Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

what they say is that those things help. vaccines have eliminated polio, smallpox, diptheria, whooping cough, measles, and others. That is not the real issue here. The issue is government mandates.

The fact that mandates eliminated many diseases shows why mandates are good. You vaccine refusniks are not qualified to make that decision. We know there are people who think their knowledge is more worthy than the CDC and the medical professions. However, you are flat out wrong. You children have kept the Trump virus alive and allowed it to continue to mutate. You are not smart enough to understand what you are doing.
knowingly spreading????

Yes, knowingly spreading. That is what you all are doing right now. That stupid bitch tried to do the same thing, and she ended up in jail.

would that be like letting thousands of infected illegals into our country and the flying them all over the country in secret middle of the night ?

First of all, that never's a total lie that you got suckered into believing because you have a weak mind.

Secondly, even if that was true, why then would you not want to be vaccinated?

Why then would you want to catch a disease carried by one of those people?

Are you fucking stupid or something?
The fact that mandates eliminated many diseases shows why mandates are good. You vaccine refusniks are not qualified to make that decision. We know there are people who think their knowledge is more worthy than the CDC and the medical professions. However, you are flat out wrong. You children have kept the Trump virus alive and allowed it to continue to mutate. You are not smart enough to understand what you are doing.

I got the vax, you fricken idiot. I support vaccines, they have saved millions of lives. Vaxes for kids are not mandatory, there are religious exemptions and others. Its the mandates that are the issue here. Deal with the issue and stop the talking point bullshit.
Yes, knowingly spreading. That is what you all are doing right now. That stupid bitch tried to do the same thing, and she ended up in jail.

First of all, that never's a total lie that you got suckered into believing because you have a weak mind.

Secondly, even if that was true, why then would you not want to be vaccinated?

Why then would you want to catch a disease carried by one of those people?

Are you fucking stupid or something?

as I told the other idiot, I got the vax, I support vaccines. It is true that around 20% of illegals let into the country by Biden are covid positive. But no mandatory vax for them, why?
that, you fricken libtard is superspreading the virus.

No, you are because you can't keep your big, fat mouth shut, nor can you keep your dirty fingers out of your mouth; those are the two ways that COVID spreads.

why is Biden not vaxing illegals when the enter our country?

How do you know he's not?

And why then wouldn't YOU want to get vaccinated so you don't catch that disease from one of those people?

Is it because you're a fucking moron? That's what it looks like.
you are a totally indoctrinated sheep, you are exactly what the socialists want.

You're so fucking stupid that a third rate reality TV show host conned you into toiling his baggage for the rest of your pathetic life, not his.

What that means is that even long after Trump is dead and gone, you're still going to have to answer for him.
Why doesn't that apply to the annual flu, colds, sinus infections, and every other transmissible illness? why only covid?

You know what happened to those diseases over the last year? They all pretty much disappeared because of masks and social distancing.

Last year, there were only about 1,000 flu cases in the US, when there are normally ~50,000, and ZERO DEATHS FROM THE FLU IN 2020.

There is no vaccination against the annual flu or sinus infections, and the flu shot is only good against certain strains of the flu.

And the same principle applies if you're knowingly spreading a deadly disease around...if you deliberately give someone AIDS, you will be charged with assault and thrown in jail for many years.

So I fully support you trying this shit because I know one way or another, you're going to fuck yourself over because you can't seem to get out of your own way.
I got the vax, you fricken idiot.

Why? Why did you do that? What was the purpose?

I support vaccines, they have saved millions of lives.

You say this, but your actions speak differently.

Vaxes for kids are not mandatory,

Yes they definitely are...

there are religious exemptions and others

What religious exemption, specifically?

Its the mandates that are the issue here.

Vaccine mandates are Constitutional, so by arguing they aren't you are arguing against the Constitution.

Some patriot you turned out to be...
as I told the other idiot, I got the vax, I support vaccines.

Your actions say differently.

It is true that around 20% of illegals let into the country by Biden are covid positive.

Nope, not true at either made this up, or someone lied to you and you're just too dumb to know you've been lied to.

As I asked before, are you fucking stupid? Because it sure seems like you are.

But no mandatory vax for them, why?

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
We say 'thus' in English, peasant. Ask your teacher when you get around to going to school. It is wonderful to see the way you nazis move immediately to silly abuse, isn't it, nazi? The result of having no arguments, doubtless.

None of that changes how the CDC defines things. So you should thusly go back to sucking on your father's tits.
The fact that mandates eliminated many diseases shows why mandates are good. You vaccine refusniks are not qualified to make that decision. We know there are people who think their knowledge is more worthy than the CDC and the medical professions. However, you are flat out wrong. You children have kept the Trump virus alive and allowed it to continue to mutate. You are not smart enough to understand what you are doing.

The problem is those vaccines actually prevent people from getting those diseases. What Gen Powell needed was such a vaccine but instead he got a good treatment for covid.
as I told the other idiot, I got the vax, I support vaccines. It is true that around 20% of illegals let into the country by Biden are covid positive. But no mandatory vax for them, why?

no, it is not true. in that they are let into the general population without testing negative...if positive, they are quarantined in federal or private housing until they are not positive. quit believing fox.

PolitiFact found there is no definitive answer available since there are different categories of migrants being tested at different times and by varying groups across the border.

But back in March, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency told lawmakers that the positivity rates for people coming across the border at the time was less than 6%. For some comparison, the average positivity rate in Texas was above 7% at that time.

On testing migrants for COVID-19 and who is doing it

Immigration authorities said they are working with state and local authorities and non-governmental groups to make sure that all migrants are tested “at some point during their immigration journey.”

Federal health officials say that the many unaccompanied minors who have arrived are tested every three days — those who test positive are isolated from the rest.

Customs and Border Protection personnel do initial checks for symptoms, and they consult with onsite medical staff. People who are presumed to be sick are sent to local health systems for testing, diagnosis and treatment, according to immigration officials.

Cities, counties and nonprofits handle the vast majority of the testing and any subsequent isolation.

On the work of nonprofit groups

One example of what nonprofits do is the Jewish Family Service of San Diego. They help asylum-seekers reunite with their families in California and around the country.

They told PolitiFact that many of these people who have had to remain in Mexico are being tested for COVID-19 in that country. Then they are tested again in the United States and remain in hotel rooms while awaiting results.
how many bodies are worth that objective?

Why would bodies be involved? Besides the current +700,00 dead Americans and counting.

BTW, I saw on Fox where there's a new variant which is 10-15% more contagious....just in time for all the antivaxxers to go inside and huddle around the television together watching the game. :thup:
Why would bodies be involved? Besides the current +700,00 dead Americans and counting.

BTW, I saw on Fox where there's a new variant which is 10-15% more contagious....just in time for all the antivaxxers to go inside and huddle around the television together watching the game. :thup:

you think millions will peacefully accept being deported????
He lied...people died. He was a war criminal...full stop! No one is absolved.

LOL he had no power......................trotted out like a puppet.

most white americans lifted white racist republican men up on a pedesta now their all on tv acting like they are moderates..............................been voting republican for the last 50 plus years.............THEY ARE NOT ABSOLVED, THIS is white americans mess BLACKS HAVE NO POWER TO DECLARE WAR INCLUDING POWEL.