
Darla? Oh, I got her back. I meant you and DY...pathetic attempts at relevance. Talk about ugly. BTW, how's the old j.o.b.?

You made the comment, after he posted his remark; so if I failed to understand what you were asserting, then the failure is in your inability to express yourself inteligently.
You made the comment, after he posted his remark; so if I failed to understand what you were asserting, then the failure is in your inability to express yourself inteligently.

LOL. Still confused, I see. Intelligently has 2 l's. What a dumb mf'er. Blame it on your haste in posting, again. LOL. Your dumb ass can't spell.
LOL. Still confused, I see. Intelligently has 2 l's. What a dumb mf'er. Blame it on your haste in posting, again. LOL. Your dumb ass can't spell.

Since this post of yours, failed to provide anything of substance to your earlier allegation; it does appear safe to draw the conclusion that you truly had nothing in the first place, was just feeling lonely, and wanted some attention.

Good for you. :)

As to the spelling errors that you continue to focus on; I would suggest that you're just being anal, but I don't want to get you excited and all worked up.
Sadly, like so many threads lately, this one has slide downward to a childish level rather quickly.

The irony of a thread about who is a christian being filled with hostility and insults is amazing.
Funny how some folks consider simple statements of fact to be non-Christian behavior then turn around and accept sodomy and homosexuality as perfectly acceptable Christian behavior.
It is always so refreshing to see what some people believe is proper behavior for a follower of Christ.