combining like threads?

prove you did

Deshy, you are being silly. You know that I am not going to reveal that personal information.

But, let's not get caught up in that.

Philosophically are you opposed to personally helping people? Do you think that the government is the only source of compassion? If not why not?
Wow I just had a horrible realization.

child labor or pediphilia would be the only reasons a sociopath would be interested in children.

Oh my god your prison is cold and dark

Careful, Desh. Accusations of pedophilia are against the rules you agreed to follow.
I guess we will soon know

Careful, Desh. Accusations of pedophilia are against the rules you agreed to follow.

Yup. I hate to say I told ya so, but I told ya so.

Now you be a good little girl.

What is it about you libtards that you can't stay away from Rule #12? I mean seriously, I don't even mention the P word, but for someone reason it is like forbidden fruit to you left wingers. One freaking rule on JPP. That's it. And you can't even follow that one.
grind closing threads because we can use them to prove who you people are is pretty unfair huh

will you please shut the fuck up you miserable asshole? this forum would be unusable if everyone just spammed threads from 2007 by bumping them en masse. which is exactly what the dude did. there is no ulterior motive, and if you actually looked into it yourself you would see that.
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OK, lets review? Nine out of ten describe you perfectly.

Looks like Deshy Dearest is a SOCIOPATH. Thanks for posting.

BTW, do you like me announcing that you are thread banned? does it make it easier on you?

I disagree and say she only fits 8 out of 10 of the descriptions listed.
The proof is in Deshy Dearests own words. Everyone saw them.

Asking to prove that Deshy is a racist for spitting in the face of a black man is like proving she is a leftist. It is just self evident.

She admits to spitting on a black man on this thread. No proof required. She is trying to play Bill Clinton semantics arguing plural vs singular. That is what a sociopath does.

Instead of apologizing for her racism she demands that we accept her racism. That is what a sociopath does.

Don't let Deshy Dearest get away with it JPP. Rebuke her

What I've always wondered about, is why did she make it a point to say he was a BLACK drug dealer??
It's not like she couldn't have just said she spit in a drug dealers face.
But then, there's been no evidence that the poor man was dealing drugs and she tried to defend her actions, after being held accountable, by saying that he had spit on her first.
One would think that such information would be important enough to state the first time; ie: I once confronted this big guy, who I thought was selling drugs in my neighborhood, and he spat in my face; so I spit back in his face and he left.
will you please shut the fuck up you miserable asshole? this forum would be unusable if everyone just spammed threads from 2007 by bumping them en masse. which is exactly what the dude did. there is no ulterior motive, and if you actually looked into it yourself you would see that.

Duw, that American charm! :)
will you please shut the fuck up you miserable asshole? this forum would be unusable if everyone just spammed threads from 2007 by bumping them en masse. which is exactly what the dude did. there is no ulterior motive, and if you actually looked into it yourself you would see that.

but I proved this untrue
Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

Wow I just had a horrible realization.

child labor
or pediphilia would be the only reasons a sociopath would be interested in children.

Oh my god your prison is cold and dark

this is what I said
the prison of a sociopath is a dark horrible place

I still think someone would have to be sociopathic to ACT on any feelings like that
I suggested NO WHERE that anyone here was a pedophile.

I also suggested NO WHERE that anyone was a child labor proponent