
Of course it's okra! It one of the main ingredients in gumbo (which I make). It thickens it, and provides much flavor. Fried okra is the bomb! Raw and cut open, it's slimy.

Okay, I'll concede that we northerners probably are clueless about it. The last time I ate it (not so long ago), it came in a can mixed with tomatoes.
Okay, I'll concede that we northerners probably are clueless about it. The last time I ate it (not so long ago), it came in a can mixed with tomatoes.

Ugh. Canned okra and tomatoes, and not fresh??? That's probably why you don't like it. My mom, who hailed from Louisiana used to make it all the time and serve it over rice.
Okay, I'll concede that we northerners probably are clueless about it. The last time I ate it (not so long ago), it came in a can mixed with tomatoes.

Canned or boiled it is slick. Fried is totally different. Think fried zuccini in miniature. Pickled okra is pretty tasty too.
Poet and WB, I do love fried zucchini so you've both persuaded me to give it another chance. I'll have to see if our grocery stores carry fresh okra.
Poet and WB, I do love fried zucchini so you've both persuaded me to give it another chance. I'll have to see if our grocery stores carry fresh okra.

Two things to remember:

1) The okra needs to be dusted not dipped in batter.
2) It is dusted in cornmeal, not flour.

I think you'll like it.
Ugh. Canned okra and tomatoes, and not fresh??? That's probably why you don't like it. My mom, who hailed from Louisiana used to make it all the time and serve it over rice.

FRESH tomatoes & okra over rice?? And cooked by a louisianian? Now that is tasty!

If your mother hailed from Louisianna she probably used okra in a lot of dishes. I love cajun, creole, and Nawlins cuisine!
Fried zucchini rocks. Thanks for reminding me.

Never liked okra; I have no reason to doubt WB that frying gets rid of the slimy thing, but it's not like zucchini is scarce. I have no impetus to take the risk.
Two things to remember:

1) The okra needs to be dusted not dipped in batter.
2) It is dusted in cornmeal, not flour.

I think you'll like it.

Excellent advice. I also can several jars of pickled okra as well. With the drought this summer I didn't get to put up as much okra as usual....even though okra does well in dry weather I found out it can't do without any water. :)
Winter, you and I fought over Okra? I don't even know what okra is I've never had it? Maybe you were talking about fried okra and I was giving you a hard time as a redneck? Sometimes I am bitchy, you could have pissed me off about something else prior to that. lol
Anyone else creeped out by the fact that DY saved whatever pic he's talking about?

Creepy, creepy troll. Halloween kind of creepy.

No creepier then darla copying and saving pictures of me and my family off a photo bucket account that she found while stalking me. Or how about calling my home 3 times after she paid to get my personal information. You are an equal opportunity judge of creepiness right oncie?
No creepier then darla copying and saving pictures of me and my family off a photo bucket account that she found while stalking me. Or how about calling my home 3 times after she paid to get my personal information. You are an equal opportunity judge of creepiness right oncie?

Yes, both are extremely creepy stalker vibe kind of thing. Does that make you proud? I'll never understand why people have to "know" who "this person I don't like on a message board" is, where they are, their phone numbers, etc.

This kind of thing is Soylent Green kind of creepy to me.
Yes, both are extremely creepy stalker vibe kind of thing. Does that make you proud? I'll never understand why people have to "know" who "this person I don't like on a message board" is, where they are, their phone numbers, etc.

This kind of thing is Soylent Green kind of creepy to me.

It has nothing to do with being proud... it has to do with the reality of the facts and people playing the victim- when they are just as much of, if not more so, a perpetrator.
Canned or boiled it is slick. Fried is totally different. Think fried zuccini in miniature. Pickled okra is pretty tasty too.

Ocra in gumbo is perfectly fine. Why you southern fools want to fry everything is beyond me. You ruin the taste of the food by frying it. IMO.
Winter, you and I fought over Okra? I don't even know what okra is I've never had it? Maybe you were talking about fried okra and I was giving you a hard time as a redneck? Sometimes I am bitchy, you could have pissed me off about something else prior to that. lol

You? Bitchy? Yeah, ok that was probably it. It was when I was first on here as Solitary. It might have been the redneck thing, but for some reason all I remember is you making a smartass remaqrk about fried okra. I doubt it was much of a fight. I mean, its fried okra, how much is there to say? "It tastes good!" "Redneck!"