
Funny how some folks consider simple statements of fact to be non-Christian behavior then turn around and accept sodomy and homosexuality as perfectly acceptable Christian behavior.

Its even funnier how people want the world to follow the scripture concerning sexuality, but then think it is proper to lie in order to get to keep a bit more money.

Funny how you hold the truth in such high regard when it justifies you insulting other people, and yet you seem perfectly willing to ignore it when money is involved.
I agree with Thor's addendum. Again, as I am what most would call a "fundamentalist" when it comes to Christianity I must take Christ at His word...."Except you believe that I am He...." Then there is more that I won't go into here.

I have been following this thread today and will say that I can truly understand why poet has his "hackles" up (my hick talk coming through) towards many on this site. He was bashed pretty good shortly after he got here. Hope to keep reading some of his thoughts though as I enjoy the sincere dialogue that I can parse together from here.

Thank you for this.
Wow. I can't tell you how massively weird it is to try to watch somebody convince God that they aren't doing something by using a thesaurus.
LOL Do you think God approves of a government that openly steals from its citizens? Or does he approve "an eye for an eye"?
LOL Do you think God approves of a government that openly steals from its citizens? Or does he approve "an eye for an eye"?

Do you think any of that matters? You can try and justify it all you want, but your crusade for truth is obviously a cover for a desire to insult people and people's kids.

You sign the tax document saying it is accurate. That is a lie. Do you think God thinks its ok to lie if it involves money but wants you to spout what you think is the truth when it is done for the express purpose of hurting someone? Is that what you think being a Christian is all about? If so, you are attending a seriously screwed up church.

So you think God approves of your lying when your money is involved and approves of your insults to people and their kids? If that is what you believe, you have been attending a screwed up church.

If you are going to claim the truth as justification for insults, lying shows your hypocrisy.
So you think God approves of your lying when your money is involved and approves of your insults to people and their kids? If that is what you believe, you have been attending a screwed up church.

If you are going to claim the truth as justification for insults, lying shows your hypocrisy.

DY is just a troll. Who knows what he really believes; he just comes here to tick people off.
Cops do it all the time when dealing with a suspect. Only a fool tells the truth to liars. God doesn't approve of fools.
Cops do it all the time when dealing with a suspect. Only a fool tells the truth to liars. God doesn't approve of fools.

It amazes me the mental gymnastics you go thru to justify what you do. Whether cops do it or not is irrelevant. God has made it clear he does not approve of lying. Who you are lying to is not the point. If you tell a lie to spare someone pain you might be able to justify that as you are helping someone. But this nonsense about the US Constitution and taxes is laughable. You are selling out your morality for cash. it isn't even about protesting the tax code, because you hide the fact you do it from the IRS.

No, God does not approve of your lies.
This is how the old hens were spending their evening huh? I'd just love to know; who cares? Why would anyone here care what I look like either way? If I want someone here to know what I look like, they'll know. I'm not shy.

The rest of you can consider me an ugly hag, that's cool.

But really? You guys should get a life. This sounds like another case of a couple of "happily married" people spending all night on the internet obsessing over strangers. Gee, where have I heard that before??