Romans 1:26-27.
Post the evidence where that is mentioned. I suppose you garnered your "inside information" in a personal phone call from the Almighty, where he intimated such.
I just love it when fake Christians, arrogantly, profess to know the mind of God.

well, based on the original Hebrew text he does rank it equally with incest, bestiality, idolatry and human sacrifice.....based on that, I think it's safe to assume it didn't rank highly in his list of favorites.......
The first recorded homosexual act and Noah's curse on Canaan, Genesis 9:22-25. God's curse on the Canaanite tribes and directive to Moses to smite and destroy them, Deuteronomy 7:1, 2. God's hatred and intolerance of the sin laid out in a law he gave to Moses, Leviticus 20:13. Paul's reiteration of it as a dreadful sin, Romans 1:26-27.

Stupid Bitch. What are you talking about? I can't help it if you can't interpret scripture. The Old Testament is part of the Torah. And not a blueprint for Christians, but for Jews.
Paul was a repressed homosexual, by many accounts. Lots of credibility there. I don't believe what you believe, as is my prerogative. Therein lies the rub.

And you suggested that you knew the mind of God, by saying homosexuality was the most egregious sin in the eyes of God. Where did you get that. Christ, Himself, had nothing to say on the subject. And if you say that he did, you're lying.
well, based on the original Hebrew text he does rank it equally with incest, bestiality, idolatry and human sacrifice.....based on that, I think it's safe to assume it didn't rank highly in his list of favorites.......

The Jews were invaders in a hostile land. They couldn't afford for seed to be wasted, either via Onanism (masturbation) or Homosexuality. They need bodies for labor and protection. Hence Levitical Code.
I don't believe what you believe, as is my prerogative. Therein lies the rub.

the issue isn't what you believe.....the issue is what the Bible is difficult to look at what the Bible states and take what you believe as credible....
The Jews were invaders in a hostile land. They couldn't afford for seed to be wasted, either via Onanism (masturbation) or Homosexuality. They need bodies for labor and protection. Hence Levitical Code.

we aren't referring to the Levitical code.....that code deals with maintaining righteousness as a prerequisite for offering acceptable sacrifices......the Hebrew word prohibiting specific acts in the Levitical code is different from the Hebrew word describing homosexual relations, incest, bestiality, idolatry and human sacrifice.......the fact that the same word is used to describe those five acts and none other anywhere in the Bible is what leads me to conclude God viewed them equally.......
Stupid Bitch. What are you talking about? I can't help it if you can't interpret scripture. The Old Testament is part of the Torah. And not a blueprint for Christians, but for Jews.
Paul was a repressed homosexual, by many accounts. Lots of credibility there. I don't believe what you believe, as is my prerogative. Therein lies the rub.

And you suggested that you knew the mind of God, by saying homosexuality was the most egregious sin in the eyes of God. Where did you get that. Christ, Himself, had nothing to say on the subject. And if you say that he did, you're lying.

LOL You, an admitted homosexual, claim without evidence that Paul was a homosexual and therefore has no credibility. LOL

Paul's letters were accepted into the Bible along with dozens of non-Gospel works as representative of Cristian principles. Are you claiming superior knowledge over these scholars? :D