
Sorry man...its the truth no matter who says it.....Poets can and is a nasty SOB when he wants to be and won't get called out on it because of his political views....

Darla, Christiefan and Rana will agree with him no matter what he says, or they won't comment at all....

Is that whining, jealousy, or both?
Poet is an exceptionally rude, bigoted person who displays no Christian characteristics whatsoever. He's the webbway of the left, albeit even nastier.

A tree is known by its fruit, after all.
Poet is an exceptionally rude, bigoted person who displays no Christian characteristics whatsoever. He's the webbway of the left, albeit even nastier.

A tree is known by its fruit, after all.

Actually I know trees by their wood.
This works both ways. DY can respond to posts like he gets paid to be an asshole and there are those who defend him. The same with IceDancer and Free. They will not call each other out on the board.

This forum is rapidly developing two sides like a playground insultfest. For either side to claim they are innocent is laughable.

When your shit no longer stinks, then come back and complain; until then, STFU and STFD. :)
Poet is an exceptionally rude, bigoted person who displays no Christian characteristics whatsoever. He's the webbway of the left, albeit even nastier.

A tree is known by its fruit, after all.

Oh, why? Because I "checked" you? Oh, poor widdle Thor's feewins was hoit. Bitch, man up. Your form of greeting was to inform me that you could expose my personal (and evidently, "damning") personal info, if you so I'd better thank my lucky stars that I was beholden to you for not slicing my neck with the sword of Damocles. Fuck you and your "white privilege"...this is a goddamn public political debate forum, and Lincoln freed the slaves a long time ago.
You damn straight, a tree is known by its' fruit....and all of yours are rotten to the core.
My comments have been in defense of him. You and the other rabid righties have been on his case since day one. You're all a bunch of cyber-bullies who are blind to your own actions, and fall back on "christian" or other religious arguments to defend yourselves.

I agree. Why would I "Call someone out" who has literally been under seige from the time I got here? And by the biggest thugs, mental midgets, racists, and homophobic bigots on the board. Oh is he giving some back? Cry me a river as a friend of mine says! In fact, I've talked about how poet was treated from the start, off board with a couple of people. It's literally disgraceful, outrageously racist, and IMO the board owner should be ashamed. I expect no shame on the participant's part. They are beyond such concepts, beyond humanity.

The man has been and continues to be, abused. Period.
And you can really see the mentality among racists; it mirrors sexists. THat's because often, they're the same people!

If the woman gets hit, maybe the bitch should be nicer next time! Yeah, and maybe poet should use "Hit me baby one more time" as his signature song!

Or, maybe, he should pick up a baseball bat and give you a good swing upside your head.

That's how I look at things. Don't like it? I don't care.
Poet is an exceptionally rude, bigoted person who displays no Christian characteristics whatsoever. He's the webbway of the left, albeit even nastier.

A tree is known by its fruit, after all.

What on earth are 'christian characteristics'? What an amazing charge to bring on a forum almost completely lacking any sign of humility, charity or generosity.
And would you righties stop whining? IF I have to hear Yurt's repulsive mewling one more time "Ohhhh is Onceler going to say anything about this?" "Ohhhhh, watch I bet Onceler doesn't say anything about this".

I made fun of him yesterday by saying "I wonder if Yurt will call Bravo on this" and the dumbass took me seriously! As if, when one mental midget calls me a name, I'm going to go all hysterical and start screaming to alert the second mental midget in the hopes he'll save me!

Shut up and grow up. Me, Rana, and Christie aren't your damned mommies. We dont' care that you did number two in the toilet! Don't call us over to look and compliment you.

I have had epic fights with lefties on here, and I never needed anyone's help. It was always about sexism. What else am I going to argue with them over? That they call DY a backwards, lowlife, rednecked, malevolent, moron? He is! They're not racist, when they are sexist it's our cultural unconscious sexism - it's never calling women whores or other names. I have nothing to fight with them over! If they are being mean to you, I suggest you call your mommy and stop whining about Rana, myself, and Christie. We're not here to change diapers! We're fully realized, intelligent, funny, human beings with strong opinions who don't care about your diaper rash.

Don't ask again. That is all.
***strokes chin thoughtfully whilst wondering if onceler is going to say anything about this***
I agree. Why would I "Call someone out" who has literally been under seige from the time I got here? And by the biggest thugs, mental midgets, racists, and homophobic bigots on the board. Oh is he giving some back? Cry me a river as a friend of mine says! In fact, I've talked about how poet was treated from the start, off board with a couple of people. It's literally disgraceful, outrageously racist, and IMO the board owner should be ashamed. I expect no shame on the participant's part. They are beyond such concepts, beyond humanity.

The man has been and continues to be, abused. Period.

And hence, those on my ignore list:

Dick Tater
Elect Perry 2012
Mr. T

A common thread runs through.
is this thread about those guys who drive the white motorcycles in the parades and wear the red hats?.......

okay, wtf is up with turning my post into an advertisement to sell motorcycles......
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Let me make no bones about this: I call out every lefty on this thread. If you are a lefty and know you are a lefty, then know this: you have been called out. By me. A lefty.