
Oh, sure - and you NEVER comment on Darla or any other lefty.

Did you read through DY's posts on this thread, btw? He's one of your faves. You should check it out...

another fail gotcha....i said i did not comment on darla in this instance, i never claimed i never comment, you tried to make an issue that i didn't comment in DY's comment, but it failed because i didn't comment on darla's stalking.

poor onceler, so insecure and so desperate for a win
Nah - I've gotta head out.

Let me know if he finally posts what I said that made him think I was portraying Obama as a "hero", though...

sorry, but no way in hell am I getting stuck babysitting yurtle... this be Friday. I am going to go out and play soon.
Truly a witty response Yurtsie.... I insinuate you are a child and your response is..... 'u still a child'.... really... how DO you come up with this stuff?

sorry the truth hurts so much

i find it hilarious how christie is not whining about sf's, onceler's, rana's, off topic posts....nope, that hijacking is ok
you're a lunatic. how is my RESPONSE to something a thread hijack? it was already hijacked and i was simply responding to it.

you're such a pathetic dishonest hack

Yes, he is. He has never "caught me in a lie". This thread was "hijacked" long before you or I ever posted in it.
WHo knows maybe it was? When they posted my pic ten years ago on aol, to "get me" 100 men on the board of all political views posted in the thread. One of them said I looked like roadkill. That was Free. I think some will remember what all the rest said. They're here to troll and throw shit up and see what sticks.

Someone probably told them it will get to me. That person doesn't know me.

Nope, wasn't me and you were the one who posted a picture.
It was the one where you were very drunk and I think it was 3 pictures you posted.
Nope, wasn't me and you were the one who posted a picture.
It was the one where you were very drunk and I think it was 3 pictures you posted.

She posted it. It was Ruff who then showed it to a few posters via PM, who had not been around at the time- it was sometime after the fact. The one DY saw was of her protesting outside a Military Recruiting Office :eek:.
I hate raisins... I don't understand why people want to eat rotten grapes. I also don't like prunes...

I make a turducken (yes I stuff the birds myself) every Christmas to go along with my jambalaya...

"yes I stuff the birds myself"

Now that's a picture that I wish I had a drawing for.
