Concern Trolling on

As I just said maybe you'd feel differently if you were treated like I have been since I've first been here with the shit. So don't bitch at me. Once again: karma.

Anything goes babe. Live and let live. This is a truly free forum with very little rules. Please try to enjoy it rather than pick it apart. Its here for entertainment. Nobody here is changing the universe, well, except for Watermark.

Issues has an issue and she won't rest until it becomes your issue, too. Even when she's not talking about her issue it's clear she would rather be talking about her issue. Something of a secular evangelist, her religion, her raison d'etre, her abiding passion is....well, her issue. Not exclusive to any ideological orientation, her issue could be the environment, abortion rights, raw foods, breast feeding, whatever. Her obsession, however, provides the key to defeating her in battle; she can't tolerate indifference, so if her thrusts are simply ignored she will rage, accuse, condemn, plead and finally, go away.

Proportional representation!

Oh, to go back to the good days...
As I just said maybe you'd feel differently if you were treated like I have been since I've first been here with the shit. So don't bitch at me. Once again: karma.

I'm not bitching at you at all. I'm just informing you of the culture of the board. Its a very free board.
Yawn. Maybe you'd feel different if people called you "troll" since you first opened your damn mouth around here. So maybe you all can try to treat people differently if you want to "have fun" with people and have them have fun back. You get back what you put out. Perhaps you've heard of karma.

We often mistake new people for trolls. The capitalistas may have seen that you were a socialist and yelled that you were troll for no other reason than a hope that you'd leave so they wouldn't have another liberal to fight.
We often mistake new people for trolls. The capitalistas may have seen that you were a socialist and yelled that you were troll for no other reason than a hope that you'd leave so they wouldn't have another liberal to fight.

Those fucking capitalistas! Bloody bastards, i hate them.
Anything goes babe. Live and let live. This is a truly free forum with very little rules. Please try to enjoy it rather than pick it apart. Its here for entertainment. Nobody here is changing the universe, well, except for Watermark.

You forgot Warren. Whenever we're senators...
I know that. So don't whine to me with your shit when I bitch at you.

Beefy is a whiner Belle. His name used to be Williamthe great, and we used to call him weenie willie the whiner, so out of humiliation, he had to change his name to beefy and pretend to be fat.

He's not really fat, he's a weenie, in disguise!
Beefy is a whiner Belle. His name used to be Williamthe great, and we used to call him weenie willie the whiner, so out of humiliation, he had to change his name to beefy and pretend to be fat.

He's not really fat, he's a weenie, in disguise!


I actually think I'm more of an Evil Clown.
I know. The people who did that however are cool now with me and have conversations and whatnot and don't like immature jerks. After I found out about all that I understud so yea. Oh and I'm not a liberal and have been reading a lot lately on Communism and talking with other communists and now more so am a communist instead of a socialist. I just don't like calling other people trolls and if I think I have a problem with someone I take it up with the admins/mods instead of broadcasting it everywhere.

We often mistake new people for trolls. The capitalistas may have seen that you were a socialist and yelled that you were troll for no other reason than a hope that you'd leave so they wouldn't have another liberal to fight.
I know. The people who did that however are cool now with me and have conversations and whatnot and don't like immature jerks. After I found out about all that I understud so yea. Oh and I'm not a liberal and have been reading a lot lately on Communism and talking with other communists and now more so am a communist instead of a socialist. I just don't like calling other people trolls and if I think I have a problem with someone I take it up with the admins/mods instead of broadcasting it everywhere.

Let's take a trip to Cuba. I'll go with you. You can get acquainted with the Communists, and I'll sire offspring with the women.

Grunter always reponds to discussion forum messages with a single word or a short phrase, and he NEVER edits quoted material. Profundus Maximus, Philosopher, Tireless Rebutter, and other verbose Warriors find Grunter a particularly exasperating opponent because he will answer their lengthy pontifications with a simple "Yeah!". "Get a life.", "Whatever", "I agree." "Wrong.", etc. While Grunter is not a strong Warrior, he is very elusive and difficult to engage in direct battle, and only by his extended silence is there any indication that he has been vanquished.

Beefy is a whiner Belle. His name used to be Williamthe great, and we used to call him weenie willie the whiner, so out of humiliation, he had to change his name to beefy and pretend to be fat.

He's not really fat, he's a weenie, in disguise!
I know. The people who did that however are cool now with me and have conversations and whatnot and don't like immature jerks. After I found out about all that I understud so yea. Oh and I'm not a liberal and have been reading a lot lately on Communism and talking with other communists and now more so am a communist instead of a socialist. I just don't like calling other people trolls and if I think I have a problem with someone I take it up with the admins/mods instead of broadcasting it everywhere.

Like, a Eurocommunist?

Or a Soviet Communist?

Grunter always reponds to discussion forum messages with a single word or a short phrase, and he NEVER edits quoted material. Profundus Maximus, Philosopher, Tireless Rebutter, and other verbose Warriors find Grunter a particularly exasperating opponent because he will answer their lengthy pontifications with a simple "Yeah!". "Get a life.", "Whatever", "I agree." "Wrong.", etc. While Grunter is not a strong Warrior, he is very elusive and difficult to engage in direct battle, and only by his extended silence is there any indication that he has been vanquished.

To a Tee.
I know. The people who did that however are cool now with me and have conversations and whatnot and don't like immature jerks. After I found out about all that I understud so yea. Oh and I'm not a liberal and have been reading a lot lately on Communism and talking with other communists and now more so am a communist instead of a socialist. I just don't like calling other people trolls and if I think I have a problem with someone I take it up with the admins/mods instead of broadcasting it everywhere.

That's the best way to handle it, seriously Belle. I haven't found Damo to be very responsive, but...that doesn't stop me from taking things up with him. There is only so much crap I am going to take on here, you know? If you click the flag on the top of the the posts that are upsetting you, that flags them for Damo to have to look at. That's what I do, and sometimes I also PM him at the same time, just to make sure he gets it. We're glad to have you here, anyway.