
Re-posted from Facebook:

It is typical for a narcissist to be a mental abuser. Common forms of abuse are insults, mocking, controlling, shouting, judging etc., you name it and if a narcissist believes it can hurt you, he or she is using it against you. Common phrases heard from the mouth of a narcissist are things such as "you deserve it", "you get what you deserve", "I am behaving like this towards you, because you are as you are, it is your own fault" etc. If you do not show with your every action that Narcissist is the most important thing in your world and that the happiness of Narcissist is your absolute priority, a narcissist becomes very nasty and hostile. - E.J.

Sound like folks we know? LOL

You really need to take a long look in that mirror of yours; because this is so ironic, that it's funny.

She posted it. It was Ruff who then showed it to a few posters via PM, who had not been around at the time- it was sometime after the fact. The one DY saw was of her protesting outside a Military Recruiting Office :eek:.

That picture must be the one where the Code Pink protest looked like a grounded Macys' Parade.
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lol...i did, more than once. i hope you're heading out to see a psychiatrist to help you with your severe delusions

Is yah kiddin', mon?

You didn't, actually. No verbiage whatsoever. You continued to insist that I made a whole bunch of assertions about Obama, by virtue of something I didn't say. It was pretty crazed.
Is yah kiddin', mon?

You didn't, actually. No verbiage whatsoever. You continued to insist that I made a whole bunch of assertions about Obama, by virtue of something I didn't say. It was pretty crazed.

i'm not kidding. you just refuse to accept the truth. just like when you claimed i did not deny something and when i showed you the exact words that i denied it, you still claimed i didn't. you're an insecure neurotic hack....
i'm not kidding. you just refuse to accept the truth. just like when you claimed i did not deny something and when i showed you the exact words that i denied it, you still claimed i didn't. you're an insecure neurotic hack....

Not even sure what you're talking about, but you provided nothing on the thread I'm referring to. You provided no verbiage whatsoever.

I can bump it again, if you'd like.
I only go by what I see. I see what your pal DY has written on this thread (and how interesting that you have no comment on it).

I didn't see anything that ID has said, and I have seen ID lie. I have no reason to put stock in what she's accusing Darla of.

What did I lie about oncler? I have no need to lie. You have seen it so it should be easy enough for you to prove.
The thread was better when we were just answering the initial question or talking about okra. Shame those two topics make up such a small part of the posts.