combining like threads?

GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down'

October 25, 1986|From the Washington Post

NEWARK, N.J. — A Republican National Committee official calculated that a so-called ballot security program in Louisiana "could keep the black vote down considerably," according to documents released in federal court Friday.

The documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the GOP's ballot program that Democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The Republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document

She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
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Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

Wow I just had a horrible realization.

child labor
or pediphilia would be the only reasons a sociopath would be interested in children.

Oh my god your prison is cold and dark

this is what I said

That's the way to do it.
Make a post, get warned, and then re-post the posting that got you warned in the beginning.
a person can be a sociopath and a pedophile.

THAT is what I said along with saying that a child labor abuser can also be a sociopath.

I think of that 4 % of the population who are sociopaths there are many horrible people of all kinds in their ranks.

There are also sociopaths hoe are model citizens.

If a sociopath does not alao suffer from inappropiate feelings for children or something else just as horrible then they CAN be decent members of society.

Being a sociopath is not synonamous with being a criminal.

It really was just a realization and I called no one that curse of a word


Here is the thing. I tried to warn you. You didn't want to listen. You actually had the opportunity to delete your posts. We all say and post things sometimes that in retrospect probably weren't a good idea. I myself have deleted a few posts that in hindsight weren't a good idea.

This is about the best place to post openly and freely. While they allow the use of the C word and the N word, I have chosen not to use them (ironically some here still think I do), there is one term that they have ZERO tolerance for and not for any other reason than they worry about the legal safety of their business.

I for one don't even utter the word for fear that it will be misconstrued and it is a pretty low thing to call someone as it involves innocent children.

All you had to do when warned by Damo is say "OK", but you keep arguing the point. It doesn't matter if you agree it matters what they think. Just stop it. I know this will only send you down your normal path of left wing victimization but it is a really simple rule to follow.

Well, on second thought, it apparently isn't a very easy rule to follow for left wingers. I could be wrong, but I don't know of a right winger that has been banned for the use of the P word. Regardless, lots of you lefties keep going down that path. Maybe it is your forbidden fruit. Believe it or not I really would hate to see you get banned from here. You do crack me up with your brand of crazy. that is why I tried to warn you.

And yes I did report you because while I have very thick skin and can tolerate being called anything, that is one area where I draw the line.

Happy Thanksgiving
That's the way to do it.
Make a post, get warned, and then re-post the posting that got you warned in the beginning.

Of course thats not nearly as stupid as the asswipe troll who posted specific information about a public appearance a certain poster was making.

This douchenozzle was subsequently told to knock it off, but being the self absorbed little turd he is, he piously continued to pretend there was some reason for his posting of the information other than his personal animosity towards the poster.
Of course thats not nearly as stupid as the asswipe troll who posted specific information about a public appearance a certain poster was making.

This douchenozzle was subsequently told to knock it off, but being the self absorbed little turd he is, he piously continued to pretend there was some reason for his posting of the information other than his personal animosity towards the poster.

Well if the dumb dildo hadn't broadcast the info in the first place then there wouldn't be a problem. Poet has this unfortunate habit of shooting his mouth off and then forgetting what he said.
Well if the dumb dildo hadn't broadcast the info in the first place then there wouldn't be a problem. Poet has this unfortunate habit of shooting his mouth off and then forgetting what he said.

Well of course, since poet was once upon a time naive enough to think some posters here weren't petty little douchebags who would take the news of the proud accomplishment he posted to attempt to make his personal life a hell, that makes the continued use of said info perfectly acceptable.

Are you a dumb dildo for telling everyone where you once went on vacation? Were you shooting off your mouth?

You didn't like it when people used info you freely broadcast to make allegations about you, yet it's perfectly acceptable to you that others do it to poet.
but being the self absorbed little turd he is, he piously continued to pretend there was some reason for his posting of the information other than ______.

I wonder if a similar situation has ever occurred.
Well of course, since poet was once upon a time naive enough to think some posters here weren't petty little douchebags who would take the news of the proud accomplishment he posted to attempt to make his personal life a hell, that makes the continued use of said info perfectly acceptable.

Are you a dumb dildo for telling everyone where you once went on vacation? Were you shooting off your mouth?

You didn't like it when people used info you freely broadcast to make allegations about you, yet it's perfectly acceptable to you that others do it to poet.

So this is your belated attempt to go into damage control mode? Darla is a piece of shit, if you don't like that then tough titties. You have already demonstrated how partisan and hypocritical you are, so please give it a rest. I thought you Texans were supposed to be well hard and stuff, not blubbering crybabies like you and Poet.

I see also that I need to repeat that I didn't go to Thailand once on a vacation, I worked there, got married there and have two half Thai sons. In fact, I attended my eldest son's graduation yesterday at his university where he was given a First Class Honours in Computer Science.
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