Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

No conspiracy or any other type of theory necessary. The CDC, FDA and Pharma companies all have cautionary alerts as to the age and health of person in relation to getting the jabs. The facts are that Powell had serious pre-conditions, BUT NOT COVID. He gets the jab and develops Covid and dies. A matter of fact, a matter of history. This scenario is not new.

Your second question is irrelevent to the topic at hand.....please don't try to detour or goal post shift by repeating it. that's a rookie troll move.

I disagree with your causational theory that COVID vaccinations cause COVID. That's just a lazy version of the Flu vaccine wackadoodle theory.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
No conspiracy or any other type of theory necessary. The CDC, FDA and Pharma companies all have cautionary alerts as to the age and health of person in relation to getting the jabs. The facts are that Powell had serious pre-conditions, BUT NOT COVID. He gets the jab and develops Covid and dies. A matter of fact, a matter of history. This scenario is not new.

Your second question is irrelevent to the topic at hand.....please don't try to detour or goal post shift by repeating it. that's a rookie troll move.

I disagree with your causational theory that COVID vaccinations cause COVID. That's just a lazy version of the Flu vaccine wackadoodle theory.

Right, because its just sheer coincidence that people WITHOUT THE SYMPTOMS OR POSITIVE TEST RESULTS come down with Covid AFTER the jabs. Powell is not unique in this, hell, you have healthy people getting the same thing.

Not lazy, just the facts that you seem reluctant or unwilling to deal with.
Right, because its just sheer coincidence that people WITHOUT THE SYMPTOMS OR POSITIVE TEST RESULTS come down with Covid AFTER the jabs. Powell is not unique in this, hell, you have healthy people getting the same thing.

Not lazy, just the facts that you seem reluctant or unwilling to deal with. mean like 100% of all fatal auto accidents involve cars? Wow!

BTW, I got my Moderna booster today (walmart appointment) along with one of two pneumonia shots. I also need my tetanus and shingles updated plus anything else my doctor recommends. Not all at once since some of those can take a day or two to recover.

At 84 and based on a issue with cancer, his immune system apparently was not strong enough to deal with the affects of covid-19. Rest in peace Mr. General Colin Powell who was a military man only.
Colin Powell is not getting the John McCain treatment, like at all, which I find interesting. Somehow I dont think it is because Americans have gotten smarter.
That’s due to his Twitter education.
...and, no doubt, Facebook.

The revelations coming out of the data dump from FB are astounding. I see big changes and lots of whining down the road.

Maybe all the hate will move to Trump's platform
Host of Trump social media platform expecting more than 75M users
RightForge, which is known for hosting conservative sites, will host Trump’s “Truth Social” network, Axios first reported, with company CEO Martín Avila telling the news outlet on Monday that it has been “laying the groundwork” for Truth Social to have more than 75 million users.

"That’s why there will be servers everywhere," Avila said.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Right, because its just sheer coincidence that people WITHOUT THE SYMPTOMS OR POSITIVE TEST RESULTS come down with Covid AFTER the jabs. Powell is not unique in this, hell, you have healthy people getting the same thing.

Not lazy, just the facts that you seem reluctant or unwilling to deal with. mean like 100% of all fatal auto accidents involve cars? Wow!

BTW, I got my Moderna booster today (walmart appointment) along with one of two pneumonia shots. I also need my tetanus and shingles updated plus anything else my doctor recommends. Not all at once since some of those can take a day or two to recover.

No, I'm what I previously stated regarding Powell and Covid. Stay focused and stop trying to dodge and don't have to live up to your screen icon's declaration.

Good for you and God be with you. That is your choice...something that is being wittled away in various states......BTW, I haven't gotten any of those type of shots for decades....had shingles over 30 years ago, no need for tetanus unless I get poked with something rusty. When I did have to get a tetanus shot, my arm had a baseball size swelling that ached and was feverishly hot throught out the night. The next day, I had to leave work with flu like symptoms (chills, fatigue, aches)....damned near had to be hospitalized. Just saying.
...and, no doubt, Facebook.

The revelations coming out of the data dump from FB are astounding. I see big changes and lots of whining down the road.

Maybe all the hate will move to Trump's platform
Host of Trump social media platform expecting more than 75M users
RightForge, which is known for hosting conservative sites, will host Trump’s “Truth Social” network, Axios first reported, with company CEO Martín Avila telling the news outlet on Monday that it has been “laying the groundwork” for Truth Social to have more than 75 million users.

"That’s why there will be servers everywhere," Avila said.

Funny how you jokers circle jerk on any lie told that attempts to demonize and discedit anyone NOT buying into the party line. To date, NOTHING I have posted hasn't been or cannot be easily documented. What's sticking your craw is that contrary information makes it very hard for you to maintain the party line while surpressing your natural critical thinking skills. Carry on.
No, I'm what I previously stated regarding Powell and Covid. Stay focused and stop trying to dodge and don't have to live up to your screen icon's declaration.

Good for you and God be with you. That is your choice...something that is being wittled away in various states......BTW, I haven't gotten any of those type of shots for decades....had shingles over 30 years ago, no need for tetanus unless I get poked with something rusty. When I did have to get a tetanus shot, my arm had a baseball size swelling that ached and was feverishly hot throught out the night. The next day, I had to leave work with flu like symptoms (chills, fatigue, aches)....damned near had to be hospitalized. Just saying.

I had some mild fatigue after the second Moderna, but nothing after the booster and the Pneumonia shot except mildly sore arms at the point of injection. No limit of function.
Funny how you jokers circle jerk on any lie told that attempts to demonize and discedit anyone NOT buying into the party line. To date, NOTHING I have posted hasn't been or cannot be easily documented. What's sticking your craw is that contrary information makes it very hard for you to maintain the party line while surpressing your natural critical thinking skills. Carry on.

Actually it can since you leave out a lot of details. Your conspiracy theorist logic is like this:

1. We have a problem

2. Aliens/Jews

3. We should do something.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
No, I'm what I previously stated regarding Powell and Covid. Stay focused and stop trying to dodge and don't have to live up to your screen icon's declaration.

Good for you and God be with you. That is your choice...something that is being wittled away in various states......BTW, I haven't gotten any of those type of shots for decades....had shingles over 30 years ago, no need for tetanus unless I get poked with something rusty. When I did have to get a tetanus shot, my arm had a baseball size swelling that ached and was feverishly hot throught out the night. The next day, I had to leave work with flu like symptoms (chills, fatigue, aches)....damned near had to be hospitalized. Just saying.

I had some mild fatigue after the second Moderna, but nothing after the booster and the Pneumonia shot except mildly sore arms at the point of injection. No limit of function.

That's nice...pity a lot of folk (who are growing in number as reporting becomes more accurate) can't say the same. And God knows what's coming down in the future, as any type of genetic manipulation just doesn't magically go away.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Funny how you jokers circle jerk on any lie told that attempts to demonize and discedit anyone NOT buying into the party line. To date, NOTHING I have posted hasn't been or cannot be easily documented. What's sticking your craw is that contrary information makes it very hard for you to maintain the party line while surpressing your natural critical thinking skills. Carry on.

Actually it can since you leave out a lot of details. Your conspiracy theorist logic is like this:

1. We have a problem

2. Aliens/Jews

3. We should do something.

1. Actually, you're a liar, as the chronology of the posts clearly shows my supplying valid source material and facts when needed.

2. Once again, you live up to your screen icon's self a petulant child.
The theCovid vaccine does not inject a weaker form of Covid. It does not inject Covid at all. It sends a message to develop Covid antibodies.
That's nice...pity a lot of folk (who are growing in number as reporting becomes more accurate) can't say the same. And God knows what's coming down in the future, as any type of genetic manipulation just doesn't magically go away.

I don't know of any and, aside from the Chicken Little reports, haven't heard of anything that would make me concerned to avoid vaccines. Next week I'll get the second type of pneumonia and a tetanus. I'll do this once a week (weekly grocery run to town) until I'm caught up.
1. Actually, you're a liar, as the chronology of the posts clearly shows my supplying valid source material and facts when needed.

2. Once again, you live up to your screen icon's self a petulant child.

So who is behind this conspiracy to murder 300M Americans?
He was going on with life just as you are. he did not know he was dying 2 weeks ago. He was doing his life. The Trump virus took him out.

you are FOS. He had terminal cancer, had been fighting it for many months, finally killed him. Of course he knew he was dying, a terminal cancer diagnosis is confirmation that you are dying soon. Covid did not kill him, cancer did. He may have HAD covid when he died but it did not kill him. "Trump virus" more bullshit, Its China's virus and more americans have died from it under Biden that did under Trump. Damn dude, stop listening to the liars on CNN, they are filling your little head with shit.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
That's nice...pity a lot of folk (who are growing in number as reporting becomes more accurate) can't say the same. And God knows what's coming down in the future, as any type of genetic manipulation just doesn't magically go away.

I don't know of any and, aside from the Chicken Little reports, haven't heard of anything that would make me concerned to avoid vaccines. Next week I'll get the second type of pneumonia and a tetanus. I'll do this once a week (weekly grocery run to town) until I'm caught up.

The first 3 words of your first sentence says it all.....a combination of true and willful ignorance on your you've responded to more than just one Covid Follies thread, as well as other threads/posts that contain valid source material that contradicts your steadfast beliefs.

You can get all the shots you want....just pray down the line you don't develop a type of reaction or ailment that is not in your family's heredity or is part of any virus floating aroundl...because big pharma is practically immune from accountability regarding bad side affects of it's products (a gift from The Shrub to you). Good luck to ya, Dutch.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. Actually, you're a liar, as the chronology of the posts clearly shows my supplying valid source material and facts when needed.

2. Once again, you live up to your screen icon's self a petulant child.

So who is behind this conspiracy to murder 300M Americans?

Who said that? I didn't.....what I am doing is pointing to information that exposes bad science and the potential detrimental ramifications of such. If you can prove intent to commit harm or murder, please do. Otherwise, you essentially have a collusion of Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, NIH, the MSM and the federal gov't to promot (and profit from) questionable medical procedures on the American public (and remember, The Shrub practically guaranteed immunity from libel for Big Pharma's products).

Now, be an adult and just admit your accusation was false. If you can't, then PROVE to the reading audience in what you say with just one example that can be linked. If you can't/won't, then you are indeed living up to your screen icon's description. Carry on.