Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

The vax helped him a lot..huh?

Don't even go there......I get the flu shot every fuckin year and I still get flu symptoms, but I don't die. Powel as was Herman Cain, both had compromised immune systems, those same systems that help ward off viral invasions, ie lacked enough white blood cells to fight due to cancer...Both men, I suspect let their guards down and CAME ACROSS ASS HO'S WHO HAD COVID AND IN POWELS CASE, SOMEONE WHO WASN'T VACINATED, LIKE A SORRY ASS NURSE OR DOCTOR. But this beautiful black man leaves us with integrity, honor and valor and is loved by everyone, save for redneck haters like you.
The MRNA vaccine tested at over 90 percent effectiveness against contracting the nascent virus. The delta variant is more transmissible.
This will up the number of deaths of breakthrough infections since those increase.

Of the following list, what are the most important reasons the moronic 20% refuse to vaccinate?

1. Trump downplayed the virus itself.
2. Trump coddled and stroked his anti-vaxer base and lacked the stones of a leader to confront them as a good president would (like Biden)
3. The deplorable anti-vaxers don't care about other people. People are islands, screw thy neighbor, not my problem, I'm healthy and odds are low.
4. I don't Trust the government, they want to kill me.
5. I don't trust scientists, they don't know anything.
6. I don't believe Moderna J&J or Pfizer, they will jab me with rat poison to make a buck.
7. I hate Democrats and since they are for vaccination I'm definitely against it.
8. Nobody tells me what to do, anybody tells me what to do I do the opposite, all the time every time.

Not that any one of these are logical or true, I just want to understand the mindset so that we might solve the problem of Republicans psychotic
and delusional choice making here. They are hurting us all as a group, so we need to figure them out and cure them.
It is true Powell is beloved. He got respectful and loving treatment on both CNN and Fox this morning.
If he can bring those two together, he must have had a lot of friends.

First time I intentionally watched Fox in 10 years or more, just to see the treatment of Colin.
Powell was a good man. The left hates him because he goes against their primary narrative. Black people cannot get ahead on their own.

That was wrong. You have maintained your average. The left liked Powell. However, that show he put on at the UN is a blotch that will always linger.
It is true Powell is beloved. He got respectful and loving treatment on both CNN and Fox this morning.
If he can bring those two together, he must have had a lot of friends.

First time I intentionally watched Fox in 10 years or more, just to see the treatment of Colin.

So was McCain, who did more in the Swamp to hurt America than just about anyone else.
Look at how bad America's officers are, what a shit show our military now is, and ask yourself when did you ever get warned about this from Colin Powell.
How do you know that? You do not. I guarantee people who got the vaccines are safer from Covid and will likely not get a serious case. Nothing is 100 percent. The vaccine is 95 percent effective. That means for 1 in 20 it does not work well on them.

So much propaganda from the left, their lies are giving people a false sense of security
OK, what about Gilligan and the Skipper?

So back to Powell...

When you hear power to include the Mind Molders talking someone up that should sound as a warning alarm to you.

It is entirely likely that they are/were bad for America, and you.

We have been betrayed by our leaders.
he lied for the racist white man to send us to war.......................shamful to the black community........................HE REGRETED IT LATER!

Someone misrepped the intel on WMD. That is a given. He at least repeated it and was the salesman. Was he in the know? He said not.
There is no doubt someone misrepped that though.

Was it opposition tha Ba'ath in Iraq alone?
Was it ^ plus some in US intel who wanted to depose Saddam?
Was it just US intel who wanted to depose Saddam?
Was it Cheney, Bush W and US intel?

We don't know to this day who the liars were.
he lied for the racist white man to send us to war.......................shamful to the black community........................HE REGRETED IT LATER!

Yes a sin he truly regretted

I don’t believe he ever claimed sainthood