Concern Trolling on

This one is hysterical:

Palooka will battle anyone, anytime, anywhere - he seems to love it, even though he always takes a beating. After a terrific pounding at the hands of, for example, Kung-Fu Master, he'll just struggle to his feet and wobble back into the ring. His astonishing ability to absorb punishment leads one to suspect that during his long Warrior career Palooka has taken a few too many punches. Often, as an act of mercy, Nanny will step in to stop the fight.
This one is hysterical:

Palooka will battle anyone, anytime, anywhere - he seems to love it, even though he always takes a beating. After a terrific pounding at the hands of, for example, Kung-Fu Master, he'll just struggle to his feet and wobble back into the ring. His astonishing ability to absorb punishment leads one to suspect that during his long Warrior career Palooka has taken a few too many punches. Often, as an act of mercy, Nanny will step in to stop the fight.

We have a quite a few of these too!

Capitalista is not always a wealthy fat cat; being a Capitalista is a state of mind rather than a reflection of affluence. A strident and extraordinarily self–satisfied Warrior, Capitalista takes every opportunity to extol the superiority of the free enterprise system and has a powerful aversion to the welfare states of Europe. Capitalista fiercely defends the market economy, bludgeoning “fuzzy-minded socialists” with Adam Smith, Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek. Though rather limited in his range of interests, Capitalista’s command of carefully selected historical facts, abstruse statistical comparisons and arcane economic theory make him a formidable foe.
This one is hysterical:

Palooka will battle anyone, anytime, anywhere - he seems to love it, even though he always takes a beating. After a terrific pounding at the hands of, for example, Kung-Fu Master, he'll just struggle to his feet and wobble back into the ring. His astonishing ability to absorb punishment leads one to suspect that during his long Warrior career Palooka has taken a few too many punches. Often, as an act of mercy, Nanny will step in to stop the fight.


Issues has an issue and she won't rest until it becomes your issue, too. Even when she's not talking about her issue it's clear she would rather be talking about her issue. Something of a secular evangelist, her religion, her raison d'etre, her abiding passion is....well, her issue. Not exclusive to any ideological orientation, her issue could be the environment, abortion rights, raw foods, breast feeding, whatever. Her obsession, however, provides the key to defeating her in battle; she can't tolerate indifference, so if her thrusts are simply ignored she will rage, accuse, condemn, plead and finally, go away.
Darla and Lady T really need to get out more often they spend their days and nights looking up spoof attributes of personnas and try to attribute them to members on annymous message sad!:rolleyes:
Darla and Lady T really need to get out more often they spend their days and nights looking up spoof attributes of personnas and try to attribute them to members on annymous message sad!:rolleyes:
THEY didn't spend their day LOOKIING up anything. Damo pointed the site out and THEY found you in less than an hour.
You and Darla.............

I found Battleborne:

Loopy's messages are incomprehensible to all but himself. Loopy is easily aroused and exuberant in battle and fearlessly flings himself at any Warrior - even Kung-Fu Master. Loopy's main weapons consist of a disarming array of nonsequiturs, tautologies, and bizarre metaphors, which can often gain him an adv

Must have the hots for me..ya sure spend alot of your time in this board mentioning my name...a Freudian slip no doubt!;)
THEY didn't spend their day LOOKIING up anything. Damo pointed the site out and THEY found you in less than an hour.


ALLCAPS attempts to compensate for his limited rhetorical weaponry through the extravagant use of capitalized words - something netizens refer to as SHOUTING. Sure, a sprinkling of capitalized words can add some zip to a thrust, but they should be used sparingly. Even worse from a tactical point of view, too much shouting alerts other Warriors to the opponent's verbal WEAKNESS and emotional EXCITABILITY.
Oh my serious Dan found another jib jab.........

THEY didn't spend their day LOOKIING up anything. Damo pointed the site out and THEY found you in less than an hour.

and no one is looking for you...wonder why...cause ya are a boring Divorce Attorney...thats why...:rolleyes:

ALLCAPS attempts to compensate for his limited rhetorical weaponry through the extravagant use of capitalized words - something netizens refer to as SHOUTING. Sure, a sprinkling of capitalized words can add some zip to a thrust, but they should be used sparingly. Even worse from a tactical point of view, too much shouting alerts other Warriors to the opponent's verbal WEAKNESS and emotional EXCITABILITY.
THAT is NOT ME. I do NOT do that and I RESENT you insinuating that I do. GOOD DAY to you sir!
I couldn't find SF, but this may suffice:

Moderate poseur-man:

Seeks to portray him/herself as an independent-thinking, and moderate in their politics. Constantly proclaims "I might even vote for a Democrat!". In reality, defends all manner of unneccesary warmongering by a failed republican president; advocates unrealistic and draconian Ayn Rand economic fantasies; considers FDR to be the devil incarnate; would dismantle the New Deal; and prefers that children, old people, and fat people be forced to exercise rather than receive public health care.
How pathetic. What about all the people on here who have two name's and troll with those? I guess that's perfectly fine but people you don't like what they have to say are "trolls."
How pathetic. What about all the people on here who have two name's and troll with those? I guess that's perfectly fine but people you don't like what they have to say are "trolls."
Look people are just having a little fun. If you can't read something about yourself and NOT take it so seriously then you need to learn to LIGHTEN UP.
Acne... Reminds me of somebody whose initials are Watermark...


Acne constantly whines about how, like... his life and everything really sucks and stuff.

I never talk about how my life sucks. Sometimes I poke fun at my virginity in the off topic thread. So kill me.

Usually a middle class

Upper class, for Mississippi.


Not a teenager

with an allowance,

No allowance

unlimited access to a computer


and WAY too much time on his hands.

Not worded strongly enough

Acne's vague existential arguments about the meaningless of life and emptiness of existence

Don't talk about that stuff.

are culled from the lyrics of the 20 gigs of MP3s he has squirreled away on his hard drive.

Yep, Bob Dylan drives teenagers wild.


And I've got no acne.
How pathetic. What about all the people on here who have two name's and troll with those? I guess that's perfectly fine but people you don't like what they have to say are "trolls."

Anything goes babe. Live and let live. This is a truly free forum with very little rules. Please try to enjoy it rather than pick it apart. Its here for entertainment. Nobody here is changing the universe, well, except for Watermark.
Yawn. Maybe you'd feel different if people called you "troll" since you first opened your damn mouth around here. So maybe you all can try to treat people differently if you want to "have fun" with people and have them have fun back. You get back what you put out. Perhaps you've heard of karma.

Look people are just having a little fun. If you can't read something about yourself and NOT take it so seriously then you need to learn to LIGHTEN UP.