Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

from medical professionals who have no agenda except keeping people healthy. Where are you getting yours? CNN? Fauci? senile Joe?

Is this your own friend or doctor telling you this or something you "saw on the Internet"?
How many stupid people have you met IRL. Are you saying there's really no fucking way he fits it???

Of course, out of charity, the mental illness factor should be considered.

BTW, off topic, but sending a thing on another thread about dog training and hand signals.

Too many and it's still incomprehensible regardless.
In simple terms, idiot, vaccines, including the COVID vaccines are highly safe and effective. The evidence and proof is overwhelming. You Facebook “scientists” who try to argue otherwise are the ones pulling misinformation, disinformation, malinformation out of your ass.

You’re the assholes responsible for the emergence of these variants. You’re also the assholes responsible for many deaths of immunocompromised people like Powell.

I’m just now recovering from breakthrough COVID. Got it from my unvaccinated, asymptomatic grandkids who got it from their anti-mask, anti-vax school district. I’m 67 and 7 months from my vaccination. No doubt the vaccine wore off a bit. While it put me down for a couple weeks, I didn’t have to see a doctor and stayed out of the hospital. Same for my wife. The vaccine did its job.

Try to stop getting your science education from your plumber’s Facebook page. He’s an idiot and, since you believe his memes and twitters, so are you.

Your ignorance of VAERS is astounding. VAERS is only REPORTED info. If a person is vaccinated and dies sometime later, it can be reported in VAERS, regardless of whether there is a correlation or not.

From the CDC:

“Adverse events reported to VAERS are not necessarily side effects caused by vaccination. An adverse event is a health problem that happens after vaccination that may or may not be caused by a vaccine. These events may require further investigation. By definition, a side effect has been shown to be linked to a vaccine by scientific studies.”

Anyone can submit something to VAERS. Until a side effect has been linked to a vaccine, it means next to nothing.

Nice try, Facebook Junior High dropout.
The only solution is vaccination. Those who refuse to ARE to blame. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Call a spade a spade.

The best solution, yes. Agreed that those who refuse to vaccinate, refuse to wear masks and acknowledge their social responsibilities are part of the problem.
my personal doctors, doctors at Mayo clinic, doctors at Ochsner clinic, doctors at Cleveland clinic i.e. doctors who actually know what they are talking about.

And they are telling you that masks don't work and vaccines are useless?
Well first of all I don't give a shit about the UK. Second I don't know how they define "unvaccinated" in the UK and lastly the vast majority of people who have died from covid is tiny as most had other medical complications just like Gen Powell

Now cite a source that says the covid stab is 95% effective at preventing covid

Ah, you're an illiterate peasant, eh? Your Mammie will read this out to you. Ask her what vaccination means when she's finished.
Ah, you're an illiterate peasant, eh? Your Mammie will read this out to you. Ask her what vaccination means when she's finished.

You're a Brit so by nature you're an asshole and have no clue how racist "Mammie" is but beyond that I don't have to ask her because the CDC defines vaccination thusly

From here it will get more complicated because you will have to connect some dots but you're a fucking idiot so it's ok, I don't expect much from you.
And they are telling you that masks don't work and vaccines are useless?

NO, they say that the benefit of the vax and masks on healthy people is minimal and that the only people dying of covid are those with other serious medical issues, like Powell and Cain.

but if a mask makes you feel safe, by all means wear it. If your mask protects you you don't need me to wear one.
NO, they say that the benefit of the vax and masks on healthy people is minimal and that the only people dying of covid are those with other serious medical issues, like Powell and Cain.

but if a mask makes you feel safe, by all means wear it. If your mask protects you you don't need me to wear one.

Wrong as usual, the aim is to reach herd. If you think about it, you will understand the way to reach that is by vaccinations.
You think of yourself, not the nation. That is what rights do.
yes, but, but, but, I thought Fauci told us that the vax would save us------------------------did Saint Fauci lie?

It would have if rightys did not refuse to take it. that stopped us from reaching herd. Saint Fauci? What is wrong with you?
NO, they say that the benefit of the vax and masks on healthy people is minimal and that the only people dying of covid are those with other serious medical issues, like Powell and Cain.

but if a mask makes you feel safe, by all means wear it. If your mask protects you you don't need me to wear one.
Wow. Okay. Tell that to the parents of kids too, dude. No doubt they'd like to believe their loss didn't happen.

What do your experts tell you about the ability of vaccines and masks to prevent spreading disease?