Confucianism takes on Buddhism & Daoism


your stuck in a glittering generality of virtuousness.

buddhism is literally about avoiding suffering through literally lowering expectations.

confucian elites are stuck in undefined terms, just like modern day elites.

he doesn't know what Buddhism is about. He spent a while trying to tell me what I believe rather than listening to what I understand. He believes that all forms of Buddhism are Tibetan, and even gets his assumptions about Tibetan Buddhism wrong.
which causes suffering.

filial piety.

sounds like patriarchy to me.

In other words, when you used the simplistic English translation of 'suffering', and when you claimed Confucianism had no specific defined ethical system, you just didn't know what you were talking about.
he doesn't know what Buddhism is about. He spent a while trying to tell me what I believe rather than listening to what I understand. He believes that all forms of Buddhism are Tibetan, and even gets his assumptions about Tibetan Buddhism wrong.

totalitarians hate real buddhism. it's too "no fucks given".

Buddhism will presume to tell the boss man his product is unnecessary, his customers are stupid and gluttonous, and his ambitious goals in life are superficial, illusory and generate suffering for everyone.

boss man doesn't like that talk.

Its a real fuck you to the machine.
he doesn't know what Buddhism is about. He spent a while trying to tell me what I believe rather than listening to what I understand. He believes that all forms of Buddhism are Tibetan, and even gets his assumptions about Tibetan Buddhism wrong.

Now you are just lying your ass off. I have never written that Buddhism is limited to the Tibetan variety, and here is proof.

Mahayana Buddhism vs Pure Land Buddhism

Mahayana Buddhism places emphasis on ritual and correct practice on the path to enlightenment.

Japanese True Pure Land Buddhism maintains that reciting the Nembutsu just once with true faith is enough to ensure salvation.

This seemingly parallels the development of Christianity in Europe, concerning the debate between Martin Luther and the Catholic church; aka, faith-versus-works.

Curious, since these religious developments were relatively contemporaneous and occurred on opposite sides of the planet.
totalitarians hate real buddhism. it's too "no fucks given".

Buddhism will presume to tell the boss man his product is unnecessary, his customers are stupid and gluttonous, and his ambitious goals in life are superficial, illusory and generate suffering for everyone.

boss man doesn't like that talk.

Its a real fuck you to the machine.

I have never actually heard a religious scholar describe Buddhism like that, and I have read or listened to a range of scholars on the topic of Buddhism.
So you think Jesus was a real dude?
Most likely he was a real historical figure.

Here is my ranking of confidence in the historicity of important religious leaders, listed from highest certainty to lowest certainty:

Sidartha Guatama
Han Yu (768–824), born shortly after the An Lushan Rebellion, was a government official and extraordinary writer who tried to re-create the simple and direct literary style of ancient Chinese. In 805, he wrote “Essentials of the Moral Way” (or “An Inquiry on the Dao”), an essay that suggested Chinese civilization should be defined by Confucianism.

Han Yu criticized both Daoism and Buddhism: The world is real; there are absolute standards of right and wrong; and people have responsibilities to Family, nation, and society.

The real dao is the way of the ancient sage-kings.
Buddhism was a superstitious religion that brought chaos to Chinese culture. Han Yu was exiled for his beliefs.

Source credit- Grant Hardy Professor of philosophy and religious studies

Why does Hardy have a hard on for Buddhism? Is it not Buddha or the philosophy of Buddhism, but how it evolved as a religion? Like how Evangelism is destroying Christianity?
I have never actually heard a religious scholar describe Buddhism like that, and I have read or listened to a range of scholars on the topic of Buddhism.

this is not a full discourse on buddhism, this is why ambitious totalitarians hate buddhism.

confucianism is a guidebook for government functionaries. there's nothing particulary awful about it. it just has an edge of elitism on it.
In other words, when you used the simplistic English translation of 'suffering', and when you claimed Confucianism had no specific defined ethical system, you just didn't know what you were talking about.

what is the ethical system of confucianism, just generally.

sum it up for us all in a general yet concise way.

what wrong with knowing what suffering means exactly?
Im not a religious scholar.

Im a regular person with no bullshit in my parlance.

You sound like MAGA. MAGA's claim to fame is to mock and dismiss higher education, experts, and expertise.

If you haven't read the original source material, or have not acquired any knowledge from reputable religious scholars, I would say the nature of knowledge of Eastern religions is dubious, and the depth of your knowledge is less than ankle deep.
You sound like MAGA. MAGA's claim to fame is to mock and dismiss higher education, experts, and expertise.

If you haven't read the original source material, or have not acquired any knowledge from reputable religious scholars, I would say the nature of knowledge of Eastern religions is dubious, and the depth of your knowledge is less than ankle deep.

Yes. you're an elitist, that's why you like confucianism over buddhism and daoism.

anti- materialism and real spirituality are threats to worldly control systems, which is why the ccp is pushing confucianism over buddhism/daoism. and why you are too.
cypress, do you agree with the persecution of falun gong in china?

why were they persecuted?

I have my theory. what's yours?
he doesn't know what Buddhism is about. He spent a while trying to tell me what I believe rather than listening to what I understand. He believes that all forms of Buddhism are Tibetan, and even gets his assumptions about Tibetan Buddhism wrong.

IMO, both Tibetan and Theravada Buddhism have skewed away from the original ideas of Buddha just as Evangelistas and the KKK have skewed away from Christianity.

Zen comes closest to what Buddha was teaching.
the Golden Rule is not Jesus' idea. It was essentially a jewish thought though it's like appears in lots of cultures.

Have not read Han Yu's work you mention but I suspect I could go with an absolute standard of right and wrong. Possibly even the family part but the government slant ? Nah. Nothing natural or ethical about government.

Please cite some examples of Universal absolutes of right and wrong. By absolute, do you mean only with humans or for all species in the Universe?