
Being devoid of hate.

Of course. That is why I strive not to hate anyone. Do you hate anyone?

And looking to Christ as an example for one's life.


What do you think?

I don't disagree with what you said. However, I'd go a step further and say that Christ is the Son of God - more than a wise teacher. And while good works are the natural result of sincere faith in Christ, good works aren't what saves a man.
Well, only a little. We libs have it good on the board. We have the whole "lefty defense network" that you guys probably don't know about, where we make binding agreements not to call each other out. Also, whenever a lefty is in trouble on a thread, he/she sends out an alert on the network, and other lefties rush to his/her defense en masse.

It's a good feeling, having that.

Of course. That is why I strive not to hate anyone. Do you hate anyone?


I don't disagree with what you said. However, I'd go a step further and say that Christ is the Son of God - more than a wise teacher. And while good works are the natural result of sincere faith in Christ, good works aren't what saves a man.

And that is what I also believe. But what do you have to say about how people treat each other in this forum and still claim to be Christians, or even sane humans?

As for hate. I do hate racists, bigots and homophobes. Live and let live is what I say.
I don't disagree with what you said. However, I'd go a step further and say that Christ is the Son of God - more than a wise teacher. And while good works are the natural result of sincere faith in Christ, good works aren't what saves a man.

I agree with Thor's addendum. Again, as I am what most would call a "fundamentalist" when it comes to Christianity I must take Christ at His word...."Except you believe that I am He...." Then there is more that I won't go into here.

I have been following this thread today and will say that I can truly understand why poet has his "hackles" up (my hick talk coming through) towards many on this site. He was bashed pretty good shortly after he got here. Hope to keep reading some of his thoughts though as I enjoy the sincere dialogue that I can parse together from here.
And that is what I also believe. But what do you have to say about how people treat each other in this forum and still claim to be Christians, or even sane humans?

I'm not happy with how people treat each other, including myself. So, I strive to better myself. Do you feel the same way?

Look, I am sorry that my advice in the other thread offended you. I truly am. Now that I know what you dealt with on the other site, I have a better understanding of your reaction. I can honestly say that I meant no harm by it whatsoever - if I did, I would have acted on it. Whether you believe that or not is entirely up to you.
I'm not happy with how people treat each other, including myself. So, I strive to better myself. Do you feel the same way?

Look, I am sorry that my advice in the other thread offended you. I truly am. Now that I know what you dealt with on the other site, I have a better understanding of your reaction. I can honestly say that I meant no harm by it whatsoever - if I did, I would have acted on it. Whether you believe that or not is entirely up to you.

Since we've invoked Christ, and forgiveness is paramount...I'm willing to let bygones by bygones. I'm also sorry for any ill-will or rhetoric I leveled your way. I have had my "back up", because since I arrived, I have been attacked. And that's not me crying foul or victim, but an accurate description of the reality. Corner a dog, and you have a problem on your hands. It's easy to "blanket indict" all conservatives when only one or two have come to one's defense. Heck, you can't find not one of the GOP candidates, willing to check the other on integrity, fairness, or propriety. It's conventional wisdom that the Republican and Tea Parties tolerate , if not encourage racism, bigotry and homophobia. Ask anyone.
So, let's clean the slate, and begin again. Thank you for your apology. I hope you accept mine.
Since we've invoked Christ, and forgiveness is paramount...I'm willing to let bygones by bygones. I'm also sorry for any ill-will or rhetoric I leveled your way. I have had my "back up", because since I arrived, I have been attacked. And that's not me crying foul or victim, but an accurate description of the reality. Corner a dog, and you have a problem on your hands. It's easy to "blanket indict" all conservatives when only one or two have come to one's defense. Heck, you can't find not one of the GOP candidates, willing to check the other on integrity, fairness, or propriety. It's conventional wisdom that the Republican and Tea Parties tolerate , if not encourage racism, bigotry and homophobia. Ask anyone.
So, let's clean the slate, and begin again. Thank you for your apology. I hope you accept mine.

Certainly sir, apology accepted. I'm sorry you've been treated poorly here - I was away from the site for a couple months, so when I came back, I had no idea. As far as my behavior is concerned, I'll do my very best to make this a more pleasant place for you and everyone else.
I agree. Why would I "Call someone out" who has literally been under seige from the time I got here? And by the biggest thugs, mental midgets, racists, and homophobic bigots on the board. Oh is he giving some back? Cry me a river as a friend of mine says! In fact, I've talked about how poet was treated from the start, off board with a couple of people. It's literally disgraceful, outrageously racist, and IMO the board owner should be ashamed. I expect no shame on the participant's part. They are beyond such concepts, beyond humanity.

The man has been and continues to be, abused. Period.

Give it up Scarlett. He's not interested in women.
Oops; on second thought, you might have a chance afterall.
Alright Poet, you win. I apologize for warning you that your personal information could be used by weirdos on this site (people such as Webbway) to harass and intimidate you...I assumed that even if you didn't need my advice, you'd receive it as a friendly gesture. Go figure. I apologize for being born into "white privilege"...privilege in a rough, poor neighborhood of Portland. I apologize that everything was handled to me on a silver platter...after I worked my ass off for it. Most of all, I apologize for being kind and helpful toward you, and I promise to never do so again in the future.

One minor correction, though - that's not how I greeted you.

Hi Poet,

Welcome to the site.

This is a decent place to express yourself, but you'll quickly notice the presence of a few trolls, such as (\(\(\/)/)/)‎.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

I guess with your "white privilige", you now expect him to apologize for being such an ass and embrace you with open arms. :)
And my how you "turned":

Posted by Thor

Poet, please continue adding people to your ignore list. Then you won't be able to respond to anyone and we won't have to read your drivel.

See, I've been slapped too many times, by whites thinking that I had forgotten my place. After I had experienced racism and bigotry, up close and personal, "first-hand", I decided, never again, will I let anyone assume a position of authority or superiority over me, when, one, it's unwarranted and unnecessary, and two, when it serves to reinforce the stereotype that black folks couldn't make it in this world without help or assistance from white people. I left a forum because a moderator posted my personal information, after a beef with him. I had embarrassed him so badly, he felt his only resource was to hurt me in the worst possible way. He was castigated by the liberals of the forum and praised by the conservatives, just like here. When you're black, gay and liberal....a noose wouldn't be out the question. So, you took my recoil of your actions, personally. I took your justification for your actions as a bullshit response to your assumption that anything goes, by way of "white privilege". There it is.

So if someone uses the information you've provided and shows that information, seeing as how it's available to anyone using the internet, you'll leave!! :)
Really? Look at what the two of you are reduced to. Playing catch up. LOLOLOLOL. Sad. And Funny.

Why is that?
Are you asserting that you know her personally and therefore are a better judge of her character?
Or are you just defending her; because you desperately need all the support you can get?
Why is that?
Are you asserting that you know her personally and therefore are a better judge of her character?
Or are you just defending her; because you desperately need all the support you can get?

Darla? Oh, I got her back. I meant you and DY...pathetic attempts at relevance. Talk about ugly. BTW, how's the old j.o.b.?