
you have links that claim Paul was a homosexual?.........let me it a link to Bruce at Religious Tolerance?.....

I find it a little disturbing that Poet will accept "information" that Paul was a homosexual; but deny everything else.
All the while saying that it wasn't written by God; but by man.
Is he now saying that the information on Paul WAS written by God and not by man?
And if he chooses to believe what MAN wrote about Paul, then why isn't he willing to believe the other things that were written by MAN?

It makes him appear to be a little obtuse and having an agenda.
Just my opinion. :D
Meta-ethical relativism is the meta-ethical position that the truth or falsity of moral judgments is not objective. Justifications for moral judgments are not universal, but are instead relative to the traditions, convictions, or practices of an individual or a group of people.[1] The meta-ethical relativist might say "It's moral to me, because I believe it is".

Hard not to notice you have no criticism about Poet's gayness.
Hard not to notice you have no criticism about Poet's gayness.

My gayness? Other than a couple of "snaps up" and calling all you bitches "Girls" and Ms. Things, where is my gayness, displayed on a political debate forum, that seldom debates?
Why is everything "sex" with you? PMP destroyed your source. No amount of deflection can hide that fact.

No, he didn't....he only alluded to the fact that he was familiar with the author of the site, which I guess by yours and his standards automatically certifies that the source and author are not credible.............because PMP "said so". LOLOLOL. Now you're in bed with PMP. I wanna know who is playing the man role. LOL
Hard not to notice you have no criticism about Poet's gayness.

For those of us who believe homosexuality is something a person is born with, criticism would be wrong. For those of us who see nothing wrong with being gay, what is there to post criticism about?
He admitted it was his preference, and its obviously a sin against God.

Really? Where does it say, specifically, that being a homosexual is a sin against God? What sins are you admitting to? Would they be considered, equally, "sins against God"...or are you claiming to be the second coming of the Immaculate Conception?
DY's obsession with homosexuality is rather questionable in itself...seriously, does everything turn into a debate about homosexuality DY?
DY's obsession with homosexuality is rather questionable in itself...seriously, does everything turn into a debate about homosexuality DY?

Like I always said, men that are comfortable with their sexuality and confident in their manhood, don't seem to have a problem with gays...only men that are dubious about their convictions, or are "closet cases" seem to be bothered.
No, he didn't....he only alluded to the fact that he was familiar with the author of the site, which I guess by yours and his standards automatically certifies that the source and author are not credible.............because PMP "said so". LOLOLOL. Now you're in bed with PMP. I wanna know who is playing the man role. LOL

I am prepared to go far beyond "said so" if you're willing to man up and tell me what source you're relying this point I have no reason to direct my attention to Bruce's inaccuracies, since you haven't admitted he's your source.....I'm not going to spend a half hour documenting his errors only to have you say "oh, he's not the guy I'm talking about".........
Really? Where does it say, specifically, that being a homosexual is a sin against God?

it doesn' does have something to say about engaging in homosexual relations, however......and what it says about engaging in homosexual relations is the same thing it says about offering human sacrifice to idols........that is undeniable.....
Hard not to notice you have no criticism about Poet's gayness.

Why the hell would she. Your only criticism is that it is against god's will and therefore a sin.
Just suppose.. I said JUST SUPPOSE that I am right and there is no god in the way you portray it. Then it follows that nothing can be against the word of god. Therefore you must find another reason to be homophobic.

Well, let me tell you that, without a shadow of a doubt, there is no god (in the commonly accepted way).

Now, what is the REAL reason for your homophobia? Can't open the door of the closet?
it doesn' does have something to say about engaging in homosexual relations, however......and what it says about engaging in homosexual relations is the same thing it says about offering human sacrifice to idols........that is undeniable.....

Really? Who said it?
I am prepared to go far beyond "said so" if you're willing to man up and tell me what source you're relying this point I have no reason to direct my attention to Bruce's inaccuracies, since you haven't admitted he's your source.....I'm not going to spend a half hour documenting his errors only to have you say "oh, he's not the guy I'm talking about".........
I've already listed the link, more than once. I'm not going about trying to help you prove what you can't substantiate. I don't have to.