(CNN) — Democrats Fear Trump On Track For Blowout 330 Electoral Win

"Lawfare," the latest maga buzzword to try to excuse trump's crimes.

That's exactly what it is.

Have you ever noticed how attracted these Trumper morons are to things like buzz words and symbolism?

A couple of decades ago it was the tea party and tri-cornered hats with tea bags hanging off the brim.

And of course, the Gadsden flag.

And the Confederate flag.

Remember when Sarah Palin introduced the word "maverick" into the rwnj vernacular?

Lame stream media was another one she started.

Now it's shit like deep state and lawfare.

Just proves how easily led around and manipulated they are.

No wonder Trump has them mesmerized, hypnotized and wrapped around his little finger.

He's just the latest shiny object that has them fascinated out of their wits.

What few wits they ever had, anyway.
Have you ever noticed how attracted these Trumper morons are to things like buzz words and symbolism?

A couple of decades ago it was the tea party and tri-cornered hats with tea bags hanging off the brim.

And of course, the Gadsden flag.

And the Confederate flag.

Remember when Sarah Palin introduced the word "maverick" into the rwnj vernacular?

Lame stream media was another one she started.

Now it's shit like deep state and lawfare.

Just proves how easily led around and manipulated they are.

No wonder Trump has them mesmerized, hypnotized and wrapped around his little finger.

He's just the latest shiny object that has them fascinated out of their wits.

What few wits they ever had, anyway.
Magas are simple folk. All they need is an authoritarian leader who tells them how to think, and a shitload of empty promises. Then they're happy as clams.
Enquiring minds want to know if the overwhelming majority of voters want a rapist and convicted felon with mob ties in the highest office in the land.
When the alternative is a senile geriatric who thinks Trump is his Vice President and who thinks Putin is the president of Ukraine..... it appears so according to the current numbers
Speaking of knowledge, from one of our "higher learning institutions"

A student at the University of Utah created quite the viral stir recently when she posted a picture of a “cry closet” installed in the school’s library.

That’s right – a cry closet.

The closet, designed for students overwhelmed by the pressures of final exams, features a plush floor and lots of stuffed animals for cuddling by the fragile individuals amongst the student body.

For the fragile individuals
amongst the student body?

OMG! They're teaching/training pussies
Then you should know they are bogus and destined to be overturned. They used unconstitutional evidence.
By his bought and paid for WHORES on the US Supreme Court, you mean.

Big surprise there.

You fucking MAGA maggots are systematically destroying this country.

I hope you destroy yourselves with it.
When the alternative is a senile geriatric who thinks Trump is his Vice President and who thinks Putin is the president of Ukraine..... it appears so according to the current numbers
"Slave for Christ," huh.

Why is it that the people who proclaim their Christianity the loudest are also those who follow Christ's teachings the least?

Inquiring minds want to know.
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I've asked JPP many times to show where in the chain of evidence the corruption came in, but so far, no takers.
ignoring statute of limitations to pursue political ambitions is one place to start ya derp stick

seriously - go procreate amongst your shit stain selves. nobody gives a shit about the New York felonies but shit stain new yorkers