Concern Trolling on

Well might be better than Russia. Might be too cold there. I'm not terribly fond of too cold weather. However it's been warm here lately so I wouldn't mind going skiing well first I have to learn....

Let's take a trip to Cuba. I'll go with you. You can get acquainted with the Communists, and I'll sire offspring with the women.
Well might be better than Russia. Might be too cold there. I'm not terribly fond of too cold weather. However it's been warm here lately so I wouldn't mind going skiing well first I have to learn....

Cuba's always warm. You don't need shoes, pants or long sleeves. The climate is similar to Hawaii, but the women are a wee bit more swift.

Loopy's messages are incomprehensible to all but himself. Loopy is easily aroused and exuberant in battle and fearlessly flings himself at any Warrior - even Kung-Fu Master. Loopy's main weapons consist of a disarming array of nonsequiturs, tautologies, and bizarre metaphors, which can often gain him an advantage in the initial stages of an attack. Combatants very quickly realize, however, that Loopy is a certifiable nut case and generally avoid further engagement. Jerk and Evil Clown revel in egging Loopy on for their own amusement. CAUTION: Loopy cannot be defeated with conventional weapons - any response to his attacks will provoke a fusillade of incoherent messages, so Loopy is best left undisturbed.
Cuba's always warm. You don't need shoes, pants or long sleeves. The climate is similar to Hawaii, but the women are a wee bit more swift.

Here's a good example. She doesnt' need pants? Why don't you keep it in your pants, whiny willie? This isn't your personal girls gone wild video, this is a political message board.

I'm flagging this post.
Well that sounds nice! Recently the YCL went down to Cuba. If you want you can go to their website and listen to one person's review. It was quiet interesting.

Cuba's always warm. You don't need shoes, pants or long sleeves. The climate is similar to Hawaii, but the women are a wee bit more swift.
Here's a good example. She doesnt' need pants? Why don't you keep it in your pants, whiny willie? This isn't your personal girls gone wild video, this is a political message board.

I'm flagging this post.

Why must you reference the "WilliamTheGreat" thing? I don't want all my warts showing at once.

I'm a big, fat Hawaiian beast who plays ukulele and roasts pigs on the beach.
I know. The people who did that however are cool now with me and have conversations and whatnot and don't like immature jerks. After I found out about all that I understud so yea. Oh and I'm not a liberal and have been reading a lot lately on Communism and talking with other communists and now more so am a communist instead of a socialist. I just don't like calling other people trolls and if I think I have a problem with someone I take it up with the admins/mods instead of broadcasting it everywhere.

An admitted Communist in the U.S.? You don't find (or at least I haven't) too many of those today.
Battlebourne and Topspin:

Is it just you or does this guy seem to babble on and on without making any sense whatsoever? Does he lurch from one non sequitur to another? Are you baffled by his obscure metaphors? Are there so many typos you think that maybe he was typing while wearing a catcher's mit? Can he really MEAN what he just said? What in the hell is hey talking about, anyway? Is this guy smoking something? Well, fact he is, and lightly tethered in orbit high above the Earth Bong remains far beyond the grasp of the even the most powerful of Warriors.
Big Dog is a bully who doesn't hesitate to use his superior strength to intimidate other combatants. Big Dog may be smart, articulate or just plain mean, but in any case he is a remorseless fighter, brutally ripping into even the weakest of combatants. Once Big Dog securely fastens his powerful jaws on a hapless victim, Me-Too will join the attack. Me-Too is far too weak and insecure to engage in single combat, and must ally himself with Big Dog or a pack of other Warriors to bring down his quarry.

cawacko, right before becoming enraged at cypress at 2:30 in the morning.


Weenie is a very sensitive guy, and it angers and saddens him that everyone isn't just as sensitive as he. An admitted male feminist, Weenie is ever vigilant against anti-progressive attitudes. Though he seldom comes into personal contact with the working classes, he keenly feels the pain of their oppression nonetheless . Weenie's chief antagonists are Troglodyte, Evil Clown, Capitalista and sometimes Ideologue. Because of his natural petulance Weenie can easily be goaded into battle, but he is encumbered by a tendency to throw temper tantrums when severely pressed.
