CNN- Trump Obtained Podiatrist Excuse Before Discussing Military Coup After Election

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump obtained a doctor’s note to avoid serving in his own military coup, according to a bombshell book published today.

The book, written by Trump’s New York-based podiatrist, Dr. Harland Dorrinson, reveals that the former President became concerned that, if a military coup that he was masterminding gained critical mass, he might be required to assume an active combat role.

To foreclose that possibility, he contacted Dorrinson, who has written a number of doctor’s notes for Trump over the years.

An excerpt from the note reads, “Donald J. Trump is suffering from extremely painful bone spurs that would make any active-duty participation in a military coup out of the question. In the event of such a coup, I strongly recommend that he be limited to an administrative role.”

The podiatrist’s searing exposé is the thirty-seventh book about the last days of Trump’s Presidency published this week, according to industry estimates.

Funny how the Left can't read in an objective manner...
Satire from The Borowitz Report

It was a satirical piece meant for humor, like the Onion or Babylon Bee... But when it fits the Left's conspiracy theories it becomes reality to the delusional...
it was a silly premise, only TDS got them to think it's real

Still fucking running your mouth, after exercising Russian Active Measures for more than a year to try and attack our elections and democracy.

Every single thing you post on JPP turns out to be a lie.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump obtained a doctor’s note to avoid serving in his own military coup, according to a bombshell book published today.

The book, written by Trump’s New York-based podiatrist, Dr. Harland Dorrinson, reveals that the former President became concerned that, if a military coup that he was masterminding gained critical mass, he might be required to assume an active combat role.

To foreclose that possibility, he contacted Dorrinson, who has written a number of doctor’s notes for Trump over the years.

An excerpt from the note reads, “Donald J. Trump is suffering from extremely painful bone spurs that would make any active-duty participation in a military coup out of the question. In the event of such a coup, I strongly recommend that he be limited to an administrative role.”

The podiatrist’s searing exposé is the thirty-seventh book about the last days of Trump’s Presidency published this week, according to industry estimates.

I can't wait for the Reichtards' screams of "Fake news! Never happened!" :laugh:
because of Vietnam?? there were a shitload of "cowards". live cowards.
did you go.. were you in the anti-war movement? if not then you havent a clue

You are a coward because you lied to everyone about the election being stolen, but then didn't go to DC on 1/6 to do anything about it, even after Trump personally invited you.
Why so angry? We're talking about Trump, not veterans.
no you were talking about "cowards" - you are dead wrong, and fortunate not to have been dead in your 20's because of Nixons war.
I was a "coward"- thousands of us were. we couldnt stop the war, but we put ourselves on the line too
You have no idea, but you want to label the anti-war movement cowards. i've heard it all before. STFU.
no you were talking about "cowards" - you are dead wrong, and fortunate not to have been dead in your 20's because of Nixons war.
I was a "coward"- thousands of us were. we couldnt stop the war, but we put ourselves on the line too
You have no idea, but you want to label the anti-war movement cowards. i've heard it all before. STFU.

I never said you were, dumbass.
I never said you were, dumbass.
look moron. since you are incapable of any context:

you brought up "Trump is a coward" because of his dodging Vietnam. I threw it back in your face that you have no idea what it was like to wonder what your lottery number was going to be,or how can you get a deferment-
or just pack your bags and go die alone in a rice paddy ..for what? so you are not a coward?

I heard the same thing from the "America love it or leave it crowd" - some of them at least have learned over the years the war was an immoral bloodbath for a shitty cause

then you still go on with the "coward" - you should apologize to Trump and all who refused to go to that war.

"What if they gave a war and nobody came" ( 60's saying)
look moron. since you are incapable of any context:

you brought up "Trump is a coward" because of his dodging Vietnam. I threw it back in your face that you have no idea what it was like to wonder what your lottery number was going to be,or how can you get a deferment-
or just pack your bags and go die alone in a rice paddy ..for what? so you are not a coward?

I heard the same thing from the "America love it or leave it crowd" - some of them at least have learned over the years the war was an immoral bloodbath for a shitty cause

then you still go on with the "coward" - you should apologize to Trump and all who refused to go to that war.

"What if they gave a war and nobody came" ( 60's saying)

Maybe he should apologize to John McCain's family?