Clinton Campaign says Obama is a Plagiarist!


Staff member

Clinton aide accuses Obama of plagiarism

By: Mike Allen
Feb 18, 2008 12:03 PM EST

Howard Wolfson, the Clinton campaign's communications director, today accused Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) of committing “plagiarism” in a speech in Milwaukee on Saturday night.

Wolfson made the explosive charge in an interview with Politico after suggesting as much in a conference call with reporters.

On the call, Wolfson said: “Sen. Obama is running on the strength of his rhetoric and the strength of his promises and, as we have seen in the last couple of days, he’s breaking his promises and his rhetoric isn’t his own.”

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And in the end whoever is the nominee will end up damaged by these stupid little squabbles. As Steven Colbert always says, " and the winner of that debate...the Republicans!"

Clinton aide accuses Obama of plagiarism

By: Mike Allen
Feb 18, 2008 12:03 PM EST

Howard Wolfson, the Clinton campaign's communications director, today accused Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) of committing “plagiarism” in a speech in Milwaukee on Saturday night.

Wolfson made the explosive charge in an interview with Politico after suggesting as much in a conference call with reporters.

On the call, Wolfson said: “Sen. Obama is running on the strength of his rhetoric and the strength of his promises and, as we have seen in the last couple of days, he’s breaking his promises and his rhetoric isn’t his own.”

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They have a point, the stuff is pretty close to word for word. Problem is, the one he took it from, says it's ok, they are friends. He owes her big time!
I hope Clinton's campaign keeps up this ticky-tack stuff because it really makes her look desperate and hopeless.

This should be corrected to read -
I hope Clinton's campaign keeps up this ticky-tack stuff because it really shows her to be desperate and hopeless.
How stupid. Why didn't you share the most important part of the article, i.e., that the original speaker shares ideas with Obama and has no problem with Obama using the line?
And in the end whoever is the nominee will end up damaged by these stupid little squabbles. As Steven Colbert always says, " and the winner of that debate...the Republicans!"

I hope McCain and the Repubs use these same silly attacks.

Clinton aide accuses Obama of plagiarism

By: Mike Allen
Feb 18, 2008 12:03 PM EST

Howard Wolfson, the Clinton campaign's communications director, today accused Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) of committing “plagiarism” in a speech in Milwaukee on Saturday night.

Wolfson made the explosive charge in an interview with Politico after suggesting as much in a conference call with reporters.

On the call, Wolfson said: “Sen. Obama is running on the strength of his rhetoric and the strength of his promises and, as we have seen in the last couple of days, he’s breaking his promises and his rhetoric isn’t his own.”

More at link...

Can't stop laughing. How low will the clowntoons go?
this is a little interesting because Duval Patric (our governor) was in Bills administration as Assistant Attorney General but he is also a black man who was endorsed by Kennedy and kerry and has endorsed Obama. They are considered to be friends who both came from a background of civil rights.
How stupid. Why didn't you share the most important part of the article, i.e., that the original speaker shares ideas with Obama and has no problem with Obama using the line?
M'eh. Because I was just trying to get people to talk so I sought out news stories and posted the first three paragraphs or so.
Yeah the desperation in the Clinton campaign is getting thick and palpable. Next thing you know they will be telling us that Obama buys all his brooks brothers suits at an outlet mall.
Yeah the desperation in the Clinton campaign is getting thick and palpable. Next thing you know they will be telling us that Obama buys all his brooks brothers suits at an outlet mall.
No, they'll tell us he sends one of his assistants to do it for him and that his haircuts are expensive.
If this thread read: Obama accuses Hillary of plagiarism, and in the text of the article we discovered that she had closely mirrored a speech given by someone else, " a friend", what would be the response?

SuperFreak: Hitlary is getting more and more desperate and pathetic everyday!

Soc - Yeah the desperation in the Clinton campaign is getting thick and palpable. Next thing you know, they will be telling us she invented the internet!

Superfreak - She wrote Gone with the wind!

Damo - hahahahahhaha

Conclusion: No matter how much they all twist and turn, in the eyes of most men, Hillary can do no right, and Obama can do no wrong.

And they don't see it. And then they stand stunned, when the backlash hits.
If this thread read: Obama accuses Hillary of plagiarism, and in the text of the article we discovered that she had closely mirrored a speech given by someone else, " a friend", what would be the response?

SuperFreak: Hitlary is getting more and more desperate and pathetic everyday!

Soc - Yeah the desperation in the Clinton campaign is getting thick and palpable. Next thing you know, they will be telling us she invented the internet!

Superfreak - She wrote Gone with the wind!

Damo - hahahahahhaha

Conclusion: No matter how much they all twist and turn, in the eyes of most men, Hillary can do no right, and Obama can do no wrong.

And they don't see it. And then they stand stunned, when the backlash hits.

You must be talking about "Democratic" men specifically because in the eyes of most partisans someone on the 'other side' rarely ever does anything right.
Darla, c'mon! Wolfson is making a tempest out of a teacup on this, or whatever the old expression is. It's total BS!

If there is backlash, it had better be on the side of a campaign throwing this kind of BS hail mary, and not some perceived slight on women because people are saying it's BS.
Darla, c'mon! Wolfson is making a tempest out of a teacup on this, or whatever the old expression is. It's total BS!

If there is backlash, it had better be on the side of a campaign throwing this kind of BS hail mary, and not some perceived slight on women because people are saying it's BS.

If Hillary gave a speech, and much of it came directly from another politician, and after this was pointed out, her "friend" said it was ok, she told Hillary to use it...the reaction would be the same huh?

you're blind on this Onceler. You've been blind on it since you caught the Obama "magic".

I was supporting him not because he's more liberal than Clinton -he's not on most issues, some he's to the right of her. I was supporting him because of the war. Because at least with him I can hope that he won't use preemptive force...with her I already know she would.

But frankly, i can't stand looking at him anymore, and it's because of his supporters I feel that way. you are like a pack of hyneas the way you go after Hillary. Look at yourselves! the woman is pure evil. Everything she says, everything she does, evil! And Obama can do no wrong. When Obama said of Hillary "Periodically when she gets low, she attacks" And "The claws came out", that wasn't sexism. But you put every word that woman says under a microscope looking for a hint of racism.

You honestly want to believe you judge them by the same criteria, but you don't, none of you do. I can't believe how you have fooled yourself on this Onceler, I really can't. If you can't see the Hillary hate, and how it is rooted in sexism, then you are blind, and that's a dissapointment.