combining like threads?

I suggested NO WHERE that anyone here was a pedophile.

I also suggested NO WHERE that anyone was a child labor proponent

Desh, since you want this discussed openly. When you say "so and so is a sociopath" in one post, then later say "the only use a sociopath has for children is pedophilia" you are trying to be cleverly "innocent" but are still suggesting that somebody is a pedophile. You have been warned, and that kind of "clever" witticism ends now. We do not tolerate that on this board.
Wow I just had a horrible realization.

child labor or pediphilia would be the only reasons a sociopath would be interested in children.

Oh my god your prison is cold and dark

I did not say anyone here was pedophile.

I did day sociopaths are not good people and have in their ranks horrible people like the above mentioned
Desh, since you want this discussed openly. When you say "so and so is a sociopath" in one post, then later say "the only use a sociopath has for children is pedophilia" you are trying to be cleverly "innocent" but are still suggesting that somebody is a pedophile. You have been warned, and that kind of "clever" witticism ends now. We do not tolerate that on this board.

that is NOT what I said damo
Now face the fact that that statement also implies most sociopaths DONT have ANY use for children.

so I don't think your hitting the mark
I did not say anyone here was pedophile.

I did day sociopaths are not good people and have in their ranks horrible people like the above mentioned

Be careful throwing that word around when speaking of posters here, Desh.

I'll make it very simple.

If you think you are cleverly avoiding such a suggestion by suggesting "sociopath=pedophilia" while in the same thread saying "<insert poster name her>=sociopath" even by saying "wow I just came to a realization that sociopaths only use children for one thing!" you are attempting to skirt a rule for which we have displayed in the past zero tolerance.

That you are now warned does not mean you can now argue it by bringing the posts back to the surface and trying to argue it away. This is the reason why it is against the rules to discuss how you were moderated on the board, it inevitably leads people to repost what got them warned to begin with.
Now face the fact that that statement also implies most sociopaths DONT have ANY use for children.

so I don't think your hitting the mark

Right. And you were suggesting that somebody here was using kids in a sweat shop. Just stop, find a different insult, and use it as much as you want.
damo do you think a person who has an attraction to children would have to be a sociopath to act on those feelings and harm a child JUST to get their rocks off?

It really was a realization I had right in the moment.

I used no names here

I merely said sociopathy is a dark prison and in that prison are pedophiles who act on their feelings.

I will be careful in the future like you ask

but PLEASE be fair and don't see monsters where there is only human responses
Right. And you were suggesting that somebody here was using kids in a sweat shop. Just stop, find a different insult, and use it as much as you want.

are sweat shops discussion a bannable offense too?

I called NO ONE a pedophile

I did not suggest someone was one.

you are stretching.

damo do you think a person who has an attraction to children would have to be a sociopath to act on those feelings and harm a child JUST to get their rocks off?
No. I think pedophilia is different than sociopathy, and this is clearly indicated by the fact that they are called two different things. If one was the same as the other there would be only one scientific term for the one thing.

It really was a realization I had right in the moment.

I used no names here
Right. You "suggest" rather than use names.

I merely said sociopathy is a dark prison and in that prison are pedophiles who act on their feelings.
That is not what you "merely" said. You defined a certain set of posters as one thing, then equated it to the other.

I will be careful in the future like you ask

Thank you. That's all I'm asking here.

but PLEASE be fair and don't see monsters where there is only human responses
In what way is warning you about this "unfair"?
a person can be a sociopath and a pedophile.

THAT is what I said along with saying that a child labor abuser can also be a sociopath.

I think of that 4 % of the population who are sociopaths there are many horrible people of all kinds in their ranks.

There are also sociopaths hoe are model citizens.

If a sociopath does not alao suffer from inappropiate feelings for children or something else just as horrible then they CAN be decent members of society.

Being a sociopath is not synonamous with being a criminal.

It really was just a realization and I called no one that curse of a word