
Ocra in gumbo is perfectly fine. Why you southern fools want to fry everything is beyond me. You ruin the taste of the food by frying it. IMO.

Family traditions are unexplainable. I actually fry very little, but okra is one thing I do subject to the iron skillet.
Family traditions are unexplainable. I actually fry very little, but okra is one thing I do subject to the iron skillet.

I know how that is. It took years to get my mom to stop frying everything. To each their own. But I prefer grilling, with similar spicing.

Curry, Oregano, Chipotle, Cayan, ground red & black pepper, garlic, onion ..... pretty much some mixture of those on most of what I cook.... so, I have my habits too. :)
FRESH tomatoes & okra over rice?? And cooked by a louisianian? Now that is tasty!

If your mother hailed from Louisianna she probably used okra in a lot of dishes. I love cajun, creole, and Nawlins cuisine!

My mother was a cook (in addition to being an outstanding elementary school teacher). I make her rum cake and Thanksgiving dressing with raisins.
My mother was a cook (in addition to being an outstanding elementary school teacher). I make her rum cake and Thanksgiving dressing with raisins.

I hate raisins... I don't understand why people want to eat rotten grapes. I also don't like prunes...

I make a turducken (yes I stuff the birds myself) every Christmas to go along with my jambalaya...
I hate raisins... I don't understand why people want to eat rotten grapes. I also don't like prunes...

I make a turducken (yes I stuff the birds myself) every Christmas to go along with my jambalaya...

They are not rotten, they are dried....

They are also quite awesome in Oatmeal cookies.... just sayin'
I hate raisins... I don't understand why people want to eat rotten grapes. I also don't like prunes...

I make a turducken (yes I stuff the birds myself) every Christmas to go along with my jambalaya...

Raisins aren't rotten grapes. You don't like prunes? Maybe if you did, you could "un-pack". LOL. And the board would be relieved, along with you.
It is difficult to describe the pleasure derived by scrolling past dozens of messages that simply proclaim:

This message is hidden because DamnYankee is on your ignore list.

You should try it. It is almost like those movies where the victim, chased into the underground railway, leaps aboard a leaving train and waves at the crook with the gun as he stands frustrated and cheated.
Toodle-oo DY. Toodle-oo.

Re-posted from Facebook:

It is typical for a narcissist to be a mental abuser. Common forms of abuse are insults, mocking, controlling, shouting, judging etc., you name it and if a narcissist believes it can hurt you, he or she is using it against you. Common phrases heard from the mouth of a narcissist are things such as "you deserve it", "you get what you deserve", "I am behaving like this towards you, because you are as you are, it is your own fault" etc. If you do not show with your every action that Narcissist is the most important thing in your world and that the happiness of Narcissist is your absolute priority, a narcissist becomes very nasty and hostile. - E.J.

Sound like folks we know? LOL
Now we've got this thread onto a topic that I can really get passionate about. Food and cooking. OK Superfreak, there are certain things that are just better fried, though instead of using lard like my mama used to do I use Canola and Olive oils.

Fried Okra for one. The absolute best way to prepare it...fried crispy with a cornmeal dusting. Fried taters....again, there are other ways to eat these starchy tubers but fried (prefer in bacon grease but lately just Canola oil) is absolutely my favorite. Squash....white and yellow are my favorite, rolled in flour and fried crispy in canola. Fried deer....while I like it grilled and in barbecue, I prefer it in bite size finger steaks, rolled in flour and fried in canola. Squirrel and Rabbit.....rolled in flour and fried in some canola is the best. The only other thing I fry on a semi-regular basis is cabbage.....fried in butter.

I like my beef critters and pigs grilled, smoked or roasted with potatoes, onions, carrots and celery. Chickens I try to avoid but will eat them grilled...have you ever seen them in their own environment? They're nastier than pigs.

I almost forgot another to add to the "preferred fried" list: Fish....any freshwater fish is better fried than baked or smoked or grilled. Since I am land-locked I get very little salmon or other good smoking fish.

So SF, there you have it. I don't fry everything, just the things that taste "better" fried. ;)
I love the flavour of the oatmeal cookie dough. Why on earth do people have to go and ruin that taste by inserting buzzkillers such as raisins, prunes, or cranberries?
I love the flavour of the oatmeal cookie dough. Why on earth do people have to go and ruin that taste by inserting buzzkillers such as raisins, prunes, or cranberries?

Always the purist, my son is like that, too, especially, no nuts!
I used to hate craneberry sauce at Thanksgiving; now, I've gotta have it.

"Zombie" is a great tune.

I'm the opposite. When I was really young, I was addicted to that stuff when we went over to Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma's house. Then, when I was about 12, I dished myself up a good helping, fed myself a spoonful, and discovered to my surprise, that I no longer liked it one bit. Weird.