
cite where i said he wasn't. i just gave you a post where i asked if he is a troll and you're still going to claim i said he wasn''re lying as usual.

i predict with 100% accuracy onceler will never produce the post where i said webbway is not a troll.

You really don't remember saying that? I was quite surprised by it...a very sad statement. And he is a troll. I can't believe that the best you can do for "calling out righties" is a short post on webbway. Speaks volumes.

Now, you DID bring up lying before, so I feel compelled to ask: when someone says that another person announced something, are they making that person out to be a hero? Yes or no.
You really don't remember saying that? I was quite surprised by it...a very sad statement. And he is a troll. I can't believe that the best you can do for "calling out righties" is a short post on webbway. Speaks volumes.

Now, you DID bring up lying before, so I feel compelled to ask: when someone says that another person announced something, are they making that person out to be a hero? Yes or no.

still can't the post huh...the truth is, i never said is the truth:

For the record, you have also argued that webbway isn't a troll.

is webbway a legion troll?

as anyone can clearly see, instead of arguing that webbway is not a troll, i actually questioned whether he is a troll. another onceler lie proven.
wow, anger issues. tff how darla ignores the lefties who do this and instead only focuses on me, who only gives the lefties back the same stuff they dish out. if you can't take it darla, stop dishing it out. and stop crying for your fellow lefties. this post is further proof you lefties always defend each other. typical blind partisan hackery.

and really, your entire post is nothing but a whine....more hypocrisy from the lefties on this board.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

You don't want the focus on you, then stop hijacking every thread with your endless complaining and petulance.
still can't the post huh...the truth is, i never said is the truth:

as anyone can clearly see, instead of arguing that webbway is not a troll, i actually questioned whether he is a troll. another onceler lie proven.

Honestly, that was at a later date. You argued previously with me that he wasn't. I can't keep up w/ all of the inconsistencies that you post on the board..who can?

Now, why didn't you answer my question? I've answered all of yours. Are you terrified of it? Here it is again: "Now, you DID bring up lying before, so I feel compelled to ask: when someone says that another person announced something, are they making that person out to be a hero? Yes or no."
cite where i said he wasn't. i just gave you a post where i asked if he is a troll and you're still going to claim i said he wasn''re lying as usual.

i predict with 100% accuracy onceler will never produce the post where i said webbway is not a troll.

just as i predicted....
hilarious, this thread was made about me by you lefties. you need to apply that quote yourself.

Yurt post 40: "don't worry, i don't expect you to explain how you arrived at your conclusion..."

You can't just ask a question, you have to attach a snide comment to it.

Btw, why aren't you calling out your hero DY/alias for referring to me as "christie-slut"?

Yurt post 40: "don't worry, i don't expect you to explain how you arrived at your conclusion..."

You can't just ask a question, you have to attach a snide comment to it.

Btw, why aren't you calling out your hero DY/alias for referring to me as "christie-slut"?


it was a true comment. don't like it, then start explaining your conclusions.

nothing hypocritical about it. you and DY/alias sling insults back and forth. what i'm talking about is hypocritical whiners like you who come into a thread and bash only those on the right who are throwing insults, while completely ignoring that the insults a flowing back and forth between both the left and the right. that is the difference.
just as i predicted....

I made an exception to my general rule & bumped a little something for you. It may sting a bit.

And I expect that your reaction will show once again why I never "cite" stuff for you.

Be that as it may, please address my question now, if you could.
it was a true comment. don't like it, then start explaining your conclusions.

nothing hypocritical about it. you and DY/alias sling insults back and forth. what i'm talking about is hypocritical whiners like you who come into a thread and bash only those on the right who are throwing insults, while completely ignoring that the insults a flowing back and forth between both the left and the right. that is the difference.

The distilled version: "I'm not going to call out DY because it's christie's fault that he insults her."
I made an exception to my general rule & bumped a little something for you. It may sting a bit.

And I expect that your reaction will show once again why I never "cite" stuff for you.

Be that as it may, please address my question now, if you could.
Wow now look who's trolling.
I made an exception to my general rule & bumped a little something for you. It may sting a bit.

And I expect that your reaction will show once again why I never "cite" stuff for you.

Be that as it may, please address my question now, if you could.

once again onceler proves i am right because he only cites when he knows he has something.


your question is a red herring and really one has nothing to do with other.
once again onceler proves i am right because he only cites when he knows he has something.


your question is a red herring and really one has nothing to do with other.

Wow, look how terrified you are to answer a simple question! I go digging on the board to find something that we both knew, and you won't even answer something so simple?

It's not a red herring by the way. Not at all.
Wow, look how terrified you are to answer a simple question! I go digging on the board to find something that we both knew, and you won't even answer something so simple?

It's not a red herring by the way. Not at all.

i think it is hilarious how you think i'm i will use the same logic against you when you won't answer a question.

i love how you prove me right quite often....1. you claim i never admit i'm wrong, i said that is untrue; 2. and just like i've repeatedly stated, you ONLY cite when you know you have something.

you have only backed up maybe 3 of your claims against me. what a great record....that is probably .01 percent of all your claims. says alot about all your other claims.