
And hence, those on my ignore list:

Dick Tater
Elect Perry 2012
Mr. T

A common thread runs through.

lol....the sign of a true coward. what is hilarious though, is that you actually reply to most of the posters on your "ignore" list.
And would you righties stop whining? IF I have to hear Yurt's repulsive mewling one more time "Ohhhh is Onceler going to say anything about this?" "Ohhhhh, watch I bet Onceler doesn't say anything about this".

I made fun of him yesterday by saying "I wonder if Yurt will call Bravo on this" and the dumbass took me seriously! As if, when one mental midget calls me a name, I'm going to go all hysterical and start screaming to alert the second mental midget in the hopes he'll save me!

Shut up and grow up. Me, Rana, and Christie aren't your damned mommies. We dont' care that you did number two in the toilet! Don't call us over to look and compliment you.

I have had epic fights with lefties on here, and I never needed anyone's help. It was always about sexism. What else am I going to argue with them over? That they call DY a backwards, lowlife, rednecked, malevolent, moron? He is! They're not racist, when they are sexist it's our cultural unconscious sexism - it's never calling women whores or other names. I have nothing to fight with them over! If they are being mean to you, I suggest you call your mommy and stop whining about Rana, myself, and Christie. We're not here to change diapers! We're fully realized, intelligent, funny, human beings with strong opinions who don't care about your diaper rash.

Don't ask again. That is all.

wow, anger issues. tff how darla ignores the lefties who do this and instead only focuses on me, who only gives the lefties back the same stuff they dish out. if you can't take it darla, stop dishing it out. and stop crying for your fellow lefties. this post is further proof you lefties always defend each other. typical blind partisan hackery.

and really, your entire post is nothing but a whine....more hypocrisy from the lefties on this board.
See that? Even when I call the lefties out, he's not satisfied.

What can I do to slake your thirst for call-outs, Yurt? Just tell me, and I will make it so....

be honest when you're calling them out. you're not being serious and to claim you are is a complete lie.
be honest when you're calling them out. you're not being serious and to claim you are is a complete lie.

Like when you said how much you liked DY, who had just proudly admitted that he was a troll in the previous post?

Is that how you call out righties? I just want to emulate...
Alright Poet, you win. I apologize for warning you that your personal information could be used by weirdos on this site (people such as Webbway) to harass and intimidate you...I assumed that even if you didn't need my advice, you'd receive it as a friendly gesture. Go figure. I apologize for being born into "white privilege"...privilege in a rough, poor neighborhood of Portland. I apologize that everything was handled to me on a silver platter...after I worked my ass off for it. Most of all, I apologize for being kind and helpful toward you, and I promise to never do so again in the future.

One minor correction, though - that's not how I greeted you.

Hi Poet,

Welcome to the site.

This is a decent place to express yourself, but you'll quickly notice the presence of a few trolls, such as (\(\(\/)/)/)‎.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
Like when you said how much you liked DY, who had just proudly admitted that he was a troll in the previous post?

Is that how you call out righties? I just want to emulate...

i said i liked him for most of his posts, but of course you have to be dishonest about what people say. he didn't admit he was troll, more lies.

i call out righties when they deserve it. to claim i don't is a lie. you don't have a single post calling out a fellow lefty. and watch, darla won't whine about you constantly bringing up that i never call out righties. see, you lefties can do no must always defend each other.
i said i liked him for most of his posts, but of course you have to be dishonest about what people say. he didn't admit he was troll, more lies.
i call out righties when they deserve it. to claim i don't is a lie. you don't have a single post calling out a fellow lefty. and watch, darla won't whine about you constantly bringing up that i never call out righties. see, you lefties can do no must always defend each other.

Did you read his post, just before you said how much you liked him? He admitted he was a troll. To argue otherwise is just really silly.

And you don't call out righties. You adore them.
Did you read his post, just before you said how much you liked him? He admitted he was a troll. To argue otherwise is just really silly.

And you don't call out righties. You adore them.

i've never called out a single righty?

if he is a troll, then so are you, using your logic. good job moron.
i've never called out a single righty?

if he is a troll, then so are you, using your logic. good job moron.

I've never called out a single lefty? Really?

He is a troll, and admitted he was, right before you said how much you liked him. It was kind of embarassing.
I've never called out a single lefty? Really?

He is a troll, and admitted he was, right before you said how much you liked him. It was kind of embarassing.

lmao....onceler now backs away from his claim i don't call out righties. he never admitted he was a troll, YOU said he was a troll. do you ever stop lying?

and i have never once seen you call out a lefty on this site. you cannot produce one post where you have. shock me and produce it. but we all know you won't.
lmao....onceler now backs away from his claim i don't call out righties. he never admitted he was a troll, YOU said he was a troll. do you ever stop lying?

and i have never once seen you call out a lefty on this site. you cannot produce one post where you have. shock me and produce it. but we all know you won't.

You don't call out righties. You love them. And DY did say he was a troll. You need to read what he posted.

For the record, you have also argued that webbway isn't a troll.
You don't call out righties. You love them. And DY did say he was a troll. You need to read what he posted.

For the record, you have also argued that webbway isn't a troll.

so easy to prove your lies:

is webbway a legion troll?

to claim i don't call out righties is a lie. the above is just one example. you, however, cannot produce a single post to substantiate your claim that you call out lefties. why....because no such post exists.
so easy to prove your lies:

to claim i don't call out righties is a lie. the above is just one example. you, however, cannot produce a single post to substantiate your claim that you call out lefties. why....because no such post exists.

I don't go running all over the board on your demands. Just in the past week, I've argued with "lefties" on Afghanistan, pot, social security and a wide variety of issues. You have blinders on for that, just like you overreact when any lefty says anything (for example, when they say that Obama announced something, and you say they're making Obama out to be a "hero" for saying that).

The post you found on webbway isn't very convincing. I asked once if he was a troll, and you said he wasn't.
And goodness, it's sad that a short post on webbway, of all posters, is all you found in all of that searching!

Yeah, you really "take on the righties"...LOL
I don't go running all over the board on your demands. Just in the past week, I've argued with "lefties" on Afghanistan, pot, social security and a wide variety of issues. You have blinders on for that, just like you overreact when any lefty says anything (for example, when they say that Obama announced something, and you say they're making Obama out to be a "hero" for saying that).

The post you found on webbway isn't very convincing. I asked once if he was a troll, and you said he wasn't.

And goodness, it's sad that a short post on webbway, of all posters, is all you found in all of that searching!

Yeah, you really "take on the righties"...LOL

you're unreal. you flat out lied and can't admit it.

For the record, you have also argued that webbway isn't a troll.

is the above statement true? yes or no?
you're unreal. you flat out lied and can't admit it.

is the above statement true? yes or no?

Yes, definitely. I said webbway was a troll (he is), and you defended him, and said he wasn't. You just said his views were a little more to the 'extreme.'

It was sad.
Yes, definitely. I said webbway was a troll (he is), and you defended him, and said he wasn't. You just said his views were a little more to the 'extreme.'

It was sad.

cite where i said he wasn't. i just gave you a post where i asked if he is a troll and you're still going to claim i said he wasn''re lying as usual.

i predict with 100% accuracy onceler will never produce the post where i said webbway is not a troll.