Clinton Campaign says Obama is a Plagiarist!

If Hillary gave a speech, and much of it came directly from another politician, and after this was pointed out, her "friend" said it was ok, she told Hillary to use it...the reaction would be the same huh?

you're blind on this Onceler. You've been blind on it since you caught the Obama "magic".

I was supporting him not because he's more liberal than Clinton -he's not on most issues, some he's to the right of her. I was supporting him because of the war. Because at least with him I can hope that he won't use preemptive force...with her I already know she would.

But frankly, i can't stand looking at him anymore, and it's because of his supporters I feel that way. you are like a pack of hyneas the way you go after Hillary. Look at yourselves! the woman is pure evil. Everything she says, everything she does, evil! And Obama can do no wrong. When Obama said of Hillary "Periodically when she gets low, she attacks" And "The claws came out", that wasn't sexism. But you put every word that woman says under a microscope looking for a hint of racism.

You honestly want to believe you judge them by the same criteria, but you don't, none of you do. I can't believe how you have fooled yourself on this Onceler, I really can't. If you can't see the Hillary hate, and how it is rooted in sexism, then you are blind, and that's a dissapointment.

Give me an f'in break. I am talking right now about this one issue, and it's total BS. Can you at least admit that this one issue is total BS?

Would you really classify what Obama did as "plagiarism," and that it's worthy of the flap that has been created?

Let's have a yes or no on that. We can discuss the vast persecution of poor Hillary any other time. I want to know now: do you think that was "plagiarism"?
You must be talking about "Democratic" men specifically because in the eyes of most partisans someone on the 'other side' rarely ever does anything right.

Well some of the hillary hate coming from the right, like from SF, who acts as if he has mad cow disease over it - is rooted in Clinton derangement syndrome. It's hard to know where that ends and sexism begins, or vs vsa.

But from the Democratic men, yeah, there's a lot of sexism.

You see it all over the progressive part of the internet. I've been writing a lot about it. I guess it's been good for my writing career. Progressive men go completly batshit when they smell racism, and then they add in, for the little women "oh and we don't support Hillary but we don't agree with sexism either".

fuck you.

In a world where systemic rape is used against women in the Congo -surgeons are having to be brought in to sew these women up, where sexual assaults and rape on women in the UNITED STATES MILITARY, committed by men, OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY. In a world where pundits can be "highly respected" while doing the following:

Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, Feb. 13, 2008
Relaying a joke told by Penn Jillette: "Obama is just creaming Hillary. You know, all these primaries, you know. And Hillary says it's not fair, because they're being held in February, and February is Black History Month. And unfortunately for Hillary, there's no White Bitch Month."

Katie Couric, CBS's 60 Minutes, Feb. 10, 2008
Interviewing Clinton: "What were you like in high school? Were you the girl in the front row taking meticulous notes and always raising your hand? . . . Someone told me your nickname in school was 'Miss Frigidaire' -- is that true?"

David Shuster, guest-hosting MSNBC's Tucker, Feb. 7, 2008
Regarding Chelsea Clinton making calls for her mother's campaign: "[T]here's just something a little bit unseemly to me that Chelsea is out there calling up celebrities saying, 'Support my mom.' . . . doesn't it seem like Chelsea's sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?"

Lester Holt, MSNBC's primary coverage, Feb. 5, 2008
Incredulously, apparently shocked by exit poll results: "With the field of Democratic candidates reduced to two, we asked primary voters, 'Who would make the best commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces?' And here, it was Hillary Clinton who was the clear favorite. The first woman candidate with a serious shot at winning the presidency beat out her male rival -- look at these numbers -- 50 percent to 35 percent. Keep in mind, this at a time the nation is fighting on two fronts."

Andrew Sullivan,, Feb. 4. 2008
"The second bout of public tears just before a crucial primary vote - after no evidence that Senator Hillary Clinton has a history of tearing up in front of the cameras - provokes the unavoidable question: should feminists actively vote against Clinton to defend the cause of female equality?"

Bill Kristol (New York Times columnist), panelist on Fox News Sunday, Feb. 3, 2008
"Look, the only people for Hillary Clinton are the Democratic establishment and white women . . . . White women are a problem, that's, you know -- we all live with that." After other panelists stated their disagreement, Kristol responded: "I know, I shouldn't have said that."

Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, Jan. 30, 2008
"Like Scarlett O'Hara after a public humiliation, Hillary showed up at the gathering wearing a defiant shade of red."

Mike Barnicle, guest on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Jan. 23, 2008
"[W]hen she reacts the way she reacts to Obama with just the look, the look toward him, looking like everyone's first wife standing outside a probate court, OK?"

Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, Jan. 23, 2008
"It's odd that the first woman with a shot at becoming president is so openly dependent on her husband to drag her over the finish line."

Tucker Carlson, MSNBC's Tucker, Jan. 22, 2008
"It takes a lot of guts for a rich, privileged white lady who is one of the most powerful people in the world to claim that she is a victim of gender discrimination. . . . She hasn't driven her own car in almost 20 years and she's a victim of discrimination? I mean can't we both agree that's just BS?"

Gail Collins, The New York Times, Jan. 10, 2008.
"The women whose heart went out to Hillary knew that it wasn't rational. . . . they gave her a sympathy vote."

Chris Matthews, guesting on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Jan. 9, 2008
"Let's not forget -- and I'll be brutal -- the reason she's a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around. That's how she got to be senator from New York."

...when a men can leer and laugh, while they drop kick that 60 year old saggy ass back to the kitchen where it belongs, to mouth a freaking platitude about "oh and yeah, we don't support sexism either, little ladies", is an insult.

The sexism in this campaign and in this country and in this world, is rampant.

The denial is offensive.

And, even though because of obscure things, things which are certainly no concern of yours Cawacko, things like cluster bombs, I support Obama over Hillary, I can't even look at the guy anymore, and I am split in two, feeling like a f'ing betrayer of my own gender, as I watch men leer, drool, and express their hate of women, and of their own wives! night after night on television, as they enjoy kicking that 60 year old saggy ass back where it belongs.

Anyway, have a good day. Coming here, not good for my blood pressure, but on the other hand, it challenges me for one more day, to find a way to fight this disgusting and widespread sexism, while still not supporting a woman who wouldn't vote against cluster bombs, which kill women and children.

See ya.
Give me an f'in break. I am talking right now about this one issue, and it's total BS. Can you at least admit that this one issue is total BS?

Would you really classify what Obama did as "plagiarism," and that it's worthy of the flap that has been created?

Let's have a yes or no on that. We can discuss the vast persecution of poor Hillary any other time. I want to know now: do you think that was "plagiarism"?

definition - the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

Technicall, if Deval said he could use it, then no. However, when presenting those words and thoughts as his own...well, that's not entirely on the up and up either.

And Onceler, this isn't about poor Hillary. She's nobody's victim. It's about the blatant and brutal sexism on display, which effects not just Hillary, but every woman. Some of them are victims. Others are just fucking pissed about it.
And in the end whoever is the nominee will end up damaged by these stupid little squabbles. As Steven Colbert always says, " and the winner of that debate...the Republicans!"

Democrats do have a bad habit of cannibalizing their own.
If this thread read: Obama accuses Hillary of plagiarism, and in the text of the article we discovered that she had closely mirrored a speech given by someone else, " a friend", what would be the response?

SuperFreak: Hitlary is getting more and more desperate and pathetic everyday!

Soc - Yeah the desperation in the Clinton campaign is getting thick and palpable. Next thing you know, they will be telling us she invented the internet!

Superfreak - She wrote Gone with the wind!

Damo - hahahahahhaha

Conclusion: No matter how much they all twist and turn, in the eyes of most men, Hillary can do no right, and Obama can do no wrong.

And they don't see it. And then they stand stunned, when the backlash hits.
LOL. Maybe. Obama doesn't appear desperate though. Now if Hillary were actually running a great campaign with powerful momentum would it seem desperate in either way? I don't think so.

It is the perception of "loser" that seems to be sticking to her.

As it is, Obama admitted he should have attributed that to his friend. His friend said, "Well, it's okay if he does that without permission because we are friends." It seems like he owned up to what he was accused of and this tends to actually drop the power of the accusation rather quickly. Smart politician.

Maybe she should send her husband out to start shouting at another Obama supporter who can accuse him of hitting them.
If this thread read: Obama accuses Hillary of plagiarism, and in the text of the article we discovered that she had closely mirrored a speech given by someone else, " a friend", what would be the response?

SuperFreak: Hitlary is getting more and more desperate and pathetic everyday!

Soc - Yeah the desperation in the Clinton campaign is getting thick and palpable. Next thing you know, they will be telling us she invented the internet!

Superfreak - She wrote Gone with the wind!

Damo - hahahahahhaha

Conclusion: No matter how much they all twist and turn, in the eyes of most men, Hillary can do no right, and Obama can do no wrong.

And they don't see it. And then they stand stunned, when the backlash hits.

your right to a certain extent.. Everyone hates hillary.. I don't think its because she is a woman however. i think its due to her being untrustworthy and part of one of the most crooked political family in our lifetimes.

never the less.. the hate of her she draws even from her own party should be enough to prove that she should NOT be the nominee.
your right to a certain extent.. Everyone hates hillary.. I don't think its because she is a woman however. i think its due to her being untrustworthy and part of one of the most crooked political family in our lifetimes.

never the less.. the hate of her she draws even from her own party should be enough to prove that she should NOT be the nominee.
You said "her" and "not" and "nominee" in one sentence! This means you hate all women and expect them to be your cook and baby machine!
definition - the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

Technicall, if Deval said he could use it, then no. However, when presenting those words and thoughts as his own...well, that's not entirely on the up and up either.

And Onceler, this isn't about poor Hillary. She's nobody's victim. It's about the blatant and brutal sexism on display, which effects not just Hillary, but every woman. Some of them are victims. Others are just fucking pissed about it.

That's a cop-out answer. If technically, when presenting words that aren't your own, it isn't on the "up & up", every single goddamed politician you have every either respected or hated is a complete & total plagiarist.

The guy called him & said "you should use this in your speech - it's something I used years ago when they made the same argument against me. " How is that different from a speechwriter writing a line, or a staffer suggesting a certain way of phrasing something?

Wolfson even admitted it on the same conference call; when reporters asked him about Hillary doing the same thing, he admitted as much, but made the distinction that "she's not making her whole campaign about rhetoric." So, she's a plagiarist, too, according to both he & you.

The whole things is exactly what they did with "Gore the exaggerator" in 2000, to a T, and the media is playing right along, just like they did then. This is the kind of thing that shoots down good candidates, and leaves us with a long history of not-so-good Presidents.

And I'm sorry about sexism; I truly am. If you could see my life and the way I am with the women in it, I seriously doubt you would call me a sexist, but who knows. I realize it's pervasive, and that it isn't likely to go away any time soon, and that it pisses you & many others off to the nth degree with it's on display at such a level, as with something like the Hillary candidacy.

That doesn't mean it's good for America to have Bill & Hillary Clinton back in the White House. It also doesn't mean Obama is a plagiarist for borrowing a phrase from a friend, at a friend's suggestion.
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One more thing Onceler - you male supporters of Obama are fast getting a rep on the net very similar to the Ron Paul supporters. As rabid attack dogs, who worship Obama and villify any opponent of his.

It's funny that the female supporters of Obama act differently. I think that it's because even though they are supporting Obama, they retain their ability to be rational about Hillary, and they can still reconize the sexist attacks when they are made.

Obama is a politician Onceler. He's not Jesus Christ Almighty. Get over yourself!
That's a cop-out answer. If technically, when presenting words that aren't your own, it isn't on the "up & up", every single goddamed politician you have every either respected or hated is a complete & total plagiarist.

The guy called him & said "you should use this in your speech - it's something I used years ago when they made the same argument against me. How is that different from a speechwriter writing a line, or a staffer suggesting a certain way of phrasing something?

Wolfson even admitted it on the same conference call; when reporters asked him about Hillary doing the same thing, he admitted as much, but made the distinction that "she's not making her whole campaign about rhetoric." So, she's a plagiarist, too, according to both he & you.

The whole things is exactly what they did with "Gore the exaggerator" in 2000, to a T, and the media is playing right along, just like they did then. This is the kind of thing that shoots down good candidates, and leaves us with a long history of not-so-good Presidents.

And I'm sorry about sexism; I truly am. If you could see my life and the way I am with the women in it, I seriously doubt you would call me a sexist, but who knows. I realize it's pervasive, and that it isn't likely to go away any time soon, and that it pisses you & many others off to the nth degree with it's on display at such a level, as with something like the Hillary candidacy.

That doesn't mean it's good for America to have Bill & Hillary Clinton back in the White House. It also doesn't mean Obama is a plagiarist for borrowing a phrase from a friend, at a friend's suggestion.

Who cares Onceler? You totally gloss over that "even Obama had to admit" he should have credited Deval. You are the one making a tempest in a teapot.

This was typical politics, and not low, or particulary nasty, and right away "Oh look what Hillary did now! How desperate can you get!"

Give me a break!

As far as the sexism goes, yeah I'm really pissed. It's taking everything I have to continue to support Obama. I keep thinking of the children with no limbs from cluster bombs. That's the only thing that gets me through and keeps me from becoming a backlash myself. You just don't have any idea. You just don't.
One more thing Onceler - you male supporters of Obama are fast getting a rep on the net very similar to the Ron Paul supporters. As rabid attack dogs, who worship Obama and villify any opponent of his.

It's funny that the female supporters of Obama act differently. I think that it's because even though they are supporting Obama, they retain their ability to be rational about Hillary, and they can still reconize the sexist attacks when they are made.

Obama is a politician Onceler. He's not Jesus Christ Almighty. Get over yourself!

Fuck off. This is a bogus charge. I was against Hillary LONG before Obama was even a whisper in this campaign, and - if she makes it to the White House - you'll get to see why, and I'll get yet another 'I told you so' as consolation for the country electing the wrong person. Hillary will lose Congress, and there will be fightclub politics & gridlock for 8 years. I guarantee it. You want universal healthcare? Forget it with Hillary. She'll get very little passed, and certainly nothing as big as that.

And yeah, I do think Obama is a great candidate, but I understand his faults, and I'm not blind to them. I'm sorry if my excitement about a candidate is too stomach-churning for you, and hope it doesn't make you vote for Hillary "just cuz". If this doesn't work out, I promise to be cynical & negative about every future candidate who might otherwise give me some hope.
If Hillary gave a speech, and much of it came directly from another politician, and after this was pointed out, her "friend" said it was ok, she told Hillary to use it...the reaction would be the same huh?

you're blind on this Onceler. You've been blind on it since you caught the Obama "magic".

I was supporting him not because he's more liberal than Clinton -he's not on most issues, some he's to the right of her. I was supporting him because of the war. Because at least with him I can hope that he won't use preemptive force...with her I already know she would.

But frankly, i can't stand looking at him anymore, and it's because of his supporters I feel that way. you are like a pack of hyneas the way you go after Hillary. Look at yourselves! the woman is pure evil. Everything she says, everything she does, evil! And Obama can do no wrong. When Obama said of Hillary "Periodically when she gets low, she attacks" And "The claws came out", that wasn't sexism. But you put every word that woman says under a microscope looking for a hint of racism.

You honestly want to believe you judge them by the same criteria, but you don't, none of you do. I can't believe how you have fooled yourself on this Onceler, I really can't. If you can't see the Hillary hate, and how it is rooted in sexism, then you are blind, and that's a dissapointment.

First off as far as I am concerned I don't hate Hillary. I don't want her to be the nominee because of what it will do to the Republican base. This is the best chance this country has had to take the country back from people that feel that science should be supplanted by religion, that freedom can be forced on people at the point of a bayonet and that more government police powers are a good thing. I thought it would happen in 2004 but the dems threw that away when they nominated Kerry. Hillary and Bill motivate the right to come out and oppose them strongly. They also alienate many people in the center who are independants. Obama is far more likely to bring independants and moderate republicans to his campaign and get them to vote for him. This "plagerism" charge is ticky tack bullshit. There have been politicians on the talking head shows all morning saying that they hear one of their friends or collegues say something and repreat it all the time without actually crediting them for it. Shit you think about how many times Republicans have quoted Reagan without giving him credit your head will spin.
First off as far as I am concerned I don't hate Hillary. I don't want her to be the nominee because of what it will do to the Republican base. This is the best chance this country has had to take the country back from people that feel that science should be supplanted by religion, that freedom can be forced on people at the point of a bayonet and that more government police powers are a good thing. I thought it would happen in 2004 but the dems threw that away when they nominated Kerry. Hillary and Bill motivate the right to come out and oppose them strongly. They also alienate many people in the center who are independants. Obama is far more likely to bring independants and moderate republicans to his campaign and get them to vote for him. This "plagerism" charge is ticky tack bullshit. There have been politicians on the talking head shows all morning saying that they hear one of their friends or collegues say something and repreat it all the time without actually crediting them for it. Shit you think about how many times Republicans have quoted Reagan without giving him credit your head will spin.

What he said!
(sniff sniff whine whine) You guys are just so much more excited about Obama than Hillary and it is all because she has an X sex chromosome. The support of obama is ALL about sexist male behavior. You all just can't think straight cause she has a vagina! (/sniff sniff whine whine)
(sniff sniff whine whine) You guys are just so much more excited about Obama than Hillary and it is all because she has an X sex chromosome. The support of obama is ALL about sexist male behavior. You all just can't think straight cause she has a vagina! (/sniff sniff whine whine)
I for one will go vote for obama just to punish republicans. I would never go vote for Shrillary. She's a vicious harpie.