combining like threads?

keep groaning moany man.

Its make you look sooo intelligent

You must have the same opinion of The Dude then; seeing as how his biggest accomplishment, other then kissing liberal ass, is to see how many groans he can give to non-liberal posters.
So this is your belated attempt to go into damage control mode? Darla is a piece of shit, if you don't like that then tough titties. You have already demonstrated how partisan and hypocritical you are, so please give it a rest. I thought you Texans were supposed to be well hard and stuff, not blubbering crybabies like you and Poet.

I see also that I need to repeat that I didn't go to Thailand once on a vacation, I worked there, got married there and have two half Thai sons. In fact, I attended my eldest son's graduation yesterday at his university where he was given a First Class Honours in Computer Science.

No, it's just me pointing out that you're nothing but a giant hypocrite regarding poet and those using personal info to attack him.

Funny how you simply ignored that part of my post.