Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

You're so fucking stupid that a third rate reality TV show host conned you into toiling his baggage for the rest of your pathetic life, not his.

What that means is that even long after Trump is dead and gone, you're still going to have to answer for him.

and you will answer for voting for senile Joe. How are those gas prices and inflation working out for you? idiot.
The issue is not the effectivity of the vaccines, the issues is mandating that people MUST get them or lose their jobs. We don't mandate flu shots and flu kills thousands every year. the issue is freedom.

we have mandated kids take polio and smallpox and other vaccines for decades, and it helped eradicate them, to a large extent. it works.

Influenza/Estimated deaths (2018-2019)
34,157 (out of 320 million)

deaths by covid since first death in US in jan. 2020, a year 9 months, is 736,000. it is not freedom to do stupid shit that makes others sick, clogs up health services, and exposes you and your family to disease and death. why be so fucking stupid?
he did not die of covid, he died or cancer. He died WITH covid, not FROM covid.

I bet you know people with diseases that impact their immune system are in greater danger due to covid. When Covid triggers conditions that result in death. it is a huge part of the cause. He would be driving his corvette if he did not get Covid.
I have gotten the vax, you dumb shithead. Biden is letting thousands of illegals into our country with no testing or vaxing. 20% of them (according to CDC) are covid positive. WTF is going on?

you are a liar-

epublican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma recently visited a border detention center in Donna, Texas and posted a video on Twitter with some claims:

“We have a large percentage of folks here that are COVID positive,” Lankford said. “But they’re not tested here for several days. So, they’re literally spreading it all around. And they’re released into HHS custody and into the rest of the country.”

On the veracity of those claims

PolitiFact found there is no definitive answer available since there are different categories of migrants being tested at different times and by varying groups across the border.

But back in March, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency told lawmakers that the positivity rates for people coming across the border at the time was less than 6%. For some comparison, the average positivity rate in Texas was above 7% at that time.

On testing migrants for COVID-19 and who is doing it

Immigration authorities said they are working with state and local authorities and non-governmental groups to make sure that all migrants are tested “at some point during their immigration journey.”

Federal health officials say that the many unaccompanied minors who have arrived are tested every three days — those who test positive are isolated from the rest.

Customs and Border Protection personnel do initial checks for symptoms, and they consult with onsite medical staff. People who are presumed to be sick are sent to local health systems for testing, diagnosis and treatment, according to immigration officials.

Cities, counties and nonprofits handle the vast majority of the testing and any subsequent isolation.

On the work of nonprofit groups

One example of what nonprofits do is the Jewish Family Service of San Diego. They help asylum-seekers reunite with their families in California and around the country.

They told PolitiFact that many of these people who have had to remain in Mexico are being tested for COVID-19 in that country. Then they are tested again in the United States and remain in hotel rooms while awaiting results.
he did not die of covid, he died or cancer. He died WITH covid, not FROM covid.

And yet, many deaths of non-celebrity's with similar conditions are being labeled "covid related" deaths. A matter of fact, a matter of history.

My point here was that the Covid shots come with warnings about people with certain pre-conditions...seems this was ignored with the late General.

And the band played on.
we have mandated kids take polio and smallpox and other vaccines for decades, and it helped eradicate them, to a large extent. it works.

Influenza/Estimated deaths (2018-2019)
34,157 (out of 320 million)

deaths by covid since first death in US in jan. 2020, a year 9 months, is 736,000. it is not freedom to do stupid shit that makes others sick, clogs up health services, and exposes you and your family to disease and death. why be so fucking stupid?

all true, they why doesn't the government mandate the flu shot for everyone? thousands die of the flu every year, but flu shots are up to each person. What is different about covid except that big pharma is making billions off of the vaccines?
what has biden to do with high gas prices? or with inflation? name something so i can laugh at how stupid you are....

1. he shut down the keystone pipeline
2. he stopped all offshore oil drilling leases
3. he allowed Russia to open a pipeline to europe
4. he is begging the saudis to increase oil production
5. he is the direct cause of the inflation that is affecting everything we buy.
The Jabs. Now make a conspiracy theory out of that.

Were you ever in management?

No conspiracy or any other type of theory necessary. The CDC, FDA and Pharma companies all have cautionary alerts as to the age and health of person in relation to getting the jabs. The facts are that Powell had serious pre-conditions, BUT NOT COVID. He gets the jab and develops Covid and dies. A matter of fact, a matter of history. This scenario is not new.

Your second question is irrelevent to the topic at hand.....please don't try to detour or goal post shift by repeating it. that's a rookie troll move.