
Cops do it all the time when dealing with a suspect. Only a fool tells the truth to liars. God doesn't approve of fools.
Liar. The phrase is "God watches over babies and fools".'God_watch_over_babies_and_fools'_in_the_Bible#ixzz1c5MeGNMO
There is no quote in the Bible "God watches out for fools and little children." You can search the King James Version online for yourself to be sure. I Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you" represents God's true character and nature, a loving God who encourages the believer to petition God with all cares, problems, perplexities, questions, without reservation and it will not intimidate Him. He will provide a solution, a way and that way is through the Cross of the Saviour. When a child of God accepts the sacrifice of Christ who took the sinner's place, he receives forgiveness for sin and there is no more separation from God the Father. In all humility and with unspeakable reverent awe, a true miracle takes place in the believer's heart and he becomes a new creation, restored in fellowship with His Saviour and God the Father. Now the Father entreats the believer to approach Him boldly and not be shy about sharing the things that are bothering him, and like a father who pities his children and wants to care and provide for their needs, God the Father will take care of His children, too. This is not religion. This is a relationship. Religion mandates that followers prescribe to rules and regulations to control behavior to make them acceptable to God the Father. But that is not life, and all the efforts of a sincere person will never be able to replace or supplant the perfect atonement accomplished when the Saviour went to the Cross. Through the Lord's death and resurrection, anyone who accepts Christ (Yeshua) as Lord is now accepted in the beloved, anyone, any sinner. This is the new beginning, the new birth.

God looks after and protects both babies and people of low IQ who will always be like a child. In His mercy, such people will automatically go straight to heaven. However, there is more than one definition of a 'fool': God defines a 'fool' as: "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God" (in Psalm 14:1 & Psalm 53:1); He does not watch over this type of fool.
You inserted yourself into a decade-long feud that never had anything to do with you, and I'm sure you think it was of your own volition. What a sap.

He inserted himself into an argument that did not involve him? lmao Funny thing, that is exactly the excuse he gave for being such an asshole towards me. I guess it is just another rule that applies to everyone but him.
Liar. The phrase is "God watches over babies and fools".'God_watch_over_babies_and_fools'_in_the_Bible#ixzz1c5MeGNMO
There is no quote in the Bible "God watches out for fools and little children." You can search the King James Version online for yourself to be sure. I Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you" represents God's true character and nature, a loving God who encourages the believer to petition God with all cares, problems, perplexities, questions, without reservation and it will not intimidate Him. He will provide a solution, a way and that way is through the Cross of the Saviour. When a child of God accepts the sacrifice of Christ who took the sinner's place, he receives forgiveness for sin and there is no more separation from God the Father. In all humility and with unspeakable reverent awe, a true miracle takes place in the believer's heart and he becomes a new creation, restored in fellowship with His Saviour and God the Father. Now the Father entreats the believer to approach Him boldly and not be shy about sharing the things that are bothering him, and like a father who pities his children and wants to care and provide for their needs, God the Father will take care of His children, too. This is not religion. This is a relationship. Religion mandates that followers prescribe to rules and regulations to control behavior to make them acceptable to God the Father. But that is not life, and all the efforts of a sincere person will never be able to replace or supplant the perfect atonement accomplished when the Saviour went to the Cross. Through the Lord's death and resurrection, anyone who accepts Christ (Yeshua) as Lord is now accepted in the beloved, anyone, any sinner. This is the new beginning, the new birth.

God looks after and protects both babies and people of low IQ who will always be like a child. In His mercy, such people will automatically go straight to heaven. However, there is more than one definition of a 'fool': God defines a 'fool' as: "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God" (in Psalm 14:1 & Psalm 53:1); He does not watch over this type of fool.

Your wiki bible again? LOL
Wrong. When dealing with liars, lie. This is an ongoing battle against oppressive government.

Battle? If you want to fight then fight. Hiding and lying to keep a little of your tax money is not a battle.

Its funny that you claim an exception for a very clear biblical rule, but condemn others for the same thing. More hypocrisy. lol
As I recall it was you who inserted yourself into an argument between maineman and I. And you chose the wrong side. :D
I have never seen a pic of Darla. I've argued with her a few times and been on her side in a few debates. As I recall, our first argument was about her saying no reasonable person would eat fried okra. But it doesn't really matter what she looks like since this is a political discussion forum (okra arguments aside).

I agree. There's a small number of people here who think looks are paramount, but I figure their intellectual growth stopped in middle school.