Clinton Campaign says Obama is a Plagiarist!

Fuck off. This is a bogus charge. I was against Hillary LONG before Obama was even a whisper in this campaign, and - if she makes it to the White House - you'll get to see why, and I'll get yet another 'I told you so' as consolation for the country electing the wrong person. Hillary will lose Congress, and there will be fightclub politics & gridlock for 8 years. I guarantee it. You want universal healthcare? Forget it with Hillary. She'll get very little passed, and certainly nothing as big as that.

And yeah, I do think Obama is a great candidate, but I understand his faults, and I'm not blind to them. I'm sorry if my excitement about a candidate is too stomach-churning for you, and hope it doesn't make you vote for Hillary "just cuz". If this doesn't work out, I promise to be cynical & negative about every future candidate who might otherwise give me some hope.

There's no need for that Onceler.

If I’d ever seen you say that Obama had a fault, I guess I would have noticed. As it is, I haven’t. You are worshipping him , and your reaction on this thread is out of bounds.
First off as far as I am concerned I don't hate Hillary. I don't want her to be the nominee because of what it will do to the Republican base. This is the best chance this country has had to take the country back from people that feel that science should be supplanted by religion, that freedom can be forced on people at the point of a bayonet and that more government police powers are a good thing. I thought it would happen in 2004 but the dems threw that away when they nominated Kerry. Hillary and Bill motivate the right to come out and oppose them strongly. They also alienate many people in the center who are independants. Obama is far more likely to bring independants and moderate republicans to his campaign and get them to vote for him. This "plagerism" charge is ticky tack bullshit. There have been politicians on the talking head shows all morning saying that they hear one of their friends or collegues say something and repreat it all the time without actually crediting them for it. Shit you think about how many times Republicans have quoted Reagan without giving him credit your head will spin.

I suppose you believe that a man is going say “yeah I’m against Hillary because she’s a woman” huh? It’s funny no one is against her because of that, and yet I could keep myself busy all day here recounting all of the sexist things said about her.
(sniff sniff whine whine) You guys are just so much more excited about Obama than Hillary and it is all because she has an X sex chromosome. The support of obama is ALL about sexist male behavior. You all just can't think straight cause she has a vagina! (/sniff sniff whine whine)

You guys are such a hoot.

Well, the bitches have it coming, so knock yourselves out.
There's no need for that Onceler.

If I’d ever seen you say that Obama had a fault, I guess I would have noticed. As it is, I haven’t. You are worshipping him , and your reaction on this thread is out of bounds.

I don't think it is. You think you've had it with sexism? I don't like it when my enthusiasm about a candidate is called blind, naive, worshipful or associated with sexism in any way. I don't like it when I'm lumped in with "rabid attack dogs" for calling Hillary what she is - a poor choice for President who will likely give us 8 more years of gridlock on domestic issues. I don't like it when someone infers that "I'm just afraid of a strong woman," because I'm honest about calling her obvious flaws when I see them (which have nothing at all to do with gender).

I don't like it when I correctly point out that what Obama did was NOT plagiarism, and get a lecture about sexism in America in response.

I don't think this campaign should be about gender or race, but I realize that is unavoidable. As for the gender part, Hillary is bringing it up as much as anyone, as are her supporters - just as much as the sexists out there. I hate the whole thing, frankly. If these candidates were just being judged on merits, potential & electability, this race would have been over ages ago.
Who cares Onceler? You totally gloss over that "even Obama had to admit" he should have credited Deval. You are the one making a tempest in a teapot.

This was typical politics, and not low, or particulary nasty, and right away "Oh look what Hillary did now! How desperate can you get!"

Give me a break!

It was ticky-tack shit, which is very indicative of desperation. This is what most American's are tired of, the 'typical politics', and frankly, I don't care if you accuse me of sexism for hating on Hillary. I hate on Bush so I guess that make's me a man-hater too.
I don't think it is. You think you've had it with sexism? I don't like it when my enthusiasm about a candidate is called blind, naive, worshipful or associated with sexism in any way. I don't like it when I'm lumped in with "rabid attack dogs" for calling Hillary what she is - a poor choice for President who will likely give us 8 more years of gridlock on domestic issues. I don't like it when someone infers that "I'm just afraid of a strong woman," because I'm honest about calling her obvious flaws when I see them (which have nothing at all to do with gender).

I don't like it when I correctly point out that what Obama did was NOT plagiarism, and get a lecture about sexism in America in response.

I don't think this campaign should be about gender or race, but I realize that is unavoidable. As for the gender part, Hillary is bringing it up as much as anyone, as are her supporters - just as much as the sexists out there. I hate the whole thing, frankly. If these candidates were just being judged on merits, potential & electability, this race would have been over ages ago.

Hillary brings up gender as much as her detractors?

You're blind on this Onceler.

Hillary is not a poor choice for President - in fact, she is the best candidate running on either side. Obama is an unwritten page and that has the effect of allowing everyone to write their own story onto him. I hope he makes a good President, but I have no doubt that in fact, Hillary would also make a good President.

Obama has made attacks on Hillary that I didn't care for. I've already posted them, but they were ignored. Yet anytime hillary says a word, she is jumped on by Obama supporters as if she had called him a baby murderer.
Obama worshippers won’t be happy until she drops out of the race, at which time, I fully expect them to begin insisting that McCain just drop out of the race, so that Obama can get to work already. These elections are really getting in the way of the movement. And how dare Hillary campaign? She is so evil! That is just like her!
It was ticky-tack shit, which is very indicative of desperation. This is what most American's are tired of, the 'typical politics', and frankly, I don't care if you accuse me of sexism for hating on Hillary. I hate on Bush so I guess that make's me a man-hater too.

What it is, is a political campaign Dave. It wasn't even a low blow. It's a campaign. He's said plenty of stupid things, and things meant as an attack, in this campaign. Because it's, you know, a campaign. He's not the only one entitled to...campaign.
It was ticky-tack shit, which is very indicative of desperation. This is what most American's are tired of, the 'typical politics', and frankly, I don't care if you accuse me of sexism for hating on Hillary. I hate on Bush so I guess that make's me a man-hater too.

There's a lot of things not to like about Clinton, policy-wise. It's the same reason I object to most of the other DLC democrats.

However, you have to admit that Obama (at least for now) has a media-inspired teflon coating, similiar to how the media treats Saint John McCain. He's untouchable, for the most part to criticism.

I'd just like to see Clinton and Obama (and everyone else) held to the same standard. The clinton campaign is scrutinized for even a whiff of racism and impropriety. Obama's campaign has certainly sent out dog-whistle statements that are gender biased. I even slammed my own Candidate, Edwards, for inapporpirate gender-based comments. And the Obama campaign has played some hardball politics too; let's not be naive. . As do most politicians. I must admit, if John Edwards still had a shot at the nomination, and was fighting to seat the Florida delegation (if he won there), I wouldn't be pounding the table in a rage. I might be secretly hoping he did it.

I don't know how long the media teflon coating of Obama is going to last. If he's the nominee, the GOP smears and lies are going to come fast and furious. If he can stand up to punches from the Clinton campaing, it'll ultimately make him a better candidate.

Both campaign, however, need to back of the subtle cliches that are tied to race and gender.
Ahh... yes, the sexist rhetoric of Darla once again. If you are against Hillary and you are a man, you must be sexist. Cannot possibly have anything to do with her political positions. Never mind the fact that you dislike Bill Clowntoon just as much as Hillary. If you don't like her and you are a man, you must be sexist.

Hillary brings up gender as much as her detractors?

You're blind on this Onceler.

Hillary is not a poor choice for President - in fact, she is the best candidate running on either side. Obama is an unwritten page and that has the effect of allowing everyone to write their own story onto him. I hope he makes a good President, but I have no doubt that in fact, Hillary would also make a good President.

Obama has made attacks on Hillary that I didn't care for. I've already posted them, but they were ignored. Yet anytime hillary says a word, she is jumped on by Obama supporters as if she had called him a baby murderer.
Obama worshippers won’t be happy until she drops out of the race, at which time, I fully expect them to begin insisting that McCain just drop out of the race, so that Obama can get to work already. These elections are really getting in the way of the movement. And how dare Hillary campaign? She is so evil! That is just like her!

I whole heartedly disagree wtih that statement. I'm not rewarding her or McCain with my vote after they are the ones that gave that pea brained monkey the authority to go to war. The buck stops here and its about fcking time we stopped rewarding politicians that fck us over so badly with higher positions. End of story. She's not getting my vote and that pasty old cretin and shell of a former respectable man won't get my vote either.
"after they are the ones that gave that pea brained monkey the authority to go to war."

I belive we will soon come to a national consenus about this point!
What men need to remember also, that just as Democrats can’t win without blacks, you don’t win shit without white women, k?

So, knock off the whiny shit about “you can call me a sexist if you want”, (which I didn't call Dave, and this is much more about being unable to RECONIZE sexism, than it is about actually being a sexist) and the other slams. You better start listening. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. You ain’t gonna win shit if you keep beating down women and their concerns in this. Even if you win the primary, the uglier you get, the more white women will stay the fuck home. Stop yapping, and start thinking.
Hillary brings up gender as much as her detractors?

You're blind on this Onceler.

Hillary is not a poor choice for President - in fact, she is the best candidate running on either side. Obama is an unwritten page and that has the effect of allowing everyone to write their own story onto him. I hope he makes a good President, but I have no doubt that in fact, Hillary would also make a good President.

Obama has made attacks on Hillary that I didn't care for. I've already posted them, but they were ignored. Yet anytime hillary says a word, she is jumped on by Obama supporters as if she had called him a baby murderer.
Obama worshippers won’t be happy until she drops out of the race, at which time, I fully expect them to begin insisting that McCain just drop out of the race, so that Obama can get to work already. These elections are really getting in the way of the movement. And how dare Hillary campaign? She is so evil! That is just like her!
wHAT???!!!! You called him a baby-murderer!11!!!shiftplusone!!1!!

Doom! Doom to your campaign!


Anyway, Obama is peaking right now, Hillary is on the wane and people support their candidates.
I have not, nor have I ever, defended a pretty bad & disingenuous misrepresentation (which Wolfson even admitted Hillary does herself) as "politics as usual," and just a normal part of campaigning. It's kind of sad to see these kind of tactics have hit a level that is considered acceptable; I realize that they will be a part of every campaign, but we can at least call them when we see them, right?

And, yeah - Hillary, for about 2 weeks, had as a standard part of her stump speech, something to the effect of "You want change? The 1st woman THAT is change." I can grab a quote on the web if you want.

And Cypress - I wouldn't call BC's remarks about Jesse Jackson in SC a "whiff of racism"....
I whole heartedly disagree wtih that statement. I'm not rewarding her or McCain with my vote after they are the ones that gave that pea brained monkey the authority to go to war. The buck stops here and its about fcking time we stopped rewarding politicians that fck us over so badly with higher positions. End of story. She's not getting my vote and that pasty old cretin and shell of a former respectable man won't get my vote either.

Disagreeing with her and not planning to vote for her, do not make her unqualified. She is more qualified than Obama, period.

I did NOT vote for her in the primary, but I am still able to reconize that she is easily the most qualified candidate in the field, save possible McCain who you would have to say was qualified. Was Romnye more qualified than Hillary? NO. Was Rudy more qualified than Hillary? No way. Is obama more qualified than Hillary? Again, no.
What it is, is a political campaign Dave. It wasn't even a low blow. It's a campaign. He's said plenty of stupid things, and things meant as an attack, in this campaign. Because it's, you know, a campaign. He's not the only one entitled to...campaign.

...and it's all over the media. How Obama has to use a teleprompter and can't write his own speeches. That all his rhetoric is just copied. It's annoying as hell. It was perfect for the Republican smear machine, and they are using it. Hillary, to me, is just like one of them, except different policies. Hillary is effective at smearing people, great.