Clinton Campaign says Obama is a Plagiarist!

He sure as hell did, and it was a huge tactical error, and he shouldn't have done it.

He also hasn't come out conclusively to say what he's going to do now.

All that said, it doesn't change the fact that Hillary is siding with McCain in tearing down a potential Democratic nominee.

Best point of the argument.

And she's doing it with something that will produce no gain for her .. just McCain.
He sure as hell did, and it was a huge tactical error, and he shouldn't have done it.

He also hasn't come out conclusively to say what he's going to do now.

All that said, it doesn't change the fact that Hillary is siding with McCain in tearing down a potential Democratic nominee.

Ok, I can agree with you on this, on both counts. He shouldn't have said it, and he's going to be attacked as a liar now, when he backs out, which he has to. And she should have shut up about it, in this one particular case, because it is taking McCain's side, and blatantly so.
I'm glad we could agree on something.

I'm sorry, Darla - I really am. My tone was over the top this morning, but it's a reflection of my sentiments on this. I see today as a crucial turning point in the campaign, either way. To me, the plagiarism charge is not a small deal, mainly because I remember what happened with Biden. It is all anyone talked about last night, on Fox, MSNBC, CNN & the rest. When I woke up this morning, the 1st word I heard from the TV in the other room was "plagiarism."

This kind of stuff can potentially be seriously damaging; believe you me, if I found out that this was a pattern with Obama, and that he routinely took phrases from a wide variety of sources and used them as his own, it would affect my support of him. As of now, that isn't the case, and what he did doesn't fit any definition of "plagiarism" that I would agree with.

If Hillary wins Wisconsin today, and this truly is a turning point, and exit polls show that these charges were a tipping point for some voters, and Hillary goes on to win the nomination, there would be no way to adequately gauge my frustration. It would be Gore 2000 all over again with me, and the serial exaggerator BS. That gave us the Iraq War. I'm not saying Hillary will be as bad as Bush, because she won't be, but hers will be an ineffective Presidency, for reasons that I have stated.

I'm tired of this kind of politics, and I'm tired of people dismissing it as "just the usual campaign stuff," especially when it's Dem on Dem.
I'm glad we could agree on something.

I'm sorry, Darla - I really am. My tone was over the top this morning, but it's a reflection of my sentiments on this. I see today as a crucial turning point in the campaign, either way. To me, the plagiarism charge is not a small deal, mainly because I remember what happened with Biden. It is all anyone talked about last night, on Fox, MSNBC, CNN & the rest. When I woke up this morning, the 1st word I heard from the TV in the other room was "plagiarism."

This kind of stuff can potentially be seriously damaging; believe you me, if I found out that this was a pattern with Obama, and that he routinely took phrases from a wide variety of sources and used them as his own, it would affect my support of him. As of now, that isn't the case, and what he did doesn't fit any definition of "plagiarism" that I would agree with.

If Hillary wins Wisconsin today, and this truly is a turning point, and exit polls show that these charges were a tipping point for some voters, and Hillary goes on to win the nomination, there would be no way to adequately gauge my frustration. It would be Gore 2000 all over again with me, and the serial exaggerator BS. That gave us the Iraq War. I'm not saying Hillary will be as bad as Bush, because she won't be, but hers will be an ineffective Presidency, for reasons that I have stated.

I'm tired of this kind of politics, and I'm tired of people dismissing it as "just the usual campaign stuff," especially when it's Dem on Dem.

It's ok. I was kind of taken back when you told me to fuck off, because I always had kind of a little cyber-crush on you. Normally, I don't care.

I am very heated on this too, and I guess i expect people to say "oh that's just Darla" when I go off. I should be more careful. It's a very emotional subject, fraught with a lifetime of experiences.

Sometimes, I think, maybe it wasn't such a good idea for the Democrats to run the best African American candidate we have ever had for President, the same year they ran the best woman candidate we have ever had for President. In fact, it's probably the most dangerous thing this party has ever done. Of course race and gender are going to come into it. There is no way they wouldn't. And someone is going to be hurt, when things get ugly. Maybe it won't be repairable. When I talk about the sexism, I am trying to open eyes to it. I'm saying, don't dismiss this because you could be creating a rift that is not least not by election time.
It's ok. I was kind of taken back when you told me to f*&^off, because I always had kind of a little cyber-crush on you. Normally, I don't care.

I am very heated on this too, and I guess i expect people to say "oh that's just Darla" when I go off. I should be more careful. It's a very emotional subject, fraught with a lifetime of experiences.

Yada yada yada.......

lets get back to this crush. How long have you had a cyber crush on Lorax?
Well, in the interest of full disclosure, I've cyber-crushed on Darla to a small extent, as well.

I feel really awful about the fuck off comment, now; it was honestly a fuck off at everything, and not you in particular, though I was ticked about the Obama worship comments. I just woke up pissed off after hearing "plagiarize" for the 100th time and it went from there.
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Well, in the interest of full disclosure, I've cyber-crushed on Darla to a small extent, as well (that being the extent of a loyal married fellow who wouldn't cheat on his wife for a billion dollars, but enjoys flirting with the drugstore cashier, anyway).

I feel truly awful about the fuck off comment, now; it was honestly a fuck off at everything, and not you in particular, though I was ticked about the Obama worship comments. I just woke up pissed off after hearing "plagiarize" for the 100th time and it went from there.

I realized when I took a break for lunch that this is why I come to the board. It's a true outlet for me when I'm frustrated & had it with something political. I actually felt better, because I was able to get out all of my frustration about this plagiarism thing. Still, it's no excuse for losing decorum at a poster who I generally respect greatly. And, btw, I do understand where you're at on sexism, at least to the extent that a male Hillary opponent can. And I hated the claws comment (the feeling down, not so much).

Don’t worry about it. I was venting all of my frustrations on you too. It was mutual behavior. Let’s just forget about it. I totally understand and it doesn’t affect what I think of you.
That’s great Soc. Good for you. There are no sexists on this board, I stand corrected. You were all, every single one of you, raised in a sexist society, but not one of you is sexist, even unconsciously. I applaud this.

It’s interesting that not one of you is capable of hearing me though. The narrative that has taken over this campaign of the evil witch and the pure, brave heart, is offensive to women. Many feel piled on. I have listed over and over, the outrageously sexist things said about this woman, and through her, all women. When William Kristol says “white women are a problem, we all have that problem with white women”. When Pat Buchanon says “her voice reminds every man of their wives voice when he’s being nagged”, when Barnicle says “she stands there looking at Obama just like EVERYONE’S first wife in front of probate court, ok?” when Maureen Dowd can, in her approving manner, repeat a “joke” a man told her about there being no “white bitch month” that’s not about Hillary. It’s about all women, and it’s sexist, and it’s hate. It is what easily allows one in three AMERICAN soldiers to be raped or sexually assaulted by AMERICAN SOLDIERS. The bitch was asking for it. The bitch had it coming. I really gave it to that bitch.

There is such a thing as active listening, and none of you guys on here from Onceler who told me to fuck off, to you Soc, who mocked me, to Dave who said “I frankly don’t’ care if you call me a sexist” have shown any ability to hear.

I grew up in a racist society. I understand that I can be unconsciously racist because of it. I was getting so angry, that after I read Obama’s comment about Hillary, basically being on the rag, that I said to a friend, how come when Hillary said it took a President (LBJ) to pass civil rights legislation, that was “racist” but this isn’t sexist? And I don’t think saying what she said about LBJ was racist.

And he, a black man, was able to say to me, first and foremost, “You have every right to feel outraged over what Obama said. He was wrong. He would never have said that about a man. It’s sexist”.

And then he spoke to me about why he felt saying what she said about LBJ was racist and degrading. And guess what? Because he had heard me…I was able to hear him. And I need to be kept in check about some more subtle forms of racism that I might not be as likely to pick up on. And I’m glad I have someone who I can listen to about the subject. But first, he hears me. He gets the sexism. But he’s a rare male.

So keep not hearing women. And then wonder why they said screw you and stayed home on election day.

Have a good day.
I just want them to stay home for the rest of the primary season!:hide:
First of all Onceler, you should google Joe Biden...the man was basically forced into dropping out of a Presidential race in the 80's, or early 90's, over a very similar thing.

Secondly, Onceler, to me this thread is about Hillary hate. There is a freaking thread about this, and where is the one about Obama's "the claws come out" remark? Where is the one about his "periodically she's feeling down and lashes out"? Oh that's right, they don't exist.

My point was that if Hillary had been accused of Obama of copying someone else's speech, and then she admitted that she had but the person was her friend and said it was Ok..the same people now calling Hillary pathetic and desperate for this, would be calling her pathetic and desperate if she was in Obama's place!

My point was never that I personally think what Obama did was a big deal, I don’t. But anything and everything Hillary does or says is a big deal.

But again, you're not listening. And you won't. The narrative is already set.
BULL SHIT! The fact that either person or John McCain for that matter might have used line used by someone else in a political campaign is a non-issue. And if the shoe were on the other foot we would all be saying that after losing 8 primaries in a row, the Obama camp is getting desparate by bringing out the plagarism charge because it is ticky tack bull shit regardless of who said it and who called them on it. You are the one that wants to see sexism here where there is none. As you have rightly pointed out maybe some of us miss the statements made by people that is shaped by sexism but that is a two sided coin. Sometimes people who are aware of it become hyper sensative to it and see it even when it is not there.
I just want them to stay home for the rest of the primary season!:hide:

And part of me isn't joking here and I will tell you why. Because I think that lots of women are thinking about the history factor of the first woman presidential candidate of a major party and NOT thinking about what it might, on a pragmatic level, do to the election. I don't support Obama BECAUSE he is a black man. That part is cool to me, but I support him because I believe he can actually get a majority of the Electoral College Votes. That is ALL. He is less divisive, less polarizing and actually says that there is some hope out there that we can bring some prestige back to this country. That maybe it really is possible to be president of the United States again instead of President of your party. And Clinton will be president of her party and support partisan legislation and move back toward Hillary care and then it will be 1994 all over again. Thanks but no thanks. Color of the skin or what type of genitals should be way behind what is best for our country. The Clintons were partially responsible for a constitutional crisis in this country once before and I won't have that again. Times they are a changing.
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And part of me isn't joking here and I will tell you why. Because I think that lots of women are thinking about the history factor of the first woman presidential candidate of a major party and NOT thinking about what it might, on a pragmatic level, do to the election. I don't support Obama BECAUSE he is a black man. That part is cool to me, but I support him because I believe he can actually get a majority of the Electoral College Votes. That is ALL. He is less divisive, less polarizing and actually says that there is some hope out there that we can bring some prestige back to this country. That maybe it really is possible to be president of the United States again instead of President of your party. And Clinton will be president of her party and support partisan legislation and move back toward Hillary care and then it will be 1994 all over again. Thanks but no thanks. Color of the skin or what type of genitals should be way behind what is best for our country. The Clintons were partially responsible for a constitutional crisis in this country once before and I won't have that again. Times they are a changing.

Hey Soc, dont you dare yell 'BULLSHIT" at me and then come in here and make this post.

Many people thought I called them a sexist today, but what I was attempting to say was they are not able to reconize sexism very well. So let me be clear here:

With this incredibly sexist post, filled with stereotypes about emotional women who don't know how to think straight enough to do the right thing, and shoudl stay home and let the men decide what's "best" for the country, you showed yourself to be an outright sexist.

YOu can shove it straight up your ass Soc.

I do get tired of being mocked on this board, and I have seen you mocking me all day on many different threads Soc, with your "oh you must be a sexist" BS...belitting the idea that sexism even exists and implying that I am an hysterical woman who sees it under every rock.

But that wont' get me to shut up.

You're a sexist and if you wrote this abotu black men, voting for Obama just because he's black, and unable to think clearly about what is best for their country, no less that EIGHT men would have already jumped all over your shit...simply providing more evidence that many of them are unable to see sexism, and even if they do, do not get angry over it, the way they do about racism.

But you, are an outright sexist.
And part of me isn't joking here and I will tell you why. Because I think that lots of women are thinking about the history factor of the first woman presidential candidate of a major party and NOT thinking about what it might, on a pragmatic level, do to the election. I don't support Obama BECAUSE he is a black man. That part is cool to me, but I support him because I believe he can actually get a majority of the Electoral College Votes. That is ALL. He is less divisive, less polarizing and actually says that there is some hope out there that we can bring some prestige back to this country. That maybe it really is possible to be president of the United States again instead of President of your party. And Clinton will be president of her party and support partisan legislation and move back toward Hillary care and then it will be 1994 all over again. Thanks but no thanks. Color of the skin or what type of genitals should be way behind what is best for our country. The Clintons were partially responsible for a constitutional crisis in this country once before and I won't have that again. Times they are a changing.

Totally random and off topic but your comment about 1994 reminded of a comment a guy sitting next to me at a USC function said last year which was, "shoot, HillaryCare and OJ Simpson getting arrested, I feel like we're back in 1994."