Colin Powell has died due to complications from COVID-19

West was deployed to Kuwait in 1991 and Iraq in 2003. In 2003, West was charged in an incident that involved the beating and simulated execution of an Iraqi policeman, with West firing a gun near the Iraqi man's head during an interrogation. After an Article 32 hearing was held, West accepted non-judicial punishment, was fined $5,000, and allowed to retire as a lieutenant colonel.[7][8] After leaving the military, West moved to Florida, where he taught at a high school for a year and worked for a defense contractor, part of this time spent in Afghanistan as a civilian adviser to the Afghan National Army.
Thanks for posting an article that OBLITERATES your claim that the vaccines are not effective. We appreciate you doing our work for us, fake doc.

"Pfizer Covid shot protects people from hospitalization even as effectiveness against infection falls, Lancet study confirms"
Dear moron. These "vaccines" don't provide immunity these shots reduce the severity of the disease is many cases but not all. Vaccines are supposed to provide immunity to disease. MMR provide immunity to Measles, mumps and rubella. When is the last time you have heard of a vaccinated person catching measles mumps or rubella? When is the last time you have heard of a vaccinated person catching smallpox.
The polio vaccine is a vaccine because it stops people from getting polio. This vaccine doesnt stop people from getting covid and it killed a great American.

"A vaccine is assessed by its efficacy – the extent to which it reduces risk of disease under controlled conditions – and its effectiveness – the observed reduction in risk after the vaccine is put into use.[55] In the case of influenza, effectiveness is expected to be lower than the efficacy because it is measured using the rates of influenza-like illness, which is not always caused by influenza.[7] Influenza vaccines generally show high efficacy, as measured by the antibody production in animal models or vaccinated people.[56] However, studies on the effectiveness of flu vaccines in the real world are difficult; vaccines may be imperfectly matched, virus prevalence varies widely between years, and influenza is often confused with other influenza-like illnesses.[57] However, in most years (16 of the 19 years before 2007), the flu vaccine strains have been a good match for the circulating strains,[58] and even a mismatched vaccine can often provide cross-protection.[47] The virus rapidly changes due to antigenic drift, a slight mutation in the virus that causes a new strain to arise.[59]"


When the IPV (injection) is used, 90% or more of individuals develop protective antibodies to all three serotypes of polio virus after two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), and at least 99% are immune to polio virus following three doses. The duration of immunity induced by IPV is not known with certainty, although a complete series is thought to provide protection for many years.[15] IPV replaced the oral vaccine in many developed countries in the 1990s mainly due to the (small) risk of vaccine-derived polio in the oral vaccine.[16][17]

Not 100% effective after two doses, neither of them.
Dear moron. These "vaccines" don't provide immunity these shots reduce the severity of the disease is many cases but not all. Vaccines are supposed to provide immunity to disease. MMR provide immunity to Measles, mumps and rubella. When is the last time you have heard of a vaccinated person catching measles mumps or rubella? When is the last time you have heard of a vaccinated person catching smallpox.

97% effective, Dr. Express Fart.
You said cancer made his immune system weak cum gobbler. So a weakened immune system killed it was weakened by cancer not covid. However had their been a vaccine that actually prevented people from getting covid then he'd be alive you retarded pig fucking queer.
Dear moron. These "vaccines" don't provide immunity these shots reduce the severity of the disease is many cases but not all. Vaccines are supposed to provide immunity to disease. MMR provide immunity to Measles, mumps and rubella. When is the last time you have heard of a vaccinated person catching measles mumps or rubella? When is the last time you have heard of a vaccinated person catching smallpox.

Powell was immunocompromised by cancer. That is why he caught it. It was cancer that killed him. Covid made it worse. Multiple myeloma kills the immune system.
West was deployed to Kuwait in 1991 and Iraq in 2003. In 2003, West was charged in an incident that involved the beating and simulated execution of an Iraqi policeman, with West firing a gun near the Iraqi man's head during an interrogation. After an Article 32 hearing was held, West accepted non-judicial punishment, was fined $5,000, and allowed to retire as a lieutenant colonel.[7][8] After leaving the military, West moved to Florida, where he taught at a high school for a year and worked for a defense contractor, part of this time spent in Afghanistan as a civilian adviser to the Afghan National Army.

And Powell lied about WMDs..that led us into the war West served in!
Dear moron. These "vaccines" don't provide immunity these shots reduce the severity of the disease is many cases but not all. Vaccines are supposed to provide immunity to disease. MMR provide immunity to Measles, mumps and rubella. When is the last time you have heard of a vaccinated person catching measles mumps or rubella? When is the last time you have heard of a vaccinated person catching smallpox.

LOL, did you get your degree from a cracker jack box, fake doc? The reason no one is catching smallpox is because, wait for it..... NO ONE HAS IT you fucking moron. The disease has been eradicated. Smallpox vaccine is not 100% effective against transmission. There is simply nothing to transmit. has been,exposed to the variola virus.

My God, you are fucking stupid.
The vax helped him a lot..huh?

Powell did not die from Covid or from complications due to Covid. That is typical media BULLSHIT. He died of cancer. Another Trump hater gone. I guess these vaccinations aren't working? :dunno:

Colin Powell Dies From COVID Complications, Was Fully Vaccinated

On January 10, Powell said he no longer considered himself "a fellow Republican, days after he called on then-president Donald Trump to resign over the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., four days earlier.

Powell, whose immune system was weakened, died of Covid-19 after battling cancer.
Hello ziggy,


RIP CP, a true Republican.