Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

RIP General. He had an uphill fight with cancer and Parkinson's.

Agreed. He was good man and an American hero.

He lived a good 84 year life. Not without its bumps as we all have, but still a commendable record. RIP General.
That may all be true but show me a quote from anyone who says the covid vaccine is 95% effective at preventing people from getting covid.

On the other hand the CDC says the following about the efficacy of the polio vaccine. Notice they mention immunity. You know what that means right?

Look I don't mind talking you but you have to stop talking out of your ass

In simple terms, idiot, vaccines, including the COVID vaccines are highly safe and effective. The evidence and proof is overwhelming. You Facebook “scientists” who try to argue otherwise are the ones pulling misinformation, disinformation, malinformation out of your ass.

You’re the assholes responsible for the emergence of these variants. You’re also the assholes responsible for many deaths of immunocompromised people like Powell.

I’m just now recovering from breakthrough COVID. Got it from my unvaccinated, asymptomatic grandkids who got it from their anti-mask, anti-vax school district. I’m 67 and 7 months from my vaccination. No doubt the vaccine wore off a bit. While it put me down for a couple weeks, I didn’t have to see a doctor and stayed out of the hospital. Same for my wife. The vaccine did its job.

Try to stop getting your science education from your plumber’s Facebook page. He’s an idiot and, since you believe his memes and twitters, so are you.
Myself I'm 70 and I have gotten my booster already, and those who are refusing to get vaccinated, are the ones getting sick, and racking up hospitals bills that they will never pay, and guest who is going to pay in the end.

The unvaccinated are also perpetuating the disease enough to make even the vaccinated sick.

95% protection is good, but if one is constantly running into infected maskless assholes, then it's only a matter of time before the 5% hits.
Myself I'm 70 and I have gotten my booster already, and those who are refusing to get vaccinated, are the ones getting sick, and racking up hospitals bills that they will never pay, and guest who is going to pay in the end.

They’re also the ones responsible for the deaths of many immunocompromised like Powell. Not to mention the emergence of the variants.
Im not the one that made the definition you stupid fuck. The person with one does is NOT unvaccinated so go back to fucking your dog you're a fucking imbecile

Yakuda; JPP's worst badass behind the keyboard who refused to show up on 1/6 because he was afraid of getting hurt. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You're a traitor, Yakuda, and you should be treated as such, coward.

They’re also the ones responsible for the deaths of many immunocompromised like Powell. Not to mention the emergence of the variants.

Agreed they are part of the problem.

However, blaming the stupid, ignorant and mentally ill will not solve the problem.
Well first of all I don't give a shit about the UK. Second I don't know how they define "unvaccinated" in the UK and lastly the vast majority of people who have died from covid is tiny as most had other medical complications just like Gen Powell

Now cite a source that says the covid stab is 95% effective at preventing covid

The standard way for people who speak English, not Chinese or Russian like a traitorous cocksucker.
The standard way for people who speak English, not Chinese or Russian like a traitorous cocksucker.

Here's the thing, what Gen Powell needed because of his cancer was a vaccine that is actually a vaccine and prevents people from getting cancer. Instead he got this stab of shit that "reduces" the chance of hospitalization and death. I bet he never got polio. Now why? Because he probably had the polio vaccine and not something that reduced the chance of hospitalization or death if you got polio.
In simple terms, idiot, vaccines, including the COVID vaccines are highly safe and effective. The evidence and proof is overwhelming. You Facebook “scientists” who try to argue otherwise are the ones pulling misinformation, disinformation, malinformation out of your ass.

You’re the assholes responsible for the emergence of these variants. You’re also the assholes responsible for many deaths of immunocompromised people like Powell.

I’m just now recovering from breakthrough COVID. Got it from my unvaccinated, asymptomatic grandkids who got it from their anti-mask, anti-vax school district. I’m 67 and 7 months from my vaccination. No doubt the vaccine wore off a bit. While it put me down for a couple weeks, I didn’t have to see a doctor and stayed out of the hospital. Same for my wife. The vaccine did its job.

Try to stop getting your science education from your plumber’s Facebook page. He’s an idiot and, since you believe his memes and twitters, so are you.

You know what Gen Powell didn't have? Polio. Know why? He actually got a shot that prevented him from getting polio. That's what a vaccine does you retarded fuck.

As to your recovery it sounds like you were a dumbass to be around people you know weer in anti mask anti vac school districts. You're a moron. I am in my 60s had covid got ivermectin from my genius doctor and felt better in 2 days.

Back to gen Powell he needed a vaccine instead he got a syringe full of useless shit.
The unvaccinated are also perpetuating the disease enough to make even the vaccinated sick.

95% protection is good, but if one is constantly running into infected maskless assholes, then it's only a matter of time before the 5% hits.

What you posted is absolutely true, the right wing is using covid as a political weapon.
Here's the thing, what Gen Powell needed because of his cancer was a vaccine that is actually a vaccine and prevents people from getting cancer. Instead he got this stab of shit that "reduces" the chance of hospitalization and death. I bet he never got polio. Now why? Because he probably had the polio vaccine and not something that reduced the chance of hospitalization or death if you got polio.

There is no cancer vaccine, dipshit. No wonder the Qless are anti-science; they don't understand it.

The polio vaccine isn't 100%. By vaccinating all Americans the vaccine allowed the disease to be effectively eradicated.
Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against polio; three doses are 99% to 100% effective.

Intelligent, sane and educated people know you can't catch a disease that no longer exists.
You know what Gen Powell didn't have? Polio. Know why? He actually got a shot that prevented him from getting polio. That's what a vaccine does you retarded fuck.

As to your recovery it sounds like you were a dumbass to be around people you know weer in anti mask anti vac school districts. You're a moron. I am in my 60s had covid got ivermectin from my genius doctor and felt better in 2 days.

Back to gen Powell he needed a vaccine instead he got a syringe full of useless shit.

They were asymptomatic, you fucking idiot. We watch our grandkids a couple days a week and have for years.

Good for you. You won’t get worms, either. But your story means nothing.

Powell had the type of cancer that destroys the body’s ability to create antibodies.
The only solution is vaccination. Those who refuse to ARE to blame. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Call a spade a spade.

Those who refuse vaccinations are, indeed, the primary carriers of the disease. Ergo, they are to blame for the spread of the Delta variant; all the lives lost and the negative impact to the economy.

Now, try getting a nation of 40% dumbasses to understand that fact is the great challenge facing our nation.
A person with a brain would.nhave guessed I meant COVID.

So now, because I'm not a mind reader, you are blaming all of your mistakes on me. :rofl2:

Dude, that's just more evidence you are weak, lame and a stupid.

The good news is that your proven lameness explains why, despite all of your internet tough guy bullshit here and the other forum, that you are not really a traitor. You've never done anything except talk tough in the Internet....and you never will.

That's not a crime, is it? :laugh:
A war criminal down is a good thing!!!

lets be clear this wasnt HIS decison....he was trotted out like a race horse, no pun intended to deliver the news for a bunch of white,male rascist cowards who were too chicken shit to do it themselves.and true to form,white america blamed powell