Complaint Thread. Dedicated to doniston

He tried. He became just teeming with advice for damo.

Everyone should kiss damo's ass, precisely because he doesn't allow that stuff to effect his fairness.

Wow, thanks for putting Ornot in your signature with me. I was getting lonely there and I couldn't ask for better company.
Wow, thanks for putting Ornot in your signature with me. I was getting lonely there and I couldn't ask for better company.

Yeah, your comments are a nice juxtaposition: YOur comments represent the mental brainwash which gives cover to the internationalist fascist elitism expressed in ornot's comments. It's a nice pairing, for sure!:clink:
regarding me and Damo

Now that many of you have had a field day complaining about my comments regarding The very imperfect Damo, and protecting DAMO for lil' ol' me, do you suppose it is possible to get back to other issues besides personalities?
And DAMO, I notice you didn't move YOUR offensive posts to the new area.
Had I answered any of your complaint posts after my explanation to move your posts here, I would have moved them. Instead I answer them after I move them.
You have an assumption that I move your posts because they are "offensive" to me, this is a mistaken assumption. I move them because you begin to work to overcome the threads with your explanation of my unworthiness.
Now that many of you have had a field day complaining about my comments regarding The very imperfect Damo, and protecting DAMO for lil' ol' me, do you suppose it is possible to get back to other issues besides personalities?

Don't flatter yourself doniston, it was either complaining about you or an infinite drop into the abyss.

Get over personalities? We'll get over yours when your adjust yourself. Your endless complaints and your "old man" values are alienating everyone around you. You're grandpa simpson.
It has become apparent that too many complaints get in the way of discourse.

Here you can complain about the board and how it is run. If you have a personal complaint about the staff other than myself rule 15 applies, take it up in PM.



Can you also start a thread where he can complain about the wording and semantics of thread titles -- there seems to be a lot of those.


Back on topic fools. This is supposed to be a thread for complaints isn't it?

Now, Damo, can you do anything about this bleddy weather, it's a Bank Holiday and it's as cloudy as the piss in the genito-urinary clinic's toilets.
Back on topic fools. This is supposed to be a thread for complaints isn't it?

Now, Damo, can you do anything about this bleddy weather, it's a Bank Holiday and it's as cloudy as the piss in the genito-urinary clinic's toilets.
I'll get with God and see what can be done. Likely he'll tell me that it is all our own fault and that we shouldn't have used up all the dead dinosaurs on roads and fuel...
I'll get with God and see what can be done. Likely he'll tell me that it is all our own fault and that we shouldn't have used up all the dead dinosaurs on roads and fuel...

If Noah had done as he was told and accumulated several pairs of each dinosaur species on his big boat we could have been living like the Flintstones and utilising the giant lizards for quarrying and such.

Instead we were forced to use up precious resources on building digging things. Still, what do you expect from a cove who called his son Ham? The prize knacker.
If Noah had done as he was told and accumulated several pairs of each dinosaur species on his big boat we could have been living like the Flintstones and utilising the giant lizards for quarrying and such.

Instead we were forced to use up precious resources on building digging things. Still, what do you expect from a cove who called his son Ham? The prize knacker.
My question has always been why name your son after a food you can't even eat?