Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

So now, because I'm not a mind reader, you are blaming all of your mistakes on me. :rofl2:

Dude, that's just more evidence you are weak, lame and a stupid.

The good news is that your proven lameness explains why, despite all of your internet tough guy bullshit here and the other forum, that you are not really a traitor. You've never done anything except talk tough in the Internet....and you never will.

That's not a crime, is it? :laugh:

Dude it's a spring error. Had he not had cancer the covid likely wouldn't have killed him. What he needed was a vaccine for COVID asshole would have prevented him from getting covid but you cunts have been pushing a vaccine that you hated when you saw it as trumps but now you live it. Go back to sucking your mother's dick asshole
We dont know might have been bad quality doctoring.

anything is possible but thats highly unlikely.
cancer takes a terrible toll on you and all the treatments do as well. Same as most people die of pneumonia when, in fact, other diseases weakened them to the point that pneumonia ultimately took hold. China Cooties are simply being substituted as its essentially the same thing as pneumonia.
anything is possible but thats highly unlikely.
cancer takes a terrible toll on you and all the treatments do as well. Same as most people die of pneumonia when, in fact, other diseases weakened them to the point that pneumonia ultimately took hold. China Cooties are simply being substituted as its essentially the same thing as pneumonia.

See even a rightist makes sense. The other rightists should follow suit.
Dude it's a spring error. Had he not had cancer the covid likely wouldn't have killed him. What he needed was a vaccine for COVID asshole would have prevented him from getting covid but you cunts have been pushing a vaccine that you hated when you saw it as trumps but now you live it. Go back to sucking your mother's dick asshole

The vaccine does not prevent the breakthroughs, dumbardo.
Dude it's a spring error. Had he not had cancer the covid likely wouldn't have killed him. What he needed was a vaccine for COVID asshole would have prevented him from getting covid but you cunts have been pushing a vaccine that you hated when you saw it as trumps but now you live it. Go back to sucking your mother's dick asshole

You fucking lying about things don’t make them true

Ass emmision
Dude it's a spring error. Had he not had cancer the covid likely wouldn't have killed him. What he needed was a vaccine for COVID asshole would have prevented him from getting covid but you cunts have been pushing a vaccine that you hated when you saw it as trumps but now you live it. Go back to sucking your mother's dick asshole

Powell was vaccinated. Being vaccinated boosts one's ability to combat a disease should they become infected if not actually protect them from it.

Agreed that Powell's weakened state from cancer, combined with COVID, killed him. Now tell me that polio would not have done the same thing despite the efficacy of the polio vaccine and given that there were as many fucking morons transmitting polio as there are today transmitting the Delta varient.

Curse me as much as you like but the fact remains you do not have a firm grip on the lack of difference between the polio vaccine and the COVID vaccines regarding the human immune system.

That's fine. As the wise man said, "The world needs ditch diggers too, son."

Dig more graves, asshole. LOL

lets be clear this wasnt HIS decison....he was trotted out like a race horse, no pun intended to deliver the news for a bunch of white,male rascist cowards who were too chicken shit to do it themselves.and true to form,white america blamed powell

He lied...people died. He was a war criminal...full stop! No one is absolved.
Powell was vaccinated. Being vaccinated boosts one's ability to combat a disease should they become infected if not actually protect them from it.

Agreed that Powell's weakened state from cancer, combined with COVID, killed him. Now tell me that polio would not have done the same thing despite the efficacy of the polio vaccine and given that there were as many fucking morons transmitting polio as there are today transmitting the Delta varient.

Curse me as much as you like but the fact remains you do not have a firm grip on the lack of difference between the polio vaccine and the COVID vaccines regarding the human immune system.

That's fine. As the wise man said, "The world needs ditch diggers too, son."

Dig more graves, asshole. LOL


Cancer killed asshole not COVID. Had he not had cancer he very likely would have survived covid. What I know is the CDC says the polio vaccine creates immunity (go look up what that word means) to polio. Whatever bug you have up your ass you should take it up with the CDC.

As wise man, my father, once said, "You will meet plenty of morons in life and be sure to treat them like morons."nyiu fucking moron
The vaccine does not prevent the breakthroughs, dumbardo.

Do you believe he is too stupid to understand the issue or do you think he really knows but is lying?

There's also the factor of mentally illness. As JPP's designated PIC, Psychologist-in-Charge, Yakuda fits the profile of JPP's most volatile keyboard warriors. They'd hurt you...if they could leave the building without an escort.

Most are elderly, Euro-American males of moderate success who used to be important men but now feel they are impotent men.**

A major problem in America I see are impotent geezers like Yakuda encouraging stupid, insecure younger men to act on this feeling of impotence.

There's a reason why JPP's geezers weren't at the Insurrection and why the average statistics of those arrested so far, and still wanted, are middle-aged Euro-American males. Of those arrested, 2/3s have mental health issues and that's certain to come up in adjudication in most cases.

The douchebags need to get a grip. Become grandpas. Let the young take charge while we bitch at them.

**Sorry for using that line before but want to encourage everyone to use it as much as possible because it's fucking true.
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Cancer killed asshole not COVID. Had he not had cancer he very likely would have survived covid. What I know is the CDC says the polio vaccine creates immunity (go look up what that word means) to polio. Whatever bug you have up your ass you should take it up with the CDC.

As wise man, my father, once said, "You will meet plenty of morons in life and be sure to treat them like morons."nyiu fucking moron

Kudos for understanding and agreed on the bolded.

Dude, I posted links about vaccines and their protection. Are you going to forgo all vaccines from now on and forever or only the COVID vaccine? Why? Why not?

I always get my vaccines. The Marine Corps, and later the Navy, made me get them as necessary, but I came to realize the protection they offered.

After I left the service I continued to update all my vaccinations. Obviously there wasn't much need for the weird stuff vaccinations, but tetanus, pneumonia, flu and, for me, shingles are simply prudent precautions. A medical version of backing your bet in Craps.

When the COVID vaccinations were deemed safe, I got in line. Why not?
anything is possible but thats highly unlikely.
cancer takes a terrible toll on you and all the treatments do as well. Same as most people die of pneumonia when, in fact, other diseases weakened them to the point that pneumonia ultimately took hold. China Cooties are simply being substituted as its essentially the same thing as pneumonia.

We know that the doctors have generally committed malpractice with COVID.....well, those of us who pay attention and are not dimwits know it.
I hope for the latter because I cannot accept the former. It's incomprehensible.

How many stupid people have you met IRL. Are you saying there's really no fucking way he fits it???

Of course, out of charity, the mental illness factor should be considered.

BTW, off topic, but sending a thing on another thread about dog training and hand signals.