Clinton Campaign says Obama is a Plagiarist!

Hey Soc, dont you dare yell 'BULLSHIT" at me and then come in here and make this post.

Many people thought I called them a sexist today, but what I was attempting to say was they are not able to reconize sexism very well. So let me be clear here:

With this incredibly sexist post, filled with stereotypes about emotional women who don't know how to think straight enough to do the right thing, and shoudl stay home and let the men decide what's "best" for the country, you showed yourself to be an outright sexist.

YOu can shove it straight up your ass Soc.

I do get tired of being mocked on this board, and I have seen you mocking me all day on many different threads Soc, with your "oh you must be a sexist" BS...belitting the idea that sexism even exists and implying that I am an hysterical woman who sees it under every rock.

But that wont' get me to shut up.

You're a sexist and if you wrote this abotu black men, voting for Obama just because he's black, and unable to think clearly about what is best for their country, no less that EIGHT men would have already jumped all over your shit...simply providing more evidence that many of them are unable to see sexism, and even if they do, do not get angry over it, the way they do about racism.

But you, are an outright sexist.
Bull shit again. Woman after woman after woman has said how cool it would be to have a woman candidate for president and how historical it would be. FUCK HISTORY! The ONLY thing that matters is electing someone that can win in November. Being excited about a woman or a black man SOLELY because they are a woman or black is purely STUPID! I don't give a flying fuck and neither should women or black people. I would have never voted for Sharpton because he had NO chance to be president. I know that Women think somehow Hillary will be more sympathetic to womens issues and health care and jobs etc. so they have a rational reson for voting for her. But I do think that the fact she is a woman is way to high on the list. The only things that should matter is their positions on issues and CAN THEY BE ELECTED in the general election and Hillary by her very presence insures higher turnout AGAINST the democratic candidate. Maybe you can live with 4 more years of misguided sacrifices of our soldiers but I can't. And Obama will win more of her supporters than she will of his.
Hey Soc, dont you dare yell 'BULLSHIT" at me and then come in here and make this post.

Many people thought I called them a sexist today, but what I was attempting to say was they are not able to reconize sexism very well. So let me be clear here:

With this incredibly sexist post, filled with stereotypes about emotional women who don't know how to think straight enough to do the right thing, and shoudl stay home and let the men decide what's "best" for the country, you showed yourself to be an outright sexist.

YOu can shove it straight up your ass Soc.

I do get tired of being mocked on this board, and I have seen you mocking me all day on many different threads Soc, with your "oh you must be a sexist" BS...belitting the idea that sexism even exists and implying that I am an hysterical woman who sees it under every rock.

But that wont' get me to shut up.

You're a sexist and if you wrote this abotu black men, voting for Obama just because he's black, and unable to think clearly about what is best for their country, no less that EIGHT men would have already jumped all over your shit...simply providing more evidence that many of them are unable to see sexism, and even if they do, do not get angry over it, the way they do about racism.

But you, are an outright sexist.
And for fuck sake highlight all my sexist comments about the emotionalism of women. I call.
Bull shit again. Woman after woman after woman has said how cool it would be to have a woman candidate for president and how historical it would be. FUCK HISTORY! The ONLY thing that matters is electing someone that can win in November. Being excited about a woman or a black man SOLELY because they are a woman or black is purely STUPID! I don't give a flying fuck and neither should women or black people. I would have never voted for Sharpton because he had NO chance to be president. I know that Women think somehow Hillary will be more sympathetic to womens issues and health care and jobs etc. so they have a rational reson for voting for her. But I do think that the fact she is a woman is way to high on the list. The only things that should matter is their positions on issues and CAN THEY BE ELECTED in the general election and Hillary by her very presence insures higher turnout AGAINST the democratic candidate. Maybe you can live with 4 more years of misguided sacrifices of our soldiers but I can't. And Obama will win more of her supporters than she will of his.

It's your opinion that women would vote for Hillary based soley on her gender. Finding Hillary to be the most qualified and beliving her to be the best potential president, is perfectly rational. It's just different than what you, the big man, believes.

You have no more idea of what women think then that moron Chris matthews does. And yet here you are "women somehow think" this and "women somehow think" that.

Women are not monolithic, they will vote for their own individual reasons. The idea that nobody but a crazed woman could find Hilary Clinton a good choice for President, is sexist by very definition.

Because of course, she is highly qualified.

And for fuck sake highlight all my sexist comments about the emotionalism of women. I call.

"Being excited about a woman or a black man SOLELY because they are a woman or black is purely STUPID!"

What is excitement Soc?

If you guessed it's a vegetable, you're wrong. If you said "why it's an emotion stupid" then you are correct.

Your entire posts are based on the premise that women would be voting based on the emotion, of an historic first, and the excitement that would bring.

This stupid "challenge" of yours reminds me of my sister-in-law. She told me that her kids were going to date their own kind. Then she struggled to explain why the Haitian guy her best friend married wasn't black. "He's haiti...he's hati...he's..." Until finally I yelled out "He's fucking Haitian" as I thought what a wonderful example of white supremacy she made. She was too stupid to know what someone from Haiti is called, and you're too stupid to know that excitement is an emotion, but her kids are superior enough to be kept to "her kind" (morons I suppose), and you're going to take care of deciding who would be the best candidate for the country, so we little women don't have to stress ourselves thinking about it. We can just stay home and feel.

Or you know, I'll vote and you and my stupid sister-in-law can stay home.
Honestly Soc, when my choice finally came down to Clinton or Obama last month, I was torn. There were times I thought I might vote for Clinton because of her more progressive domestic policies. And I'm a man. It had nothing to do with gender, for me. And I assume a ton of women vote on issues, just like me.

The electability argument: Given the horrid track record of snap-shot polling to determine who's going to win a primary or an election, and the horrendous predictions of cyberspace armchair pundits, I'm not going to roll over and automatically proclaim that it's a certainty that Obama is the most electable candidate. That remains to be seen. The election is nearly ten months away. That's an eternity.

As for voting for a woman candidate: As long as a woman is highly qualified to be president, I see nothing wrong with taking into consideration her gender as a basis for voting. What's wrong with that? This nation has a long and occassionaly proud tradition of smashing through glass ceilings. Kennedy, the first catholic. Patrick Duval, the first black governor. Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female supreme justice. These were all highly qualified people, and historically significant in that they pierced through the shameful glass ceiling. Voting for a qualified candidate, partly on the basis of shattering glass ceilings is perfectly acceptable to me. It's a far better reason, than the 40 million rubes who voted for Bush because he'd be cool to chill with over a beer.
Honestly Soc, when my choice finally came down to Clinton or Obama last month, I was torn. There were times I thought I might vote for Clinton because of her more progressive domestic policies. And I'm a man. It had nothing to do with gender, for me. And I assume a ton of women vote on issues, just like me.

The electability argument: Given the horrid track record of snap-shot polling to determine who's going to win a primary or an election, and the horrendous predictions of cyberspace armchair pundits, I'm not going to roll over and automatically proclaim that it's a certainty that Obama is the most electable candidate. That remains to be seen. The election is nearly ten months away. That's an eternity.

As for voting for a woman candidate: As long as a woman is highly qualified to be president, I see nothing wrong with taking into consideration her gender as a basis for voting. What's wrong with that? This nation has a long and occassionaly proud tradition of smashing through glass ceilings. Kennedy, the first catholic. Patrick Duval, the first black governor. Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female supreme justice. These were all highly qualified people, and historically significant in that they pierced through the shameful glass ceiling. Voting for a qualified candidate, partly on the basis of shattering glass ceilings is perfectly acceptable to me. It's a far better reason, than the 40 million rubes who voted for Bush because he'd be cool to chill with over a beer.

Actually it was 50 million who voted for Bush and they did it because they didn't want to vote for the warmonger Kerry who wanted to increase the troop level in Iraq.
Right and the fact that even in states where Obama carries EVERY OTHER DEMOGRAPHIC white women vote in much higher numbers for Hillary. But I am the sexist one.
I am betting right now she is not liking ALL of US.
She doesn't hate you yet. She just thinks you are very wrong. Of course, she could come in here and tell me how much she hates you in the next 10 seconds and prove me totally incapable of guessing emotion off of a post.

I don't think frustration is the same thing as hatred.
She doesn't hate you yet. She just thinks you are very wrong. Of course, she could come in here and tell me how much she hates you in the next 10 seconds and prove me totally incapable of guessing emotion off of a post.

I don't think frustration is the same thing as hatred.
Well for whatever it is worth, I am very passionate about Obama being the nominee for the presidency and think that it would be best for the country. I know that she and I have cussed alot today and disagreed but I still respect Darla and always read her posts when she is on because she always posts insightfull and intelligent posts even when I don't agree with her.
She doesn't hate you yet. She just thinks you are very wrong. Of course, she could come in here and tell me how much she hates you in the next 10 seconds and prove me totally incapable of guessing emotion off of a post.

I don't think frustration is the same thing as hatred.

Nah, I don't hate soc at all. But he's very wrong about this.

Guess what I am doing right now? Polishing up my business writing workshop, which I decided to try and market after knowing Topspin. This is all true. Usually when people say "this is all true" I assume they made the whole damned thing up, but this is an exception to that rule!

There was Top, a damned mba, and he doesn't know their from there, or to from too. He can't write a damned sentence. I figure, this guy can't be alone. Corporate America must be filled with college graduates who can't write a sentence, or construct a paragraph.

Well, I was right and I already sold them to one company, and tomorrow morning I give the first one. One thousand bucks a pop baby...that freaking Top spin is going to make me rich, can you believe it?
Nah, I don't hate soc at all. But he's very wrong about this.

Guess what I am doing right now? Polishing up my business writing workshop, which I decided to try and market after knowing Topspin. This is all true. Usually when people say "this is all true" I assume they made the whole damned thing up, but this is an exception to that rule!

There was Top, a damned mba, and he doesn't know their from there, or to from too. He can't write a damned sentence. I figure, this guy can't be alone. Corporate America must be filled with college graduates who can't write a sentence, or construct a paragraph.

Well, I was right and I already sold them to one company, and tomorrow morning I give the first one. One thousand bucks a pop baby...that freaking Top spin is going to make me rich, can you believe it?
Congrats. You should try to sell to law firms as well. Lawyers have to write tons and don't know shit about punctuation or spelling.
Nah, I don't hate soc at all. But he's very wrong about this.

Guess what I am doing right now? Polishing up my business writing workshop, which I decided to try and market after knowing Topspin. This is all true. Usually when people say "this is all true" I assume they made the whole damned thing up, but this is an exception to that rule!

There was Top, a damned mba, and he doesn't know their from there, or to from too. He can't write a damned sentence. I figure, this guy can't be alone. Corporate America must be filled with college graduates who can't write a sentence, or construct a paragraph.

Well, I was right and I already sold them to one company, and tomorrow morning I give the first one. One thousand bucks a pop baby...that freaking Top spin is going to make me rich, can you believe it?
I hope so, I really do. Congratulations for taking that step. BTW, if and when I say "this is all true" it will be. I suck at lying.