CNN- Trump Obtained Podiatrist Excuse Before Discussing Military Coup After Election

Funny you should say that. We were watching the NBC Nightly News tonight. One story was about a book that just came out wherein Gen. Milley said he was concerned that Trump would try to pull a coup to stay in power. That made me think "What if he really IS a stable genius, and his whole I'm-a-low-IQ-bumbling-bully schtick is just a totally brilliant act, by a truly evil mastermind?" Then I thought of Jan. 6 and thought "Meh. No way." lol

What’s that got to do with the government encouraging snitching? Seems to be against the spirit of the document if not it’s letter.

What's the difference between a good citizen reporting a pedophile ring and a snitch?

Isn't the term relative to a person's honesty or dishonesty regardless of the crime?
He's on the Downlow

Meh, most of them are. He should just come clean with his wife if the kids are out of the house.
In the south it is especially hard with all the sexual repression and pretense to Ozzy and Harriet.
That's why son of bitch has to have risky sex in bath houses. If he lived in California
he could get married and have a loving relationship with a man and it would be no biggie.
John McCain should apologize for being a career warmonger


Ok what does that have to do with what is being discussed?
DA RUSSIANS!!! :rolleyes:

Then explain why you did precisely what DHS warned about from Russia in the same period.

I didn't ask for a mail in, I would have never known it was sent except my Russian neighbor
( who values American democracy more then most Americans) was kind enough to bring it over
return postage paid envelope included.. what could possibly go wrong?? :palm:

A complete and total lie, according to DHS:

We assess that Russia is likely to continue amplifying criticisms of vote-by-mail and shifting voting processes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic to undermine public trust in the electoral process.

That report reads like a listing of every single tactic you've ever used on JPP.

You are a Russian asset.