Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

It's 95% effective against a virus that is currently lethal about 1.1% of the time. COVID deaths of the healthy vaccinated adults is exceedingly rare.

General Powell had a lot of odds stacked against him. I didn't even know he was sick from all that other stuff.

So his pre existing conditions are the cause of his death not covid. What he needed was a vibe that prevented the disease. The polio vaccine for example is 99-100% at preventing people from getting polio. The 95% efficacy you referenced is at reducing hospitalizations and death from covid it has nothing to do with preventing people from getting covid. Its a huge difference.
Survival rate for unvaxxed is 99.8%.
And, like I've said for a year and a half, deaths are due to the complications (morbidities).

The TOTAL survival rate is 98.4%. That includes a small percentage of breakthrough infections of the immunocomprinized like Powell. So, your plumber’s brother-in-law is lying to you about that number on his Facebook page.

It also misses the point about the demographics of the victims. For every young, healthy person that survives there are many more older and less healthy people that die. You anti-vax idiots never mention that. Nor do you mention the debilitating effects of long haul COVID.

Nor do you mention that the unvaxxed are the drivers for the more deadly variants. Thanks for that.

Go take your dewormer, moron. This subject is too complex for Facebook High School dropouts.
So his pre existing conditions are the cause of his death not covid. What he needed was a vibe that prevented the disease. The polio vaccine for example is 99-100% at preventing people from getting polio. The 95% efficacy you referenced is at reducing hospitalizations and death from covid it has nothing to do with preventing people from getting covid. Its a huge difference.

^He’s been talking to his barber again about science. Let him stick to your hair, curly. Both of you are too stupid to understand ANYTHING about this disease.
Are you getting your 99.8% figure from DeSantis???????????

As of Oct. 13, from CDC:

44,615,528 cases
718,681 deaths

98.4% survival rate. So, he’s stupid or lying or both. I’ll go with both.

But that number hardly tells the whole story on this disease.

He died from Cancer, not covid. A positive covid test is not the cause of death. Dying WITH covid is not dying FROM covid.
The TOTAL survival rate is 98.4%. That includes a small percentage of breakthrough infections of the immunocomprinized like Powell. So, your plumber’s brother-in-law is lying to you about that number on his Facebook page.

It also misses the point about the demographics of the victims. For every young, healthy person that survives there are many more older and less healthy people that die. You anti-vax idiots never mention that. Nor do you mention the debilitating effects of long haul COVID.

Nor do you mention that the unvaxxed are the drivers for the more deadly variants. Thanks for that.

Go take your dewormer, moron. This subject is too complex for Facebook High School dropouts.

tell me this: why is there no vax exemption for people who have survived covid and have natural antibodies stronger than vax antibodies? Those who have survived it (98+% of those who contracted it) do not need the vax.
As of Oct. 13, from CDC:

44,615,528 cases
718,681 deaths

98.4% survival rate. So, he’s stupid or lying or both. I’ll go with both.

But that number hardly tells the whole story on this disease.

The Tumpoids are notorious for shaping reality to suit their agenda.
tell me this: why is there no vax exemption for people who have survived covid and have natural antibodies stronger than vax antibodies? Those who have survived it (98+% of those who contracted it) do not need the vax.

Where are you getting your data???
^He’s been talking to his barber again about science. Let him stick to your hair, curly. Both of you are too stupid to understand ANYTHING about this disease.

That may all be true but show me a quote from anyone who says the covid vaccine is 95% effective at preventing people from getting covid.

On the other hand the CDC says the following about the efficacy of the polio vaccine. Notice they mention immunity. You know what that means right?

Look I don't mind talking you but you have to stop talking out of your ass
and you have been a silly ass moron all that time. you are too fucking stupid to understand.

Data from May showed nearly all U.S. deaths from the virus were among people who haven’t received the vaccine, AP reporting found. About 99.5% of all deaths from COVID-19 are in the unvaccinated, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has said.

people in general, vaccinated or not, have about the same level of morbidities, right? and yet almost all deaths from covid are among the unvaccinated...and you can't figure it out?

People with only 1 dose of the stab are considered unvaccinated. You're a fucking idiot.
So his pre existing conditions are the cause of his death not covid. What he needed was a vibe that prevented the disease. The polio vaccine for example is 99-100% at preventing people from getting polio. The 95% efficacy you referenced is at reducing hospitalizations and death from covid it has nothing to do with preventing people from getting covid. Its a huge difference.

All people, including cocksucking morons, are free to leap to whatever silly conclusions their little minds care to take.

As it was, he did catch COVID and would likely have survived it due to the vaccine protection had he not had the other medical issues.

Sane, educated and mature people understand that vaccines provide protection through antibody immunity. Some might still catch the disease, but the effects are weakened to the point they are non-lethal...unless one already has an immunity compromising disease.

It's like being stabbed once and shot with an arrow once. The body is weakened and fights to recover. If someone comes up and shoots them in the leg, while the is normally survivable, the already weakened body dies from the third wound.

So what killed the person? The stabbing, the arrow or the gunshot?
All people, including cocksucking morons, are free to leap to whatever silly conclusions their little minds care to take.

As it was, he did catch COVID and would likely have survived it due to the vaccine protection had he not had the other medical issues.

Sane, educated and mature people understand that vaccines provide protection through antibody immunity. Some might still catch the disease, but the effects are weakened to the point they are non-lethal...unless one already has an immunity compromising disease.

It's like being stabbed once and shot with an arrow once. The body is weakened and fights to recover. If someone comes up and shoots them in the leg, while the is normally survivable, the already weakened body dies from the third wound.

So what killed the person? The stabbing, the arrow or the gunshot?

Yes you can jump to any conclusion you like cunt face

I type slowly for you as it is clearly needed. Find a quote of anyone saying the covid stab is 95% effective at preventing covid. I have already shown how the CDC defines the efficacy of the polio vaccine. I know you're too busy licking your dogs balls but do try to read it.

BTW scrotum mouth had gen Powell not had cancer the covid would not have killed him therefore the cancer killed him you fucking retarded pig fucker

I'll wait here for the quote
The fucking idiot is a person who thinks 1 dose of vaccine is equal to either unvaccinated or fully vaccinated.

Im not the one that made the definition you stupid fuck. The person with one does is NOT unvaccinated so go back to fucking your dog you're a fucking imbecile
Yes you can jump to any conclusion you like cunt face

I type slowly for you as it is clearly needed. Find a quote of anyone saying the covid stab is 95% effective at preventing covid. I have already shown how the CDC defines the efficacy of the polio vaccine. I know you're too busy licking your dogs balls but do try to read it.

BTW scrotum mouth had gen Powell not had cancer the covid would not have killed him therefore the cancer killed him you fucking retarded pig fucker

I'll wait here for the quote
Americans have a colourful imagination. What we are finding is that most of those who die in the UK have not been vaccinated. Why do you think that is?
Americans have a colourful imagination. What we are finding is that most of those who die in the UK have not been vaccinated. Why do you think that is?

Well first of all I don't give a shit about the UK. Second I don't know how they define "unvaccinated" in the UK and lastly the vast majority of people who have died from covid is tiny as most had other medical complications just like Gen Powell

Now cite a source that says the covid stab is 95% effective at preventing covid
Where are you getting your data???

He’s a fucking idiot. That’s why I have him on ignore.

Acquired immunity varies from individual to individual and there is no study that indicates that the acquired immunity is stronger or lasts longer than a vaccine acquired immunity.

I’m still home recovering from a bout with COVID, despite being vaccinated in early March. Got it from my unvaccinated, asymptomatic grandkids who go to school in an anti-mask, anti-vax school district. Shocker that they contracted it, huh?

I’m 67. While the virus kicked the shit out of me, I did not have to see a doctor, nor was I hospitalized.

Will I get a booster in a couple months? You bet your sweet ass I will! Why? Because I prefer to live a healthy life as long as I can to enjoy sunrises, sunsets, my friends and family. They deserve it.

Those who choose to remain unvaccinated are nothing more than uncaring, selfish assholes. They don’t give a flying fuck about anyone except themselves.
He’s a fucking idiot. That’s why I have him on ignore.

Acquired immunity varies from individual to individual and there is no study that indicates that the acquired immunity is stronger or lasts longer than a vaccine acquired immunity.

I’m still home recovering from a bout with COVID, despite being vaccinated in early March. Got it from my unvaccinated, asymptomatic grandkids who go to school in an anti-mask, anti-vax school district. Shocker that they contracted it, huh?

I’m 67. While the virus kicked the shit out of me, I did not have to see a doctor, nor was I hospitalized.

Will I get a booster in a couple months? You bet your sweet ass I will! Why? Because I prefer to live a healthy life as long as I can to enjoy sunrises, sunsets, my friends and family. They deserve it.

Those who choose to remain unvaccinated are nothing more than uncaring, selfish assholes. They don’t give a flying fuck about anyone except themselves.

Myself I'm 70 and I have gotten my booster already, and those who are refusing to get vaccinated, are the ones getting sick, and racking up hospitals bills that they will never pay, and guest who is going to pay in the end.