Clinton Campaign says Obama is a Plagiarist!

So we agree, that republicans love to spend tons of money. As long as it on war and iraq, and not on americans.

No. I was spefically referencing domestic spending. It doesn't mean I support (or 'agree' with you) about overseas spending.
That’s great Soc. Good for you. There are no sexists on this board, I stand corrected. You were all, every single one of you, raised in a sexist society, but not one of you is sexist, even unconsciously. I applaud this.

It’s interesting that not one of you is capable of hearing me though. The narrative that has taken over this campaign of the evil witch and the pure, brave heart, is offensive to women. Many feel piled on. I have listed over and over, the outrageously sexist things said about this woman, and through her, all women. When William Kristol says “white women are a problem, we all have that problem with white women”. When Pat Buchanon says “her voice reminds every man of their wives voice when he’s being nagged”, when Barnicle says “she stands there looking at Obama just like EVERYONE’S first wife in front of probate court, ok?” when Maureen Dowd can, in her approving manner, repeat a “joke” a man told her about there being no “white bitch month” that’s not about Hillary. It’s about all women, and it’s sexist, and it’s hate. It is what easily allows one in three AMERICAN soldiers to be raped or sexually assaulted by AMERICAN SOLDIERS. The bitch was asking for it. The bitch had it coming. I really gave it to that bitch.

There is such a thing as active listening, and none of you guys on here from Onceler who told me to fuck off, to you Soc, who mocked me, to Dave who said “I frankly don’t’ care if you call me a sexist” have shown any ability to hear.

I grew up in a racist society. I understand that I can be unconsciously racist because of it. I was getting so angry, that after I read Obama’s comment about Hillary, basically being on the rag, that I said to a friend, how come when Hillary said it took a President (LBJ) to pass civil rights legislation, that was “racist” but this isn’t sexist? And I don’t think saying what she said about LBJ was racist.

And he, a black man, was able to say to me, first and foremost, “You have every right to feel outraged over what Obama said. He was wrong. He would never have said that about a man. It’s sexist”.

And then he spoke to me about why he felt saying what she said about LBJ was racist and degrading. And guess what? Because he had heard me…I was able to hear him. And I need to be kept in check about some more subtle forms of racism that I might not be as likely to pick up on. And I’m glad I have someone who I can listen to about the subject. But first, he hears me. He gets the sexism. But he’s a rare male.

So keep not hearing women. And then wonder why they said screw you and stayed home on election day.

Have a good day.
Darla, I think that his campaign is peaking and people are "hearing" you, or understanding it as unconsciously as you accuse them of participating in it. I agree with your "blank page" assessment as well.
So we agree, that republicans love to spend tons of money. As long as it on war and iraq, and not on americans.

The Democrats control Congress. They are in charge of the purse strings. How much spending overseas on war have they cut since they have been in control?
"It takes a village"

Taken from an African proverb which I have never heard Hillary give credit to.

End of a made-up story about nothing.
Darla, I think that his campaign is peaking and people are "hearing" you, or understanding it as unconsciously as you accuse them of participating in it. I agree with your "blank page" assessment as well.

I don't see evidence that many people are capable of recognizing subtle racist or gender bias. I was mocked for posting the thread about hillary feeling down and striking back with her claws out. I thought that was an inappropriate comment. Do you agree with me now?

I don't know the details of the civil rights/LBJ comments by the clintons. But, I'm going to look into it. For my own edification.

The most disturbing part of this whole campaign has been the race and gender stuff. I wish both campaigns would knock it off. I don't think Obama is a flaming sexist, and I don't think Clinton is a closet racist. But, ALL of us - including myself - need to be able to recognize the scope and extent we participate in institutionalized racism and sexism, even when we don't realize we're doing it.
Obama= 'Devils Advocate'

He is a textbook character from the movie...he came from nowhere and became a star overnight!...Scarry stuff!

At least with Hillary ya know what you are getting...she has a past history...Obama not so much to go on!
Darla, you are in no position to talk about 'active listening,' at least as you describe it. This thread is about a bogus charge by the Clinton camp - and it is bogus, whether it was a man, woman or child saying it (and it was actually a man). I called them on it, and basically said that it's not something to be dismissive of, and for that, I got a lecture on sexism, and how I'm blind, and full of worship, and naive, and a rabid attack dog, et al.

Again, I'm sorry about sexism; I'm sorry that most men have either overt or subconscious sexist thoughts to some degree (and I'm sure I'm in that crowd somewhere), and I'm sorry that it is something that is so accepted, as in the quotes that you have posted, and the lack of outrage about them. But I can't do too much about that. This campaign is not about gender for me; not in the slightest. When a Democrat basically adopts the Karl Rove technique of smearing a candidate, I'm gonna call them on it, and I'm not going to let all of the BS thrown my way because of it just slide.

I can be excited about a candidate without being blind; I think that is such a ridiculous assertion, and more than anything, it's just lazy.
Wow. I heard her in interviews talking about that very proverb. Where is the disconnect?

Does she attribute it every time she says "It takes a village?"

ANSWER -- Hell to the NO.

The disconnect is intellectual.

I've written many speeches .. are they the candidates own words?

Should speechwriters get their names mentioned when candidates give speeches they didn't write?

This is a non-issue which doesn't have legs .. just minions.
I don't see evidence that many people are capable of recognizing subtle racist or gender bias. I was mocked for posting the thread about hillary feeling down and striking back with her claws out. I thought that was an inappropriate comment. Do you agree with me now?

I don't know the details of the civil rights/LBJ comments by the clintons. But, I'm going to look into it. For my own edification.

The most disturbing part of this whole campaign has been the race and gender stuff. I wish both campaigns would knock it off. I don't think Obama is a flaming sexist, and I don't think Clinton is a closet racist. But, ALL of us - including myself - need to be able to recognize the scope and extent we participate in institutionalized racism and sexism, even when we don't realize we're doing it.
Whether I agree or not changes nothing about "unconsciously recognizing" something, would it?
not only that, how many times have people lifted from MLK's I have a dream speech and not mentioned his name?
Darla, you are in no position to talk about 'active listening,' at least as you describe it. This thread is about a bogus charge by the Clinton camp - and it is bogus, whether it was a man, woman or child saying it (and it was actually a man). I called them on it, and basically said that it's not something to be dismissive of, and for that, I got a lecture on sexism, and how I'm blind, and full of worship, and naive, and a rabid attack dog, et al.

Again, I'm sorry about sexism; I'm sorry that most men have either overt or subconscious sexist thoughts to some degree (and I'm sure I'm in that crowd somewhere), and I'm sorry that it is something that is so accepted, as in the quotes that you have posted, and the lack of outrage about them. But I can't do too much about that. This campaign is not about gender for me; not in the slightest. When a Democrat basically adopts the Karl Rove technique of smearing a candidate, I'm gonna call them on it, and I'm not going to let all of the BS thrown my way because of it just slide.

I can be excited about a candidate without being blind; I think that is such a ridiculous assertion, and more than anything, it's just lazy.

First of all Onceler, you should google Joe Biden...the man was basically forced into dropping out of a Presidential race in the 80's, or early 90's, over a very similar thing.

Secondly, Onceler, to me this thread is about Hillary hate. There is a freaking thread about this, and where is the one about Obama's "the claws come out" remark? Where is the one about his "periodically she's feeling down and lashes out"? Oh that's right, they don't exist.

My point was that if Hillary had been accused of Obama of copying someone else's speech, and then she admitted that she had but the person was her friend and said it was Ok..the same people now calling Hillary pathetic and desperate for this, would be calling her pathetic and desperate if she was in Obama's place!

My point was never that I personally think what Obama did was a big deal, I don’t. But anything and everything Hillary does or says is a big deal.

But again, you're not listening. And you won't. The narrative is already set.
Does she attribute it every time she says "It takes a village?"

ANSWER -- Hell to the NO.

The disconnect is intellectual.

I've written many speeches .. are they the candidates own words?

Should speechwriters get their names mentioned when candidates give speeches they didn't write?

This is a non-issue which doesn't have legs .. just minions.
Nobody is talking about "plagiarism" anymore in this thread except you and the occasional "yup dude" to your posts. That is how much "legs" that had. The thread moved on to sexism and other issues.

I don't see many people criticizing him at all for this. It was a weak little slap that had nothing behind it, it wasn't even strong enough to carry enough wind to blow out a candle.

As for the "It takes a village" thing, it became popular knowledge when she first promoted it. Now people attribute it without constant reminders of it. Much like MLK speeches. People know who originally said it.
not only that, how many times have people lifted from MLK's I have a dream speech and not mentioned his name?

Tiana, that's well known enough that youd' have to be a real dummy to believe the person speaking the words, wrote the speech.

Listen, or don't this point I don't care, but Joe Biden got creamed for doing what Obama did a few races back.

I think the reaction to what Biden did was way over the top. But I think the reaction to Hillary bringing this up, is also way over the top.
First of all Onceler, you should google Joe Biden...the man was basically forced into dropping out of a Presidential race in the 80's, or early 90's, over a very similar thing.

Secondly, Onceler, to me this thread is about Hillary hate. There is a freaking thread about this, and where is the one about Obama's "the claws come out" remark? Where is the one about his "periodically she's feeling down and lashes out"? Oh that's right, they don't exist.

My point was that if Hillary had been accused of Obama of copying someone else's speech, and then she admitted that she had but the person was her friend and said it was Ok..the same people now calling Hillary pathetic and desperate for this, would be calling her pathetic and desperate if she was in Obama's place!

My point was never that I personally think what Obama did was a big deal, I don’t. But anything and everything Hillary does or says is a big deal.

But again, you're not listening. And you won't. The narrative is already set.

Joe Biden is a great example. That's a good candidate, who was shot down for good by those charges. And you want me to accept that with Obama, because, hey, it's just "campaigning" right? How much are you willing to accept on that?

There is Hillary hate on this thread; I will not deny that. But it's a thread about the plagiarism charge, and my responses, at least initially, dealt only with that; and for that, I was called sexist, blind, naive & a rabid dog. Who isn't listening?

You want a thread on the claws remark, start one. I came on this thread commenting on the bogus plagiarism charge, and you flew at a comfortable altitude above that & started with the usual "you're a blind worshipper" BS. I'm really tired of it.
Darla, I think that his campaign is peaking and people are "hearing" you, or understanding it as unconsciously as you accuse them of participating in it. I agree with your "blank page" assessment as well.

Do you think so? I have been writing on this, publshed stuff, and it did my heart so good to see a male reader comment that the writer was very talented, balancing intelligence with passion. Because I have been so emotional over this, that I haven't been able to tell if I am able to write intelligently on it. I know that here, I am more emotional. But to be honest, I am still not telegraphing the extent of the emotion I feel on this. If I did, I'd be called a sobbing hysterical woman.
not only that, how many times have people lifted from MLK's I have a dream speech and not mentioned his name?

Even King lifted parts of that speech.

Talking points as an "issue" is stupid to the nth degree .. and only becomes an issue out of desperation.
Joe Biden is a great example. That's a good candidate, who was shot down for good by those charges. And you want me to accept that with Obama, because, hey, it's just "campaigning" right? How much are you willing to accept on that?

There is Hillary hate on this thread; I will not deny that. But it's a thread about the plagiarism charge, and my responses, at least initially, dealt only with that; and for that, I was called sexist, blind, naive & a rabid dog. Who isn't listening?

You want a thread on the claws remark, start one. I came on this thread commenting on the bogus plagiarism charge, and you flew at a comfortable altitude above that & started with the usual "you're a blind worshipper" BS. I'm really tired of it.

Biden lifted someone's whole life story .. not just a few lines that was mutally agreed upon with the original writer .. if Patrick was the writer.