Concern Trolling on


New member
Since many of you guys dont know what it is: I'll give you clear examples...

Beefy as the concern admin troll. Chapdog as the concern Obama cheerleader troll.

Here is the definition by Markos.

Ignoring "concern trolls"
by kos

Wed Jan 09, 2008 at 12:58:26 PM PST
In my first regular column for The Hill, I introduce DC to the concept of "concern trolling", which is quite the fad in GOP circles.

The idea of Republicans offering strategic advice to Democrats is, quite frankly, absurd. If high-profile Democratic efforts to bolster SCHIP were truly such a strategic miscalculation, Republicans surely would’ve kept silent and let Democrats damage themselves.

In the blog world we call this "concern trolling" — offering a poisoned apple in the form of advice to political opponents that, if taken, would harm the recipient. Republicans, and their allies in the media, are past masters.

As Democrats fought the Iraq supplementals in 2007, "one GOP aide characterized the Democrats’ decision as a ‘gift’ that would backfire politically on the Democrats." David Broder, whose concern trolling on behalf of the D.C. conservative establishment is unrivaled in its longevity and schoolmarmish tone, fretted that, "The danger may be greatest for the Democrats, even though President Bush’s failings have put them in a favored position to win the next election."

Magnified by the Beltway echo chamber, this concern trolling led to many Democratic capitulations on Iraq despite continued massive opposition to the war. The result has been a Congress less popular than even Bush [...]

Clearly, Democrats understand that they’re not in the business of giving their opponents advice. What they need to remember is that they shouldn’t be in the business of taking it, either.

It really is amazing that in this day and age, Democrats are still unable to identify and dismiss concern trolling from its enemies. It's a skill they need to learn if they are to become a more effective (and fearless) governing party.
LOL I have known several of these, but I can't think of one here:

Archivist saves and squirrels away each and every discussion forum message. Do you remember having a bad day back in 1996 when in one of your messages you may have said a few things that were...well, perhaps a little...hasty? Don't worry, Archivist still has it and will post it to the forum if you begin to get the upper hand in battle. Archivist can be a very effective and fearsome Warrior.
I found Battleborne:

Loopy's messages are incomprehensible to all but himself. Loopy is easily aroused and exuberant in battle and fearlessly flings himself at any Warrior - even Kung-Fu Master. Loopy's main weapons consist of a disarming array of nonsequiturs, tautologies, and bizarre metaphors, which can often gain him an adv
Oh, I hate these bitches:

Bliss Ninny doesn't understand why people just can't get along. While it is entirely unintentional, Bliss Ninny's utterly vacuous comments can drive the more pugnacious Warriors into a frenzy of aggression. Often in the heat of battle Bliss Ninny will discuss her cat.
This is so me:

Ethnix is an extremely powerful Warrior who effectively wields his ethnic origins to undermine his opponents in battle.The accusation of racism immediately puts even the most powerful Warriors on the defensive, and Ethnix can use this weapon to deftly shift from defense to offense, keeping other Warriors off balance. Envious of Ethnix's power, Impostor will impersonate him when the opportunity arises. All Warriors are wary of Ethnix, but Weenie is particularly vulnerable to his power.
I found Battleborne:

Loopy's messages are incomprehensible to all but himself. Loopy is easily aroused and exuberant in battle and fearlessly flings himself at any Warrior - even Kung-Fu Master. Loopy's main weapons consist of a disarming array of nonsequiturs, tautologies, and bizarre metaphors, which can often gain him an adv

LMAO! I totally cannot believe they had one for him! Oh God there is more than one BB out there.
This is so me:

Ethnix is an extremely powerful Warrior who effectively wields his ethnic origins to undermine his opponents in battle.The accusation of racism immediately puts even the most powerful Warriors on the defensive, and Ethnix can use this weapon to deftly shift from defense to offense, keeping other Warriors off balance. Envious of Ethnix's power, Impostor will impersonate him when the opportunity arises. All Warriors are wary of Ethnix, but Weenie is particularly vulnerable to his power.

LOL. Wow, this is really funny, I am trying to find one for Superfreak. An overly emotional spaz, did you see anything?
We have a lot of these:

The most common variants of Ideologue are conservative and liberal. Smug and self satisfied in their certitudes, Ideologue's opinions are merely a loose collection of intellectual conceits, and e is genuinely astonished, bewildered and and indignant that his views are not universally embraced as the Truth.
Hmmm...this could be SF, but I'll keep looking:

Ferrous Cranus is utterly impervious to reason, persuasion and new ideas, and when engaged in battle he will not yield an inch in his position regardless of its hopelessness. Though his thrusts are decisively repulsed, his arguments crushed in every detail and his defenses demolished beyond repair he will remount the same attack again and again with only the slightest variation in tactics. Sometimes out of pure frustration Philosopher will try to explain to him the failed logistics of his situation, or Therapist will attempt to penetrate the psychological origins of his obduracy, but, ever unfathomable, Ferrous Cranus cannot be moved.
Damo! This one's you!

Android doesn't anger, nor does he engage in actual combat, rather he will merely point out the logical inconsistencies of other Warriors. Irony and sarcasm are completely lost on Android, and being impossible to insult or injure in any way, he is invulnerable to conventional attack. If, for example, someone were to call him a pinhead, he would get out a tape measure and after finding that his cranium falls within normal size specifications Android would dismiss the comment as erroneous. Android's circuits are not equipped to process ambiguous or aesthetic input, consequently any extensive discussion involving personal feelings, intuition, art and metaphorical allusions will quickly drive Android from the field of battle.
This one reminds me of Thorn:

Big Cat would rather not fight...he enjoys peacefully observing forum conversations and laconically participates when the moods strikes.
this is so assmunch:

Troglodyte seems to have emerged from the mists of time untouched by human evolution. Devoid of a single progressive idea and lacking the slightest awareness of social and cultural advances, Troglodyte has developed an incoherent political philosophy that he characterizes as "conservative" or "libertarian", but which could be more accurately described as "bigoted narcissism".
Damo! This one's you!

Android doesn't anger, nor does he engage in actual combat, rather he will merely point out the logical inconsistencies of other Warriors. Irony and sarcasm are completely lost on Android, and being impossible to insult or injure in any way, he is invulnerable to conventional attack. If, for example, someone were to call him a pinhead, he would get out a tape measure and after finding that his cranium falls within normal size specifications Android would dismiss the comment as erroneous. Android's circuits are not equipped to process ambiguous or aesthetic input, consequently any extensive discussion involving personal feelings, intuition, art and metaphorical allusions will quickly drive Android from the field of battle.
LOL. I am actually a rather good sketch artist and have been known to write a steaming pile of poetry on occasion. But my energetic engineer's mind has been known to be too literal.