Concern Trolling on


Acne constantly whines about how, like... his life and everything really sucks and stuff.

I never talk about how my life sucks. Sometimes I poke fun at my virginity in the off topic thread. So kill me.

Usually a middle class

Upper class, for Mississippi.


Not a teenager

with an allowance,

No allowance

unlimited access to a computer


and WAY too much time on his hands.

Not worded strongly enough

Acne's vague existential arguments about the meaningless of life and emptiness of existence

Don't talk about that stuff.

are culled from the lyrics of the 20 gigs of MP3s he has squirreled away on his hard drive.

Yep, Bob Dylan drives teenagers wild.


And I've got no acne.
I knew this would get to you Emo-Boy! LOL.
That's the best way to handle it, seriously Belle. I haven't found Damo to be very responsive, but...that doesn't stop me from taking things up with him. There is only so much crap I am going to take on here, you know? If you click the flag on the top of the the posts that are upsetting you, that flags them for Damo to have to look at. That's what I do, and sometimes I also PM him at the same time, just to make sure he gets it. We're glad to have you here, anyway.
Believe me, she knows about all that already. And I respond to all of your PMs. Don't misrepresent me too much.... please...

You know, Damo, only a 30 year old guy who had become completely ignorant of youth culture would identify me with the emos.
Or one who enjoys watching you get upset over the name. It's gonna stick too... You just wait and see!

And to think, this all started as a joke at work...

"Dark, it's so dark... The world is sad because I am here..."
Or one who enjoys watching you get upset over the name. It's gonna stick too... You just wait and see!

And to think, this all started as a joke at work...

"Dark, it's so dark... The world is sad because I am here..."
I promise not to cry at his funeral!
Darla, Tiana, and Cypress:

Cyber Sisters are an extremely fierce confederation of fighting females who act something like a shrill Greek chorus, echoing and amplifying one another's voice until their foes retreat in disarray. They are generally leaderless, but anyone who challenges one Cyber Sister can expect to be savagely attacked by the others. Only the most powerful and battle-hardened of Warriors is strong enough to weather a Cyber Sisters attack.
