CNN- Trump Obtained Podiatrist Excuse Before Discussing Military Coup After Election

Performance art, like Trump's satirical presidency.

Funny you should say that. We were watching the NBC Nightly News tonight. One story was about a book that just came out wherein Gen. Milley said he was concerned that Trump would try to pull a coup to stay in power. That made me think "What if he really IS a stable genius, and his whole I'm-a-low-IQ-bumbling-bully schtick is just a totally brilliant act, by a truly evil mastermind?" Then I thought of Jan. 6 and thought "Meh. No way." lol
Funny you should say that. We were watching the NBC Nightly News tonight. One story was about a book that just came out wherein Gen. Milley said he was concerned that Trump would try to pull a coup to stay in power. That made me think "What if he really IS a stable genius, and his whole I'm-a-low-IQ-bumbling-bully schtick is just a totally brilliant act, by a truly evil mastermind?" Then I thought of Jan. 6 and thought "Meh. No way." lol

Milley is a POS coward pussy... he is a fucking lying cocksucker
Another PSA. Thank you for reading. lol

Son of the Revolution
Verified Loser

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What he wrote above was the culmination of more than a year's worth of effort to undermine the integrity of the election to justify the coup attempt that Anatta was clearly planning with Trump, the 3%ers, and the small-dicked Oathkeepers.

That's because anatta and dukkha are one and the same Dookie. :)

You have to keep an eye on anatta.

If he’s not colluding with the Russians he’s trying to subvert the government lol. You should snitch on him the Stasi…oops, I mean the feds.
lol...well you are the Russian asset!.
Of course Hillary said Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein are assets as well..:rolleyes:
You have to keep an eye on anatta.

If he’s not colluding with the Russians he’s trying to subvert the government lol. You should snitch on him the Stasi…oops, I mean the feds.

The fact you hate the US Constitution so much you think all Americans who support it are "Stasi", a term that died over 30 years ago, is very telling.
The fact you hate the US Constitution so much you think all Americans who support it are "Stasi", a term that died over 30 years ago, is very telling.

What’s that got to do with the government encouraging snitching? Seems to be against the spirit of the document if not it’s letter.