
Ohh your not racist you flat earth skinhead old fart.
Why does it matter that he's black? Fucking uneducated klansman

Why does it matter that he's "gay" ? or "Christian" ?

Or that you think alias is "uneducated"... or a "skinhead" ?

WTF's your point ?
You should ask him, you flat nosed, one eyebrowed, mongoloid. He's the one who made a point of telling us he was a Black Gay man in his first post here. You flea brained, inbred, mule. sound like you know El Duderino personally....
He is no Christian would be my point or one that need reindoctornation.

You're in doubt yourself, yet seem to know what Christians "should" support and not support ???

You have your own definition of Christian ?......
You're in doubt yourself, yet seem to know what Christians "should" support and not support ???

You have your own definition of Christian ?......

One who does not talk to people the way Alias does, my mother, and dad are Christians. I was Christian for 40 years, staunch for 12 of those years, and then I read Joseph Campbell.
One who does not talk to people the way Alias does, my mother, and dad are Christians. I was Christian for 40 years, staunch for 12 of those years, and then I read Joseph Campbell.

You obviously haven't read any of Poet's posts.
You should ask him, you flat nosed, one eyebrowed, mongoloid. He's the one who made a point of telling us he was a Black Gay man in his first post here. You flea brained, inbred, mule.
I'm not shocked a slacked jawed grand wizard like you is single.
I used to kind of be a Buddhist. But now I consider myself a Christian, though I don't really believe in the Bible, and Dixie said I had to in order to be a Christian.

So, I guess I'm not sure.
We have a Black gay Christian who insults our mothers. That's very unique. I bet there aren't too many political forums that have one of those.

Who only does it in response to being insulted, non-stop, everyday. Let's just get off mothers. I just got off yours.
You're in doubt yourself, yet seem to know what Christians "should" support and not support ???

You have your own definition of Christian ?......

Unconditional love is what Christians are about. What else? Sorely lacking up in here. So where would the Christians be? Not here.