Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

DA, Collin Powell had underlying health conditions, blood cancer was one of them making him more vulnerable to covid-19?!!

Fully vaccinate people with underlying health conditions, can still die from covid-19 too?!!

So the "vaccine" don't protect the people that need protection against COVID. :thumbsup:
So it's you're contention that Colin Powell is the only fully vaccinated person to have does from COVID? Go read the internet searches on effectiveness of the covid "vaccine" vs the polio vaccine and see if you can tell the difference between the two.

I guess it’s your only choice in such a discussion to pretend I made a certain claim, when I clearly did not.
Tell Alma Powell that you real moron.

Your statement is demonstrably false fake doc. The vaccines are effective in preventing infection, hospitalization, and death. If you were actually a doctor, or if you actually had even a smidgen of medical knowledge you would know this. But you aren't, so you don't.
I guess it’s your only choice in such a discussion to pretend I made a certain claim, when I clearly did not.

Youre right you said he is one person. I then asked a question. A question isn't a claim. What Gen Powell needed was a vaccine that is actually a vaccine that does what vaccines are suppose to do, prevent people from getting the disease they were created to deal with. Unfortunately poor Gen Powell wasn't lucky enough to live in a world where such a thing existed for covid.