Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

Youre right you said he is one person. I then asked a question. A question isn't a claim. What Gen Powell needed was a vaccine that is actually a vaccine that does what vaccines are suppose to do, prevent people from getting the disease they were created to deal with. Unfortunately poor Gen Powell wasn't lucky enough to live in a world where such a thing existed for covid.

Cancer makes the immune system weak, dumbfuck.
Your statement is demonstrably false fake doc. The vaccines are effective in preventing infection, hospitalization, and death. If you were actually a doctor, or if you actually had even a smidgen of medical knowledge you would know this. But you aren't, so you don't.

Harvard study. Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
Youre right you said he is one person. I then asked a question. A question isn't a claim. What Gen Powell needed was a vaccine that is actually a vaccine that does what vaccines are suppose to do, prevent people from getting the disease they were created to deal with. Unfortunately poor Gen Powell wasn't lucky enough to live in a world where such a thing existed for covid.

Sadly our VACCINE is only about 85% effective at preventing the disease and 92% effective at preventing severe disease.
Sadly our VACCINE is only about 85% effective at preventing the disease and 92% effective at preventing severe disease.

The effectiveness of Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine against infection tumbles over several months, falling from a peak of 88% a month after receiving the two-shot series to 47% six months later, according to an observational study published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet.
You don't even understand what you posted, fake doc. Reread and resubmit There is no suggestion anywhere in the study that vaccines are not effective. Did you think I wouldn't read it? LOL at you.

He thinks a paper that looks good will help him. :rofl2:
The complications did, fuckstick.

You said cancer made his immune system weak cum gobbler. So a weakened immune system killed it was weakened by cancer not covid. However had their been a vaccine that actually prevented people from getting covid then he'd be alive you retarded pig fucking queer.