Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

I'm so glad that you're both okay. Do you feel like the monoclonal antibody therapy helped her recover faster than you did w/o it?

Stay well.

On the monoclonal antibodies. Possibly. She was a few days past optimum when she got them. I would have been way late, so I just powered through.
The family's announcement said "complications from COVID." That could be sepsis, organ failure, stroke or heart attack (the virus causes clots to form in some). Argue with them, not with me.

Sad that you Reichwingers would rather go on and on about vaccines rather than pay tribute to a lifelong (R) and honored veteran at the announcement of his passing. What's wrong with you?

It’s yet more proof the Republican party is dead
R.I.P General Powell and fellow Vietnam Veteran!


Colin Powell: From Vietnam vet to secretary of state
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I'm sorry to hear that. May they recover quickly and with no complications.
So far so good. It gave my wife and me a scare because we do childcare for our grand kids. We PCR tested and were negative though. I plan on testing again because I want to visit my 91 y.o mom soon.
Oh I’m sorry

This bot is apparently a Chinese one

Not talking about THIS BOARD. In the big scheme of things this board means nothing. I am talking about foreign bad actors inside the USA doing their level best every day to bring us down.
Yes and having myeloma does not mean you will die from COVID if you get exposed. Surely you aren't that stupid.

No but your odds of survival are greatly reduced. Maybe you can understand it this way:

Your odds of survival are greater if you are in a head on collision and your car has air bags and seat belts.
Your odds of survival are greatly reduced if your car has no air bags and seat belts.
You can die or survive in both cases but your survival are improved with safety gear.

It's the same with your immune system!
So far so good. It gave my wife and me a scare because we do childcare for our grand kids. We PCR tested and were negative though. I plan on testing again because I want to visit my 91 y.o mom soon.

Please please please stay away from your elderly relatives
Not talking about THIS BOARD. In the big scheme of things this board means nothing. I am talking about foreign bad actors inside the USA doing their level best every day to bring us down.

Heh. I hope you understand the irony of your post. ;)
Because Putin fears him
Putin loves Biden because Putin gets what he wants from him. Trump blocked the XO pipeline and Biden gave it the go ahead. Trump help drive oil prices down and helped make the US energy independent . Biden reversed Trump's policies and increased the price of oil and makes the US dependent on OPEC and Russian oil. PUTIN hated Trump but LOVES Biden. Putin's economy depends heavily on oil and gas.