Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

You're a Brit so by nature you're an asshole and have no clue how racist "Mammie" is but beyond that I don't have to ask her because the CDC defines vaccination thusly

From here it will get more complicated because you will have to connect some dots but you're a fucking idiot so it's ok, I don't expect much from you.

We say 'thus' in English, peasant. Ask your teacher when you get around to going to school. It is wonderful to see the way you nazis move immediately to silly abuse, isn't it, nazi? The result of having no arguments, doubtless.
It does if we achieve herd immunity.

So why are you against herd immunity?

herd immunity can be achieved in more than one way, the best way is for the majority of the herd catching the virus and developing natural immunities that are passed on to the next generation. Vaccines are another way, the problem with the covid vaccines is that they don't work very well in preventing the disease.

But the real issue here is government mandates that require every person to submit to injections of substances into his/her body that the person does not want. the issue is freedom, not medicine.
Wow. Okay. Tell that to the parents of kids too, dude. No doubt they'd like to believe their loss didn't happen.

What do your experts tell you about the ability of vaccines and masks to prevent spreading disease?

what they say is that those things help. vaccines have eliminated polio, smallpox, diptheria, whooping cough, measles, and others. That is not the real issue here. The issue is government mandates.
No, they didn't say that.

And you're not "healthy" if you're asymptomatic.

if you have covid and have no symptoms then you will recover and have natural antibodies to protect you. If you are worried about an asymptomatic person, wear your fricken mask and get the vax. But that decision should be yours or mine, not some clown in DC or on CNN
herd immunity can be achieved in more than one way, the best way is for the majority of the herd catching the virus and developing natural immunities that are passed on to the next generation. Vaccines are another way, the problem with the covid vaccines is that they don't work very well in preventing the disease.

But the real issue here is government mandates that require every person to submit to injections of substances into his/her body that the person does not want. the issue is freedom, not medicine.

It can also be achieved by vaccinating all who wish and deporting all who don't.
what they say is that those things help. vaccines have eliminated polio, smallpox, diptheria, whooping cough, measles, and others. That is not the real issue here. The issue is government mandates.

Dude, all the Trumpian cocksuckers have been following their master on this since Day One. The story has changed so many times I've lost count.

While government mandates are a factor, we wouldn't be be here if Trump didn't lie and fuck up the US COVID response almost two fucking years ago.

You remind me of the man who murdered his parents then complained to the Judge, "Be merciful, your honor, I'm an orphan".

Mandates wouldn't be necessary if Trump hadn't been anti-mask and denied COVID existed. Now it's a national security issue adversely impacting our economy.
Dude, all the Trumpian cocksuckers have been following their master on this since Day One. The story has changed so many times I've lost count.

While government mandates are a factor, we wouldn't be be here if Trump didn't lie and fuck up the US COVID response almost two fucking years ago.

You remind me of the man who murdered his parents then complained to the Judge, "Be merciful, your honor, I'm an orphan".

Mandates wouldn't be necessary if Trump hadn't been anti-mask and denied COVID existed. Now it's a national security issue adversely impacting our economy.

you are truly an idiot if you believe what you just posted. The Chinese are responsible for covid, not Trump or senile Joe. Yes, its a national security issue, that's exactly what the Chinese wanted, wake the fuck up!
So you want to deport all of Biden's illegals? We agree on that.

So you support forced vaccinations too, but not for illegals, right?


Quit lying like a lowlife crack whore. No one is being forced to vaccinate. Even the military isn't forcing anyone to vaccinate; those refusing are processed for discharge where the antivaxxer is free to go.
you are truly an idiot if you believe what you just posted. The Chinese are responsible for covid, not Trump or senile Joe. Yes, its a national security issue, that's exactly what the Chinese wanted, wake the fuck up!

You're obviously a Qless true believer. Drink all the Kool-Aid you can suck off of Trump by believing he never hid the truth about COVID.
Lie of the Year: Coronavirus downplay and denial
Lies infected America in 2020. The very worst were not just damaging, but deadly.

President Donald J. Trump fueled confusion and conspiracies from the earliest days of the coronavirus pandemic. He embraced theories that COVID-19 accounted for only a small fraction of the thousands upon thousands of deaths. He undermined public health guidance for wearing masks and cast Dr. Anthony Fauci as an unreliable flip-flopper.

But the infodemic was not the work of a single person.

Anonymous bad actors offered up junk science. Online skeptics made bogus accusations that hospitals padded their coronavirus case numbers to generate bonus payments. Influential TV and radio opinion hosts told millions of viewers that social distancing was a joke and that states had all of the personal protective equipment they needed (when they didn’t).

It was a symphony of counter narrative, and Trump was the conductor, if not the composer. The message: The threat to your health was overhyped to hurt the political fortunes of the president.

herd immunity can be achieved in more than one way,.

Nope...there is only one way to achieve herd immunity, and that is through vaccinations.

the best way is for the majority of the herd catching the virus and developing natural immunitie

LMAO! There is no such thing as natural immunity for COVID. And if you catch COVID once, you can certainly catch it again.

natural immunities that are passed on to the next generation

No, that's not true.

Vaccines are another way, the problem with the covid vaccines is that they don't work very well in preventing the disease.

They work up to 95%, but that's 95% for every encounter, and if you are encountering a lot of unvaccinated people, your chances of catching COVID go up.

But the real issue here is government mandates that require every person to submit to injections of substances into his/her body that the person does not want. the issue is freedom, not medicine.

You do not have the freedom to pass a deadly disease to your neighbors.

That's assault.
if you have covid and have no symptoms then you will recover and have natural antibodies to protect you.

No you don't. That is a lie.

If you are worried about an asymptomatic person, wear your fricken mask and get the vax.

I already did, but the problem is that your "very fine people" haven't, which is why they're the ones all dying of COVID now.

But that decision should be yours or mine, not some clown in DC or on CNN

Your "freedom" ends where my rights begin.

Knowingly spreading a deadly disease is assault and several "very fine people" have already been tried and convicted of assault for coughing on people and spreading COVID around:

A Woman Who Coughed On Store Food, Claiming She Had Coronavirus, Gets A Jail Sentence

You want to join her? Sure seems like it.

Quit lying like a lowlife crack whore. No one is being forced to vaccinate. Even the military isn't forcing anyone to vaccinate; those refusing are processed for discharge where the antivaxxer is free to go.

take the vax or lose your job is being forced, are you a complete fricken lunatic?
No you don't. That is a lie.

I already did, but the problem is that your "very fine people" haven't, which is why they're the ones all dying of COVID now.

Your "freedom" ends where my rights begin.

Knowingly spreading a deadly disease is assault and several "very fine people" have already been tried and convicted of assault for coughing on people and spreading COVID around:

A Woman Who Coughed On Store Food, Claiming She Had Coronavirus, Gets A Jail Sentence

You want to join her? Sure seems like it.

knowingly spreading???? would that be like letting thousands of infected illegals into our country and the flying them all over the country in secret middle of the night ?
flights? that, you fricken libtard is superspreading the virus. why is Biden not vaxing illegals when the enter our country?
No you don't. That is a lie.

I already did, but the problem is that your "very fine people" haven't, which is why they're the ones all dying of COVID now.

Your "freedom" ends where my rights begin.

Knowingly spreading a deadly disease is assault and several "very fine people" have already been tried and convicted of assault for coughing on people and spreading COVID around:

A Woman Who Coughed On Store Food, Claiming She Had Coronavirus, Gets A Jail Sentence

You want to join her? Sure seems like it.

you are a totally indoctrinated sheep, you are exactly what the socialists want.
Nope...there is only one way to achieve herd immunity, and that is through vaccinations.

LMAO! There is no such thing as natural immunity for COVID. And if you catch COVID once, you can certainly catch it again.

No, that's not true.

They work up to 95%, but that's 95% for every encounter, and if you are encountering a lot of unvaccinated people, your chances of catching COVID go up.

You do not have the freedom to pass a deadly disease to your neighbors.

That's assault.

re: your last comment. Why doesn't that apply to the annual flu, colds, sinus infections, and every other transmissible illness? why only covid?